Costochondritis pain and discomfort

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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.

The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.

Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.

Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!

Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful sad

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    i have been suffering from the same for 2 years . i had about a 6 month gap but now its back. so cant work  and now because my sick pay has stopped so now on ssp and so am screwed. i feel your pain. i have found BLUE EASE CREAM from holland and barrett gives some temp help

    ​i hope you find something to help you, i feel your pain

    good luck


  • Posted

    Shelle7belle:   My doctor did practically every test in the world and found that I was healthy as a horse, except for my Costocondritis.   There really is no way to diagnosis it using x-rays, MRI, blood tests, etc.    At least this is what I observed.    I also feel pain when I push on the affected areas and it is mostly on my lower right rib area.   But it is all over as well, but most painful there.    Usually it is nothing serious, but for us who have it, it is very painful at times.
  • Posted

    Hi yes I've had this medical condition since 2009 when I lost my little boy I had to have a blood transfusion whitch caused mine I'm in and out of hospital with it as mine gets so bad I have to have intrevenus pain relief I'm also waiting waiting to have 2 ops due to the costrocondritis I have a big sist in my tummy also got to have an 8 hour op on my IBS this is all through the costrocondrites
  • Posted

    Wow, so glad I found this site, it sounds exactly like the symptoms I have had the last two nights. 

    I have been waking in the small hours to severe chest pain moving to the back and stomach, it is very tender like an intense indigestion.

    i haven't any breathing issues and unlike other posters wearing a bra does help. 

    Will definitely book in with the doctor Monday morning.  

    I hope everyone is managing their pain as best they can, and thank you all for helping me 'self diagnose' at least till I see the professionals!

  • Posted

    Hey Shelle7belle and everyone else in this forum. I have some good news that I think can help a lot of people.  First, my story.

    I'm living overseas right now in Asia and I developed Costochondritis about 5 months ago after a sneezing fit. All of the doctors here just kept telling me to rest and that it would go away. It never seemed to get better and was really weighing on my physically and mentally. 

    I went from being very active and participating in a wide array of sports to not being able to do anything physical. Everything I did caused me to have chest pain that eventually spread to my back. 

    3 weeks ago (after having this for 5 months and feeling hopeless) I found a physiotherapist. I didn't know what to expect but I went in with an open mind. This has been fantastic thus far. I've been going for 3 weeks and I already am feeling better. All of my back pain is gone and my chest pain has started to move away slowly. I can feel myself getting back to normal. Physiotherapy gives you lots of helpful exercises and an explanation of what is happening and how to fix it. I have to say that this has been the best decision I've made so far.

    Bottom line is; if you are suffereing with this and have tried a lot of treatments and options, your best bet is to find a good physiotherapist and tell them about your problem. After a few weeks you'll feel your life coming back. Hope this is helpful and it's really the only advice I have. Everything else I tried didn't seem to help me until I did this.


  • Posted

    Hi All

    I was diagnosed with costo 3 and a half months ago. It was incredibly painful all around my sternum. I jaf blood work and an EKG to rule out other issues. My gp gave me Meloxicam. It worked wonders and I was fine within a month. However it has been rearing its ugly head again. This time it does feel as if my chest it thick and heavy as well as my throat. I can breath but it feels almost like an indigestion? Thick and heavy and hard to swallow. Can the swollen muscles in your chest affect the muscles in your throat?

    Hope everyone is getting better!

    • Posted

      Hello, maybe, maybe, I finally get an explanation to my choking feeling around my neck. That started almost 5 years ago and has only gotten worse. It has been ultra sounded twice. Nothing. The feeling around my neck started long before the Costo diagnosis. Maybe they go together? The heavier the pain in my chest nowAdays, the harder the feeling that something is choking me. I even grind my teeth at the night time and wear a mouth guard. It is all very stressful and finally finding a comment from someone who has some kind of similar symptoms is a relief. 
  • Posted

    I have had this discomfort for a while and seems to be by the 2nd and third rib, last few weeks it has become a lot worse, I am 43 and diabetic. I went to my GP and discribed the pains, they sent me for ECG and blood tests, the blood tests came back fine. my blood pressure shot up to 178/86. 

    I was refered to a specialist for cadriology and they ran another ECG and said it was fine, now sending me for a tredmill test with heart monitors on. the pain when it comes on is random, excersize doesnt afftect the pain (make it worse). it can also come on when just sitting down or lying down. if i put my two fingers between the ribs it does help ease the pain.

    Does this sound a lot like the symptoms you are feeling?


  • Posted

    Just got back from doctors and I have the same thing, 23 year old male with drug use for 4 years (with 1 year heaaavvyyy smoking) just letting you know man I'm in the same boat so to speak, tests lined up. One doctor gave me co-codomol and the other was like "man up bruh"   /sigh   This is my top left rib, man I used to love sleeping on that side .. :'(
  • Posted

    Hi Shelle7belle,

    I am experiencing the same thing for the past four months. and initially that pain was only if I was lying down on my left side but now for the past two weeks I am experiencing it while i'm sitting and breathing. An acute chest pain like a needle piercing aty times and the pain is also at my left back side. So I visited the doc and he as well has asked me to go for an HRCT- chest + ECG / ECHO + xray for chest. He has given me a few medicines that are anti inflamatory ones and I read about all those medicines because I dont like eating something without knowing what it is about. I did also read about this on google and did find our symptoms very close to - Symptoms and Diagnosis of Pericarditis(type this on google to read more) / So I'm going to go for those test and will let you know how the results show up/ If you fine it fit enough to share it with. I'll be more than happy to discuss this further with you. 

    I would just like to say one more thing that don't get all worked out without  the test results. I am experiencing the same thing and it is so frustrating cuz the pain is there like always except when I'm standing or sitting by leaning a bit to the front. Hang in there. I'm going through the same anxiety but then what has to happen will happen. My prayers and blessing go with you for your speedy recovery. 

  • Posted

    I feel awful with this too. I was fine until after I had my son when I was aged 37, seems one thing after another. Back problems Fibromyalgia n now Costochondritis. I often feel as if it's something serious n mayb being over looked by this Costo. This is totally draining me dr has said all I can take is ibuprofen X
  • Posted

    Hello All.

    I feel your pain. I had an awful episode with this in december and i went to A&E

    Where they tried to brush it off and i insisted on answers so they done and Ecg which was okay then they took bloods which was fine and they done an ulstrasound to check gallbladder which was ok.

    Since then ive had good days where i feel

    Normal and days where i feel twinges here n there.

    Its not gone away completely and its starting to worry me alot, i wonder if its something totally different. I also suffer from anxiety which dont help.

    I just do not know what to do next 😔

  • Posted

    Hello I just looked at this is everything OK now .... I'm having sweats I'm a 38 year old female smoker and I breath and I weez and the middle of my chest bone feels pain and on both sides in my back it won't go away

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