could do with talking to someone
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As you may have seen through other posts I was prescribed mirtazapine but due to side effects of swelling and muscle ache my GP has changed them to Venlafaxine 75 mgs daily. I have taken them for 1 week now. Not had any problems switching from one to the other. Yesterday I was at a christening and although at first I felt no one cared I quite enjoyed the day.
Today I didn't want to get up this morning, but I was due to for some voluntary work at a cafe. When I got to cafe I wasn't really needed. I could have stayed but we would have been falling over each other so I decided not to work. If I had done what I was normally used too doing I would have been ok, becsise i would have been busy and my mind would have been occupird, but because of the situation I just felt not wanted. Yes I know it was stupid to feel like that so I thought I would go and do some shopping. I managed to break a vase in a big chain store, staff were fine and said it didn't: matter and proceeded to clear it up. However all I did was stand there and started crying. I felt so stupid with myself.
I eventually managed to compose myself enough to drive home. Now I am sat here thinking how do other people present with depression. I feel I am a one off and I wish it on myself. The thoughts I have when I am alone are always negative and that provokes a feeling I am doing myself no favours (which I know I am not,) but I just don't seem to help it. I just want to be happy but I am not. I have said too my GP I have wondered if I have a form of bipolar but I do not have the extreme highs.I just feel so low today I don't feel life is worth living.
Thanks for listening
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domdomz Desperate_now
Desperate_now domdomz
I was on mirtazapine for 8 weeks 15mgs.
I don't even tell my Gp as usually when I go I am usually not feeling too bad.
Sorry for going on and on it is just a bad day tomorrow will be different.
domdomz Desperate_now
Sandy_pops Desperate_now
tony15730 Desperate_now
Venlafaxin on a dose of 75mg (normal starting dose) only increases Serotnin to a meaningful level. Increasing the dose to 150+ will start to increase nor-epinephine. Increasing your dose may well have a more positive result.
Desperate_now tony15730
Sorry Tony hope you are on the right road to revovery .
tony15730 Desperate_now
You said you don't feel anything is wrong. Please read the last line of the main paragragh you wrote above. If you felt ok you would not feel like this. Are you religous or did you use god to paraphrase? If you believe in god, he has not taken you because you are worth as much as deserving of happynrss as everyone else on earth.
If religion is not your thing then please just remember, You Are as Deserving of True Happyness as everyone else around you.
Life can be hard sometimes and in this day and age many of us lack the support network around us to help us though it. Taken meds may not be the idle situation but it may help you get through the cloud to brighter days, and thats a good thing
Desperate_now tony15730
I'm not due to see my GP for another 3 weeks. I make myself go out ( skills taught through CBT) but I could very easily just stay in and do nothing.
Am I religious at the moment I don't, feel very Christian like, but when I am in a better frame of mind my faith can be very strong. I have just removed a Gold cross I had made from my mum and grandma's wedding ring. Even that doesn't appear to give me any comfort at the moment.
Will grin and bear it document my feelings then go and see my doctor.
tony15730 Desperate_now
Desperate_now tony15730
tony15730 Desperate_now
Desperate_now tony15730
tony15730 Desperate_now
Desperate_now tony15730
tony15730 Desperate_now
Are you still on 75mg a day?
Desperate_now tony15730
As regards thoughts of self harm yes I do think of it but I also feel I am strong enough not to do it.
I will go and see Gp hopefully I can say straight after new year then I know how the Venlafaxine is dong. If I go too soon all that will be said give it a couple of weeks too work.
Hope you have a good Christmas.
tony15730 Desperate_now
I hope the increased dosage helps. Have a good christmas!