Costochondritis pain and discomfort
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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.
The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.
Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.
Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!
Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful
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christy88222 shelle7belle
The symptoms I'm having are driving me crazy and I've been researching on the Internet and Costochondritis is what it sounds like. The bottom ribs on both sides ache and I feel intense pressure making it feel like my ribs will pop out sometimes with tingling. Sometimes it's worse than other times. just started a few days ago so i havent been to the doctor yet. Its very uncomfortable and concerning! Does anyone who's been diagnosed with this have that kind of pressure and tingling?
richardjp shelle7belle
Ha, yes am pushing into the pain even as I read your post.
Have only been diagnosed with costo in the last few weeks though have been living with the pain for much longer.
Was also recently (last two years) diagnosed with atrial fibrillation so have been assuming the almost constant chest pain is heart related.
Even with the the diagnosis I was given very little help or advice on what to do next or what to expect so am hoping this forum can help with that. They put me on Neproxin but had to give those up due to the side effects even though they did help the pain. Currently trying ibuprofen.
Stupidly I was moving heavy furniture around yesterday so suffering as a result. But when the pain isn't apparent you feel fine and think you can act like normal.
Combined with the palpitations from AF it makes for a very unsettling time and that brings the stress levels up which in turn makes the pain worse.
caitlin39841 richardjp
Hi Richard.
I can resonate with your dilemma. I'm not convinced that Naproxin is the best meds. for Costo. I was in agony 24/7. the pain followed the 'cardiac' pain route with tacycardia etc. Nortriptyline, starting on 10 mgs and gradually increasing - for me - upto 30mgs. with complete cessation of the ''nerve'' pain. It was heaven to be pain free after 4 years of 24/7365 pain hell.
fran66044 shelle7belle
My dr also diagnosed me with costochondritis and so far have only taken ibuprofen or Tylenol for the pain. I've read on this forum that people have got relief with nortriptyline and I just sent my dr a message regarding whether or not she thinks it might be a good try for me.
It was interesting to me though when you mentioned having pain in your right breast area too in addition to the pain under your left rib cage because I've been having my main pain I the same areas, with addition to it being right in the middle where my sternum is.
I'm interested to hear the results of the tests your dr has ordered. It really is the strangest condition - if that's a good word for it - and seems to be way more common than I thought.
chanda82853 shelle7belle
hi, I'm replying to this because I have been having symptoms similar to yours & have not been diagnosed yet. I have been having , almost dally for about 5 months, started out as a slight pain in back, then started getting the chest (usually on left side, soimetimes on the right side too), was very scary, went to a local clinic, they did ekg & said heart was ok, told me to go home & take ibuproferin 3x per day for 3 weeks and pain is still here, possibly worse (mainly back, sometimes chest, sometimes both at same time. The pain is mainly in back, upper bshoulder blades & bottom (kind osmall of back). I went for follow up yesterday w/nurse practioner, they think its a back issue. I have been thinking it was costochondritis for a while from some things i have read on internet. was curious if my symptoms match, chest pain (leand right side, mainly left), relief when take bra off, sometimes feel that a forced burp will provide relief, continuous back pain (more than chest pain), burning or stabbing in upper between shoulderblades, & in lower (kinda in small of back area), weakness of hands, occasional numbness of forearms, hands, feet, other weird, & random shooting pains (not too often) in rious places (armw, legs, etc) Please help, this is extremly scary!
Delvzy shelle7belle
Hello shell7belle I hope this discussion is still open. I too have been diagnosed with Costo by my chiropractor and my go just said its muscular/ skeletal I had a fall about 1year ago running and fell onto my chest then I have been o/seas (live in Melb) and had a 30 hour flight home which has made everything 10 times worse. Pain moves from chest (it's like an elephant sitting on my chest down to my ribs either side and back twinges there is a
Osteo in New Zealand
Who believes he
Can cure it as it's the back rib hinges tightening up which then causes
The front ribs to tighten up and rub
Together which causes inflammation he sell a back
Pod which breaks up this area which
Then takes the pressure off the front ribs I have ordered one bit just lying on a towel doing gentle stretches with arms behind the head and
Taking anti inflammatory tablets doe now
andy80556 shelle7belle
I have similar symptoms, lower pain in my back, it may even be my kidneys but hard to tell. My right lung below my breast tissue. I'm also convinced the dull ache behind my left should is connected. I'm 26 and reasonably fit, an ex smoker which accelerates my fear.
