Costochondritis pain and discomfort
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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.
The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.
Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.
Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!
Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful
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myown50690 shelle7belle
HavenStreet myown50690
debilovesdoug myown50690
I had an MRI done Aug 23rd with contrast. 2nd one in 5 months. I asked the prescribing doctor to get it done without contrast the 2nd time and he said no. On Aug 27th, I was having a hard time breathing with a bruised like feeling on my ribcage under my left breast. I had to push on it to get a full breath. The next morning it was worse and by that evening it was in my back also. I went to the doctor Tuesday morning and she said I had Costochondritis. I asked her if it could be from the contrast and she hesitated and said possibly. I am pretty sure that is how I got this. I went to the chiropractor and I have been drinking tons of water, also taking turmeric and ginger root for inflammation. We all need to be more proactive on taking care of ourselves! Here is an article that is interesting and bringing it to the forefront: Thank you for posting and I hope you are doing well. <3
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HavenStreet shelle7belle
hilda77 shelle7belle
hendry49068 shelle7belle
Bee.trish shelle7belle
Hi, i'm 18 yrs old - female. Whenever i lie down i'm having a difficulty breathing and in my lower breast which is my lower left ribs i can feel some massive pain. But i don't feel this everyday. There's this one time when i'm with my friend walking in the mall, i suddenly felt what i had felt whenever i lie down. And for 10-20 minutes i had a difficulty in breathing due to chest pain(?) what can be the reason? thank you.
jan56581 shelle7belle
shawn32 shelle7belle
I have had a sharp pain under my left breast on and off.for a few years with the pain when breathing in, cannot get comfortable without the sharp pain. But these always lasted max a day and i was ok the next morning until friday morning when i woke up at 5am and wow the pain was there, i could barley move for the sharp jabbing pain under left breast and I also had a sore neck and back in the middle. I had no idea what was going on. I got up and ot took a few hours and i was able to move around agsin fine...that is until close to bed time then the sorness started and then the sharp pain in my chest. This is my 5th day of this and its starting to.worry me. I do have psoriatic arthritus in a lot of my joints but i don't think it is what is causing this. If anyone else is having the sharp jabbing pain under left breast, Hurting to breath. Sore neck and back please let me know if you have found out what it is. I am hoping it will go away soon. Thanks
tiffany54305 shelle7belle
I was diagnosed with costchondritis/ tietze syndrome 6 years ago on my left aide. No answers on how or why it happened to me either, I had no recent trama to my chest or rib area, or tried any new exercise, which the doctors told me were normally the cause of it. I've been fighting with it for 6 years the hardest was the 1st year, I dealt with a lot of "anxiety" is what the doctors said from it the 1st year. I like being a strong person and this condition can be debilitating at times and I hated it. It not only effects the ribcage/chest area but I would have so much swelling that I felt like I couldn't breath normal, all the muscles in my neck, shoulder, upper back and chest would emit pain and swell and become rock hard. A spreading burning/ tingling sensationwould move all over my chest and back that would spread down my arm. I went to emergency room's which turn you away because you come in complaining of chest pain bam they throw you on the ekg.Well your heart is fine, go follow up with your primary. Seen 3 different doctors and always the same never understanding. Always throwing medication at me. They had me on Prozac, Xanax, Ibuprofen 800 and steroid shots. All they ever seen was a girl crying trying to figure out what was wrong herself. I dont think they understand how much it can effect you it was so bad at the time i couldnt barely move the left side of my body because the tightening and swelling on my chest would make it so hard to breath and my heart would thump so hard and fast i thought i would pass out. I wanted answers and a permanent fix not a cover up. After a year I took my self off all the medication. And when ever I felt like I was having an attack I would talk my self through. "I'm stronger than this" I know there are people who have it a lot worst than me and for the anxiety part of this condition that works for me. Doctors told me it clears up within 6 months to a year. Well here we are 6 years later and yep still have it. The gravel-like Cartilage never goes away and they are bigger on some days and smaller on others with dull pain that I've learn to just deal with. Which my family and friends always know when I'm hurting and I don't realize that I do it until they point it out because it's become a habit, is hold my ribcage or rub it. I do have "episodes" where I have the symptoms that I dealt with in the 1st year of being diagnosed with it. Only when i have over worked my upper body, like when I painted my house I had a bad flare up for days. Or when I've done heavy lifting rearranging furniture in my house or doing yard work (weed eating). I hate it, but I won't let it stop me I just deal with it the best way I can until it passes. I take over the counter NSAIDS, use ice packs and heating pads. I feel like it's something that I will just have to deal with with for the rest of my life. I stopped asking when will it go away?
caitlin39841 tiffany54305
Hi Tiffany
I had undiagnosed severe C/Con/D. x 4 yrs. When I changed GP practice, my new GP diagnosed me & commenced me on Nortriptyline 30 (starting at 10 mgs & going up to 30 mgs) and the pain ceased wthin 48 hrs.
mawmawof3 shelle7belle
I am 41 went to hospital thought I was dieing they done blood work and ekg and said it wasn't my heart ThAnk God. Just feels like my heartrate goes up and my back and ribs hurt if I move alot.or stand for a little while. My Dr. Run some test also and he agreed with er Dr. I think I have anxiety issues since this has started.any suggestions would be appreciated
rawb mawmawof3
mawmawof3 rawb
rawb mawmawof3
'It feels like my heart rate goes up'
1) does it ACTUALLY, or does it just feel like it?
2) your heart racing is usually a symptom of anxiety it's called tachycardia if you want to look it up. (It's nothing to worry about...)
Back pain is a very very common symptom of anxiety. It's said over 50% of back problems are associated with mental health disorders.
If you've having a hard time try look up relaxation techniques maybe yoga or light exercise, maybe a massage or see a chiropractor.
If you feel like it might be a structural problem see a physiotherapist who can give you exercises to do.
If you've had loads of tests done on your heart it 99.9% is going to be anxiety/structural problem.
caitlin39841 mawmawof3
Hi mawmawolf3.
If you ask your Doc. to palpate the cartilage between your ribs, and if it's sore/painful, you most likely have Costochondritis. Nortriptline will help.
mawmawof3 caitlin39841
I'm on warfarin. So I am very limited on what I can take as far as pain goes. Which is mainly Tylenol. Thank you all for answering my questions so fast
caitlin39841 mawmawof3
Hi mawmawof3
Warafin doesn't preclude from having other meds. The Doc just needs to be careful and informed about drug interaction. If you have Costochondritis, it can be treated.