Costochondritis pain and discomfort
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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.
The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.
Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.
Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!
Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful
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jordan73092 shelle7belle
Loo_pulpy shelle7belle
Every time I was sent home with more drugs, morphine diazepam diclofenic amatripoline etc etc, still suffering.
Then paid private to be told the meds were probably making things worse, so had to ween myself off them and now I'm taking pregabalin methercarbamol, amantadine and tramadol , which helped me from being a 40 yr old looking like 80yr old to being somewhat normal, then it flared up again and was told its costersternal syndrome and had injections in chest and back.
Well hurt like hell but brilliant from May last year to December then it started again!
From chest /rib pain to excruciating stabbing pain in left bra area of back then it travels up to neck and shoulders, and arms and even gives me numb lips when bad, then I get pain between breast area like heartburn but it's not and shooting pain to nipple.
I'm awaiting another lot of injections, but I can't tell you how nice ( in a weird way) to know I'm not alone.
Reading this forum has answered so many doubts and feelings and reassured me I'm not crazy. Thank you
margaret08503 Loo_pulpy
jules756 Loo_pulpy
May I ask how your CC originated? If you know that is...
Loo_pulpy jules756
My dr says it can start with injury, infection and stress , so you could say I had all three.
I was actually only diagnosed this last April after having pain with upper spine, ribs etc after original injury.
jules756 Loo_pulpy
Mine stated also after a combo of those things... Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, infection. What meds are taking now? Just curious... And are they helping?
I take Tramadol which does help usually unless it's a bad flare-up.
Loo_pulpy jules756
Are they working, well in a way but the only time I get much rest from pain is when I take 2 of meth and tramadol with the others before bed,and it's heaven for a few hours until I turn or my other half trys to put his arm around me, then it's ouch and I'm awake.
I am working well in the sense that I'm there in body but in mind it's doubtful some days,thankfully I have a great team of staff who do there best for me and by reaching for things I can't and carrying things for me, but if I'm honest it's not ideal, but I spent 6 months out of work the first year and 10 the second which drove me crazy,but I will say when it's really bad as in i can hardly stand sit or move I just have to dose up and lay flat.
I'm so fed up with it , but at least I'm not in and out of a&e on morphine screaming in pain.
I just hope next week when I see the specialist he gets me in for the injections asap .
I think we have both had a rough time and it's time it buggered off and picked on somebody else, lol.
It's just nice to know I'm not going crackers with some of the things that has happened pain wise .
jules756 Loo_pulpy
The Amytriptaline is helping me now as is the Diclofenac anti-inflammatory. Tramadol of course is my regular best friend...
Think I'm rounding a bend. Wouldn't go as far to say I've turned the corner yet but the symptoms are losing some of their gusto it seems. But as you mentioned my body and mind are exhausted! I feel like I'm coming out of a coma and have to readjust to normal life again. All so bizarre.This site has helped me tremendously. We need to all post now-and-again with recovery updates or remission updates... It's all valuable information.
jillybean1785 shelle7belle
I work with children so I am always lifting the babies and doing lots of movement. It took a while to get a balance, but my work were really supportive in allowing me time away from the babies and looking after the toddlers where not much lifting was involved. So if you can find a way to give yourself a break from doing things that is going to aggrivate it then that will definitely benifit.
I developed costo by falling down the stairs on the bus and banging my ribs. I then had bronchitis for a month aswell which was the scariest thing as it made me understand how people with asthma feel. I had after effects with my costo pains because of the coughing, and it took about a year and a half for me to feel almost normal. I rarely have to use my muscle rub or Naproxine now, but I always have it with me just incase. I do get odd niggles, but my hot water bottle tends to sort that out and I am back working in the Baby room.
It is manageable it is just about finding what works for you and how you continue to look after the pain and keeping on top of it.
Doctors I found useless, I just looked up stuff on google, and this forum was amazing at not making me feel insane. Let me know if you guys have any questions. As I feel for all of you that are just starting to go through it !
regards Jill
laura32704 shelle7belle
carol91544 shelle7belle
Wendinthewillow shelle7belle
Beekeeper3 shelle7belle
Mlmlauns Beekeeper3
Conta10 Mlmlauns
You can get cortisone shots in the affected area, some doctors do that.
Beekeeper3 Mlmlauns
Mlmlauns Beekeeper3
yvonne99380 Mlmlauns
Two months ago - that's eight months after the fall I had a niggling pain in my left shoulder blade which was mirrored in my left breast. I then had increasing discomfort in my breast and the breastbone was very tender, I was worried because this seemed like the early symptoms my late husband had and which turned out to be lung cancer. It just went on and on.
My GP sent me for a chest X-ray and assured me it was completely clear and prescribed pain killers. Even with stomach protectors my stomach can't cope with anti inflamatories or pain killers so,far from stopping the pains I had, I then had stomach ache !
Then the pains moved to my lower back so I went to my chiropractor who said that was because I had been holding myself wrongly due to the pains in my chest. He got rid of that but I now have a severe pain in my left ribcage and the original,chest pains are still,there,
im going to go back to my GP and ask for a diagnosis but don't hold out much hope as they don't seem to like self diagnosis. Its quite frightening as I don't know where and when these pains are going to appear and I'm sure I'm not holding myself well as I am anticipating problems all the time.
I don't expect this has helped anyone else very much but it is very similar to a lot of your experiences and it does sometimes help to know we are not alone.
jillybean1785 Beekeeper3
Do you get to pick the doctors you see? I picked a specific doctor that I knew who would listen, and he put it in the system that is what I have, I work as a Nursery Nurse, my previous Nursery was really annal about health and safety information, so I had to give them a letter saying that this is what I have. I saw a physio for a good year, who did a lot of work with me, and now I rarely get pain. I was doing alot of work in the garden yesterday and all the bending up and down caused me to get the pain in my right hip that feels like nerve pain, and my middle of my back was bad aswell. I have had occassions in the past where I would be sitting down and I would get completely stuck and wouldn't be able to get up myself, because my stomach muscles around my sternum just wouldn't allow me to push up from the sofa. For a long time I had to roll onto my side and get up that way if I was on my own. Does that sound familiar to anyone? I was diagnosed about three years ago when I fell down stairs on a bus and I had knocked my ribs and back quite badly, and thats when it started. I wouldn't be able to sit without getting stuck, so I used to just walk about the room.
It isn't anything to do with diet, it is all about getting the right balance in exercise and knowing what you can do and what you can't do, If you scroll up to my earlier posts near the beginning I shared a website that was really helpful for me being able to manage it, because I was determined I wasn't going to lose the battle.
Let me know if you find the website helpful and I am here for any other questions if anyone wants to ask anything ?
Mlmlauns Conta10