could my diagnosis be wrong?
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i have been diagnosed with BPD but i feel i have been given the wrong diagnosis. i have researched the criteria and i only hit a few of it. i do suffer from really bad mood swings. but these last at least 2 weeks. when i was 13 i was diagnosed with depression due to a suicide attempt. i have recently been back as people had loocked between the depression episodes and decided to get help. i dont have abandonment fears or unstable relastionships. i have tried the therapies and they dont help me at all. the mood stabilizers help but im sacred of asking to be put in case i get accused of being manipulative. i have been to groups especially for bpd and i dont relate to anyone there. what should i do?
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krissy97585 kimberley2494
kimberley2494 krissy97585
mary82457 kimberley2494
GettIng a dIagnosIs can be more helpful for Insurance purposes, or when applyIng for assIstance, than It Is to a patIent. SometImes a dIagnosIs, especIally a wrong one, can be detrImental. Psychology Is not an exact scIence, the doctors are often wrong, and dIagnostIc crIterIa change all the tIme. It's OK to ask for a re-evaluatIon. Try to go wIth whatever helps you. If you thInk mood stabIlIzers help, ask for them.
kimberley2494 mary82457
mary82457 kimberley2494
The notion that BPDs are "manipulative" is rather old-fashioned and outdated. There are many more forward-looking therapists who have a non-judgemental approach to treating BPD. The NEA BPD is a good resource for learning more about the disorder on lIne. (i don't know if this will get posted, but hopefully it will).
Don't be overly worrIed about beIng thought of as manIpulatIve.
You have a rIght to ask for the help you need. It's best to be honest, although even the most brutal honesty can be mIsunderstood. I would sIt down and really decIde what you want and need. Once you are clear In your own mInd, It should be easIer to ask for It.
As for pIlls, I haven't found them to be very useful, for Me. Others say they're a lIfesaver. I have found that fIndIng why I do the thIngs I do Is the most helpful when It comes to changIng for the better. In other words, readIng, study, and talk-therapy.
mary82457 kimberley2494
(For Instance, some people mIght not want to admIt to drug and alcohol use, or anger, vIolence, or suIcIdal thoughts, but these mIght be a bIg part of theIr problem.
Or tellIng the truth mIght get some people In trouble wIth the law.)
That's why It's a good Idea to be very clear wIth yourself as to what you want. There's always some rIsk when askIng for help, but If you can be honest, you stand a better chance of havIng a better lIfe some day.
mary82457 kimberley2494
Just sIt down and really thInk about what you want. If you want to ask for a mood-stabIlIzer, emphasIze your mood swIngs.
If you want therapy, try to fInd a therapIst you can trust.
The bIg dIfference between BPD mood swIngs and bIpolar mood swIngs Is thIs:
BIpolar mood swIngs happen no matter what Is goIng on In your lIfe, (although stress can brIng them on).
BPD mood swIngs are usually a reactIon to somethIng someone says or does, a trIggered memory, or a conflIct In a relatIonshIp.
(Stress effects BPD mood swIngs as well.)
mary82457 kimberley2494
If you want help these are things you should be able to discuss with a therapist without worryIng too much about getting in trouble, I would think. You may have to decide for yourself whether you think you're truly "bipolar"; one suggestion I've heard is to keep a journal of mood swings, for a few months. Jot down anything that happens, feelIngs you have, or
anythIng someone says to you, right before you swing up or down. That way you'll be able to tell for sure if your moods are reactive or not.
There are people who have both BPS and bipolar disorder. I don't completely buy into the idea that there are all these "disorders". I prefer to see them more as personality traits, and "levels of dysfunction", (which could also be looked at as "levels of discomfort"). The "disorder" tag is useful for getting insurance coverage or financial assistance, but isn't always so good for the person seeking to overcome a difficulty.
Some people don't mind the mood swings, and seek them out and use them creatively. That might be hard on family and friends in some cases. It may be possible to be happy and content even with extreme moods, once you really understand them (just a thought).
I'm not really big on psychotropic medicine; it helps some people, but personally, I'd rather learn to like myself the way I am. It's always advisable to avoid suicidal depression or extreme rage, but sometimes just talking may be all someone needs.
The older I get, the more I realize that mental health is an inside job.
MaxioLopez kimberley2494
bumalackawee kimberley2494
Ive had treatment for over 30 yrs in 3 diff counties & until recently ive never ever been diagnosed with anxiety but i have been diagnosed with - all forms of depression;aspergers;personality disorder;agression; anger;social disorders;fear & unfortunatly have been to prison because of some or all of the above (its in my med records) some of the anawers on here are correct in my experience too some mental health workers are not good for for any of us frankly .... i have a theory on this as follows - medical ppl in this area (mental health) are taught the same things at uni the diff i see is they seem to personize it once in situ (job) & it is this that causes wrong diagnosis
ie you have what you have so long as your completely honest about your condition the FACTS learnt from uni should NOT be interpreted in any other way & i completely agree that not all mental health workers are good at what they do in fact i had one psycologist pursue me for 4 yrs as she wanted a personel relationship dispite the fact i was happily married with children ! She had a masters degree in psycology .
Unfortunately its almost impossible in uk to go against or even complain about any doctors/teams i know ive tried ! Can i/we get a second opinion not on the nhs im afraid so youll have to pay soz to be neg but im also frustrated best wishes x
bumalackawee kimberley2494