Costochondritis pain and discomfort

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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.

The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.

Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.

Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!

Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful sad

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    I have similar issues and have gone from 1 referral to the next. My problem came on suddenly while sitting at lunch 9 years ago.My muscles spasm and really hard pressure helps. I have a dryer ball [for the clothes dryer] with projections all over it. I put it in a nylon stocking ,, throw it over my shoulder and back up to the wall pressing hard on the knots- holding pressure there, then moving to another spot. Look on You Tube - many ideas of hwhat to do.

    I hope by now this is all a memory.

    I had a valium perscription for spasms to be taken regularly: 5mg 3 times a day. This helped. But the drug plan doesn't want you to take it long.

    I had thereapy. ; this was no cure, but the exercises helped me not lose function. I believe the therapists have seen other people with the same problems.

    Lastly, see a pain management progam Dr. I have found this helpful.

  • Posted

    Hi. I am hoping you can give me some information. I have been dealing with the same basic issues for over a year now and to get a doctor to diagnose me has been an up hill battle. It started as a tingling feeling in my ribs towards my spine just below my left shoulder blade. It started to get worst and now I am in pain for the majority of the week. When I sit in a chair and lean a certain way I can hear a pop in my ribs. Sometimes it stops the pain pretty quickly. Other times it's useless. I have had X-rays and MRI and all can up negative. Every doctor I have gone to said I am fine. Some prescribe an anti inflammatory and send me on my way.

    What works for you with the pain?

    Is there anything that seems to stop it?

    Was it hard getting diagnosed?

  • Posted

    Hi there I know this was posted over a year ago, but u mentioned having chills and hot cheeks with costo? That's exactly what I have been having. The symptoms seem to change but think I've had them all!

    Did it ever get better for u. Had it for 5 months now. Wondered if there's light at the end of the tunnel 🙀

  • Posted

    Hi there I know this was posted over a year ago, but u mentioned having chills and hot cheeks with costo? That's exactly what I have been having. The symptoms seem to change but think I've had them all!

    Did it ever get better for u. Had it for 5 months now. Wondered if there's light at the end of the tunnel 🙀

  • Posted

    Hi all

    Knew I would get this. Mopped the house after pain a maid to do she did a bum job for 5 hrs when i get upset or bend down to clean bam damn pain the nausea the uncomfortable feeling and the know of waiting it out for days weeks allergic to meds so Dr's don't even touch me take aleve that they say hurts my fatty liver or duexsis and wait it out for days costohondrisis 63yrs hope you guys feel better soon last episode about 8months

  • Posted

    Hi shelle, I know you posted over a year ago but I just wanted to know whether u managed to get rid of your costo? I've only had it 5 months but it's rly getting me down and wondered whether there is an actual end to it?! 😔

  • Posted

    Hi shelle7belle i am 16 years old and have chronic costochondritus for over 2 years on my right side on the top 5 ribs over my breast area , the holding of the area helps to stabilise the junction and relieves pain another thing i find really helpful is ice gel when u apply it its really helpful . I would also recommend going to a physiotherapist as i have found them much more helpful and pain relieving than doctors ????

  • Posted

    Hi Shelle,

    I get like a funny butterfly tight nerve pain below left rib cage but, only @ times, usually worse when I get anxious. It can make me jump a little when it comes usually worse @ times if sat down having a meal & then. Dry occasionally will get similar feeling in my middle below my breastbone & of course the more I am aware of this the more I get anxious about it & then, my brain goes into overdrive thinking what it could be. I have been on Atorvastatin (Lipitor) which my GP has taken me off & am having a liver function test to see if Statins have damaged my liver or caused these niggles. Finger/toes crossed & hope you get answers. Am now on 100mg Sertraline to help with my anxiety! I just want to feel well like you do as well!

  • Posted

    Just read your post..I seem to be in the same situation you are in and have the same symptoms in both ribs. I've gone thru all the test Inc cat scan and everything is fine. The doctor said I have some inflammation that's all and said I should take diclofenac as needed. But my heart, boobs and lungs were fine. And yes sometimes feels worst when I lay down against my ribs. Hope your tests are negative for anything serious as well.

    • Posted

      Hi Norma do u ever have aching pains down your arms and even tingling? Had costo for 6 months now. Having acupuncture but seems to be helping. Still having symptoms like u pain in boobs but still worry about heart, lungs etc as I wheeze at times altho NO doctor seems to think there is a connection 🤔

    • Posted

      Yes, I've had pain downy arm but not excruciating pain and for short period. It makes me cough sometimes when I breathe in heavy...And these symptoms came out of no where. I almost feel like I'm getting arthritis because I have pain in my knees, wrist and back..But not sure if it has anything to do with costochondritis...Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Yes the coughing is definitely a symptom. It's all to do with the airways. I'm not sure about the wrist and knees. Doubt they would be connected but definitely know that you can get pain in stomach, back, shoulders and neck. I think the pain can travel down the arms. I've just read but I get pins and needles too so I'm not sure myself whether it's the costo. It's so hard. I just carry on with acupuncture taking omega3 and cod liver with the muscle relaxant at night and just keep fingers crossed that I will be rid of it one day! Don't let it beat you stay positive and just do what u can to help it. If u can do stretches that will help too and tumeric is meant to be really good for inflammation. I tend to get ginger tea with it in but I can put the tumeric in a hot drink of honey and lemon if u prefer smile

    • Posted

      Txs for the advice...And no I won't let it get to me...I have too much to do all the time...😀

  • Posted

    Shelly7belle just was cooking and the pain is stabbing and jabbing me the anxiety is so over whelming yet the food has to get done the aleve would not work it's been an hour but have to finish cause hubby had to eat done told hubby he had to serve himself I had to get off my feet so does it get better for a Lil do I sleep a Lil do I blame who Dr can't come up with nothing and all I can take is aleve when it is to much to bare or nothing pray for the good moment and wish for them hard when you get an episode and thank for the small relief

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