Gp just recommends exercise which isn't helpful as I know it isn't that
andy80556 shelle7belle
During tonight have been doing more research and this popped up again. The more I read the more I relate. I locate the pain in the back and apply pressure hoping it will heal it even thought it's been there for over 4 months now. It makes no difference, I'm only 26 and shouldn't be feeling like this.
Please get in touch if you know any more or can help at all.
madonna_25777 shelle7belle
I have something similar. Every time it hurts. I can't help my self and I start massaging the spot where is hurting, I'm about to go crazy ,....I can't take this pain any more
johnah05958 shelle7belle
Hi there, I just saw your post as I am laying awake in bed in pain on my left side lower ribs that goes around my back. I was diagnosed with costochondritis about 7 months ago. I have been through chest x-rays, blood work, and I even wore a Holter monitor for 2 weeks with everything coming back normal. Being in tune with your body can be a blessing and a curse. For nurses like myself, anxiety peaks everytime we feel a twinge because we know and have seen too many things withe them human body. sometimes it can be hard but best to take your md's word for it that your ok and keep telling yourself that and practice deep breathing to calm ur nerves.
Good luck
caitlin39841 johnah05958
Hi Johnah.
just read your msg. whilst responding to another post. I was prescribed 'Nortriptyline' 30 mgs nocte with great response as long as i don't overdo it. It's a 'nerve' pain medicine.
good luck with it
becky_44736 shelle7belle
mbondo10 shelle7belle
I went to a chiropractor in April and he caused an injury to me that resulted in what my GP believed to be costochondritis... It is the most aggravating and painful thing and I too have believed that there was something much more serious going on. I had a mammogram and ruled out tumors etc. I prefer alternative treatments and do not take drugs for pain. I am currently taking turmeric for any inflammation. I am a hairdresser and the days after I have worked is the most painful. Also sitting causes more of a stinging pain in certain positions. I do better when I keep moving but overdoing results in more pain the next day. My mind has convinced me that I have something going on in my bones or worse.I have bought 10 different bras because the pressure from them also make it worse. Anyway, I continue to try and cut out sugar and things that increase inflammation since I can't take drugs.
Essential oils like Frankincense and a few others do tend to give me some temporary relief...
Maybe something here will let u know that someone else understands your frustration and pain and peace of mind to know it is a painful thing but not fatal...and hopefully in time this will subside..
caitlin39841 mbondo10
Hi Mbondo
Well done u on staying off the conventional meds. I had to give in to 'Nortriptyline' 30 mgs which does the trick beautifully for me, unless, I overdo it. I was going mad with the pain. My pain was following the ''heart attack'' route but didn't show up on ECG's etc. I kept collapsing (I have very low B/P). however, the 'Nortriptyline' ameliorated the collapses also. Yes, the bra is forever a problem with CotricoC. I remove it the very minute I'm on my own.
I'm wondering re the Tumeric, can u elaborate on that one please, i.e. dosage, source, level of response (say out of the 0 -10) scale etc.
Much thanks
christine77368 mbondo10
lisa33471 christine77368
Hi Christine
I am currently having acupuncture which is helping but soon as I do too much, even house chores I suffer for it
I take omega3 with cod liver oil vitamins as they help with inflammation. Also vitamin D is meant to b good. I also drink camomile and ginger. Tumeric is meant to b really good. You can buy Pukka ginger which has tumeric in it or just try 1/2 teaspoon in another hot drink? Other than that I take ibuprofen and use either Vicks with menthol to help or ibuprofen gel. It's a horrible condition but breathing exercises and chest exercises are best too but I don't always get time to do them! 🙈