Could I Have an Ovarian Cyst? Thoughts & Help Anyone??

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Hello All,

Can anyone help? About 4 weeks ago, I started with very frequent urination and indigestion/wind/belching. Both symptoms were intermittent, but worse when I got my period. My bladder constantly felt full, achy and very uncomfortable, even after passing urine. I was treated for a UTI with antibiotics, but not much relief and no bacteria found in urine. However the symptoms do come and go and vary in intensity. Other symptoms - a noticeably larger, bloated looking abdomen, which feels heavy & draggy at times (I'm not pregnant) sometimes a stitch type sensation and slightly achy sides, but not bad. My periods have also changed recently - shorter cycle and heavier/longer periods. Full bloods done which all came back normal and good. CA125 results also came back normal/good. Doc thinks perhaps still UTI or slight prolapse or fibroid. Someone else mentioned IBS. I've booked an app with a gynaecologist in two weeks and am also awaiting an ultrasound app. I am 42 years old and otherwise fit and healthy... Oh, apart from a wee anxiety issue! Namely, health anxiety! Great! I'm worried and wondering what it could be. I'm thinking maybe a cyst!? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys xx

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51 Replies

  • Posted

    It so funny what you said, I have been getting eye strain lately and couldn't make it out, also what the other lady said about feeling like baby kicks. All of those I get. No it's a normal ultrasound so I am sceptical as I've heard that they don't always pick things up x
  • Posted

    Hope today goes ok, let us know how you get on, I'm in a bad way today if I push down on parts of my swollen stomach I can feel little lumps and they feel like bruises I am fed up feeling like this, going away in May and feel so uncomfortable going like this x
    • Posted

      Hi, really sorry to hear you've not been feeling great today. How are you feeling now? My stomach is swollen too, but I don't have any bruise type lumps. I just feel a lot of pressure on my bladder. Do you get that too? I hope you are feeling better as the day has gone on. Not too much longer to wait for your scan. I too heard an ultrasound doesn't always pick up everything going on, as you mentioned. I think a transvaginal is the better option, so I have read x
  • Posted

    I had the same problems when cycle started also the pain was unbearable. I had my 4cm cyst removed July 2014 larascopic surgery and feel much better. Please make appointment with GYN asap to see if it is a cyst. I had pain off and on for a Iong time was blessed my result of cyst came back noncancerous. As a 33 yr old mother of 5 please get checked out!!
    • Posted

      Hi Lil

      Thanks for your reply. I have my gynae app this Fri, so one step closer to getting answers and a way forward. Good to hear you feel much better now. Were your symptoms similar to mine? 

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      My gynae app is this Friday. Thanks for asking 😊 I'm just looking forward to hopefully getting some answers and reassurance - can't wait to get it all sorted and feel 'normal' again. I'm thinking of coming back as a man next time! My period is due next Wed - It will likely appear early again - and funny my tummy is getting even larger, the bladder pressure is getting slightly worse again and the frequent urination is coming back again slowly. Must be hormone related. Be interesting to see what's happening with my lady bits when I go for a scan xx

    • Posted

      Hi Carla, I am just going through the various tests to find out what sort of large ovarian cyst I have - my symptoms are so similar to yours. I hope that you get some really clear answers and a plan of action tomorrow - I will be thinking of you. Becky
    • Posted

      Hi Bex

      Thanks so much for your message. How are you feeling with your symptoms just now? What's next for you? Well I had my gynae app yesterday and no clearer yet. She felt my abdomen and did an internal - all fine. I'm seeing her again on Mon for a transvaginal as she didn't have access to one yesterday evening. Hoping it gives an answer. She did say it could be a small cyst or fibroid , but they don't usually cause symptoms. I also have ulcerative colitis which is active just now and she said it could be that. I'll get it checked with a gastro if no joy with gynae, although I have never experienced the symptoms I have with a UC flare up. Time will tell... It's the waiting and not knowing that makes it all harder. I hope you are feeling okay? x

  • Posted

    Hi guys sorry to be full of self pity today should have flown out to Florida today but was told to cancel at my consultant app on 5 th feb due to my cyst !! Which I did, rung my doctors today about my ct results which I had on 23 feb , she's on holiday till 9 march as is my consultants secretary so no news till middle of next weeks which is just over two weeks referral deadline , came on today bleeding heavy not too mention large clots and ever present 9 month looking pregnant belly , just feel really low just want date for op get result and start my life again please someone make me smile


  • Posted

    Mine started with frequent urination and the constant stitch on the side that would get worse with a full bladder or on my period. As the cyst grew I had more and more severe indigestion. My periods were so heavy, but I didn't realize that was a symptom until after the cyst removal and they became way lighter and less painful. The ultrasound appt should clear up any confusion about whether it's a cyst or not. Even then, they would recommend waiting for removal until it reaches a certain size that becomes harmful.
    • Posted

      they would recommend waiting for it to reach a certain size before it becomes harmful.

      are we talking about physical or our ficking sanity.!


    • Posted

      Hi Mel

      It looks like my symptoms are due to my Ulcerative Colitis. The transvaginal showed all lady bits to be healthy and normal. No cysts or fibroids. Only one ovary could be seen as the other was hidden by a very active and inflamed bowel. Saw GP yesterday and now waiting for a gastro app and colonoscopy. Got my period this week and symptoms a lot worse. How are you feeling just now? 

  • Posted

    hi carla,

    just sent you a lengthy message but its being mediated.

    i think cos of all my cussing ha ha.

    i meant to say the only medication that takes my pain away is called 'tryptizol 25mg. it is a muscle relaxant and promotes sleep.

    the urologist put me on it but being the martyr i am, i try not to take it. but hey i'm gonna try again with it.

    its a tiny tablet and its hit and miss when i try to cut in half.

    a full one gets my legs twitching and sends me to sleep.

    ask your dr and do your own research.

    one question: do you have frequent loose BM in a day.

    i just have one after my morning coffee (my 1st ciggy of the day used to the trick in the good old days).there seems to be undigested food in it.

    tae care

    but this is not much help as i'm not diagnosed.

    tae care

    • Posted


      Just finished reading your essays! Ha! I replied to your first message just now - it came through okay!? 

      I used to be a smoker, so am familiar with that first cigarette of the day/bowels are moving feeling 😀 

      Yes I was having a few loose BM a day, along with passing mucous and blood. That's my UC I assume and has improved over last couple days. However  bladder pressure and frequent urination still there - some days better than others, but always there. Makes me wonde if it is UC causing it, or something else!? 

      Have you tried the tryptizol yet? Successfully chopped in half? 

      Speak soon...

      I'm pooped and off to read the backs of my eyelids shortly x

    • Posted

      yes i'm on the tryptozol.

      cant keep my eyes open.

      i wonder if i'll get used to them.

      i have the choice of being in pain or zonked out with the meds.

      anyone had experience of tryptizol.?

      had results of polyp biopsy. all is well.

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