Costochondritis pain and discomfort

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Im 31 and was diagnosed with costochondritis about a year ago. Its kinda lasted the whole year, but recently, over the past few months its been really bad....went back to my gp twice in the last 2 weeks because was convinced it was something more serious.

The main tenderness has been on my left lower rib cage, just under my breast, but now I have pains on my upper right breast plate. My gp has requested ecg/chest xray and blood test to reassure me that there is nothing seriously wrong (still awaiting to have these tests done, but should be anytime soon) hence the reason im on this forum as even tho my gp actually said to me 'I will fall off the back of my chair ifit is anything more serious...I still can't stop worrying as the pain is so bad.

Im getting so anxious about it too, especially at night just before bed, then find it so difficult to sleep, the more anxious I get the worse the pains seems.

Does anyone else find themselves pushing onto the pain when it hurts? This is probably making it worse I know, but can't help wanting to hold the pain!

Im really glad to have read all the discussions on this forum, it really is giving me some reassurance that it isn't just me and that something that isnt life threatening can be so uncomfortable and painful sad

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  • Posted

    I must have the same thing as you.  My husband suggested that I ask my acupuncturist if she could do anything and she suggested "cupping".  It seems to be helping a lot.  Two sessions so far and it is feeling much better.  If you try cupping go to someone who really knows how to do this.  My acupuncturist is highly trained in cupping and Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM. 

  • Posted

    Hi ya

    I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I alone with it all.

    I have so many things wrong with me it's enbarassing and I'm sure the doctors think I'm a hipercondriac

    But I have this feeling inbetween my breast bone and between shoulder blades it's like a dull ache and then there a feeling like something is moving up and down I diagnosed myself with sliding hiatus hernia spoke with the doctors he sent me fir a barium swallow which was all clear then for a endoscopy which again was all ck.

    I'm on omeperozol twice a day for reflux but it's driving me mad i try ignoring it but it's there then all of a sudden it goes for a while then bang it's back

    In at wits end worrying what it could b

    • Posted

      I understand your concern as I felt the same way, but after getting all test done and everything coming back negative, I feel better knowing it's nothing serious. But I will definitely make sure that the necessary test are done each year to make sure nothing else comes about it. Hope you get some comfort but and just keep up with your checkups with your doctor. Take care.

  • Posted

    i had typhoid 3 weeks ago and i had acute diarrhoea with vomitings and went to the hospital doctors injected Ns after then ive been getting this weird symptoms like my rib hurts and my back and my chest hurts and there's swelling in the back of my breast (heart) and im worried if it's angina haven't had any tests yet but muscle spasm has occurred in the back

  • Posted

    I am 45 and just been diagnosed with it. I am suffering with everything you said. How do we get it to go away?😭

    • Posted

      Don't know if this will help you, but I thought I would share it. I have been diagnosed with costochondritis for at least three years. I am finding that the type of bra I wear has a lot to do with it. I cannot wear any bras with underwire, so I started wearing sports bras. The other day, out of nowhere I started having excruciating pain under my right breast. Finally I took an Advil and changed bras and the pain went away. The next day I went shopping for some new bras and bought two identical ones - no underwire, not sports bras. Since then I have felt ok. I think sports bras push you in, which is bad for your ribs if you suffer from costochondritis.

    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing. I don't wear underwire bras unless I go to the gym but I can't at the moment. I have been awake since 3.40am and in so much pain. I was advised to sleep on my back and now that is hurting 😭

    • Posted

      I absolutely agree with this and have done the same...Only use sports bras...and has helped me significantly.
    • Posted

      Hi Janet...actually nothing really helped until I stopped wearing underwire bras...and I still gets the pain every now and then but nothing like before then. I've also started to excersize as I am a little I think the combination of both is helping Aleve the pains....hope you find relief soon.

  • Posted

    Hi shelle7belle, i know its do nothing to cause it and then its just there ... the pain , oh gosh its rough.  So i went to hosp. and they did breaks, just a contusion.  But i never hurt myself.  So now have self diagnoised myself with the 'C' or 'T' word.  Dr. appointment on Friday, but pretty sure.  I've read that tumerac is good for the inflamation, and i ordered arnica cream that i can contest is excellent to help with pain, and with regular use it will help to heal mostly, at least the pain.  Hope this help you and we'll just have to support one another to increase our positive connectivity.  Nastame

    • Posted

      namaskar, try some tai cheng also it should be helpful..or yoga stretchs the muscles, but only if it feels good...


    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy

      I'm interested to hear that Arnica cream is helpful.  could u elaborate on that. I've taken Arnica tabs in the 30th & 200th potency with effect for the pain, but it doesn't help the systemic inflammation in my system. I hope your Doc. gives you the appropriate diagnosis & treatment.  all good luck with it.


  • Posted

    I can totally relate! I also push on the pain. I was scared to death when I first experienced chest pains. I went to thevER back to back for being told it was Costo! My PCP confirmed ER diagnosis of Costochondritis. Upon reviewing my blood work I found out I also have hypothyroidism. 
    • Posted

      First visit to doc, I got naproxen but a month later still in agony so was sent to A+E. They said costicondritis continue with anti inflammatory and pain killers. Back again still in big pain after miserable holiday. More blood tests,, now on steroids for polymyalgia Last visit, doc wants me to increase steroids but I'm reluctant to do this. 4 months of pain,, now given up sleeping in bed because lying back is sooo sore. Hoping steroids kick in soon and have right diagnosis now.

    • Posted

      Hi Lorna.

      I too tried Naproxen as well a variety of other pain killers that did nothing.

      the only thing that helped was Nortriptline. it worked like a treat. I'm on

      40 mgs. we had to experiment with dosage. I had the condition for 4 years before diagnosis was made and a number of other related nerves became involved and were damaged.  hope you get some pain relief soon.


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