Could really use a drink but...
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Anyone else find that alcohol effects you differently post-meno? I was never a heavy drinker, but I could have a glass of wine or a beer - or two - without much impact. Now even one light beer will make my heart race. I have mild SVT and take metoprolol for it, but before meno alcohol was not a trigger. I’m wondering if it’s not SVT, but just meno related palpitations. It’s not a tragedy, people suffer much worse. Just curious if others have noticed this too?
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Indifferent teri76755
I didn't drink before I hit I am a little wine But only in the evenings. I sure hope it never affects me badly because right now it is sometimes my saving grace.
debra16694 teri76755
Hi Teri - I have always loved red wine and unfortunately I developed Rosacea during menopause so red wine really makes my Rosacea flare up. I stopped drinking red wine & started to drink white wine which I don’t love as much & it has so much more sugar & I try to keep the sugar to a minimal. Whenever I drink now, I can always count on a “humdinger” of a hot flash with heart palpitations around 4:00 am in the morning - not sure if it’s a blood sugar thing or a cortisol thing or whatever, but I do notice it mainly if I have had something to drink that night - someone told me our bodies just can’t process alcohol the same way as it did when we were younger - who knows? Weird, eh?
teri76755 debra16694
wendy36287 teri76755
Can u tell me wats SVT?
teri76755 wendy36287
wendy36287 teri76755
Can u tell me wats SVT?
Azzumi teri76755
Haven't had a drink for 20 months now. I can't drink at all now as I just can't handle how I feel even after one drink. I'm a little different to you. It gives me a terrible feeling of not having complete control of my mind and its awful. Last time I drank was 2 beers and I felt an awful uneasy feeling through my whole body and mind and I just wanted it to go away so i can safely say I won't drink again and I definitely don't miss it.
teri76755 Azzumi
Nancy2121 teri76755
Right now I'm drinking lite beer to help with sleep. I'm not an alcoholic, but I know it's more than one should drink. If I could get back on Ativan I do believe things would be better. I'm sure it doesn't help the peri symptoms, but at this point I feel SO depressed about the way my body feels every damn day!
lydia2311 teri76755
I havent been able to have a drink for nearly two years. Was never a big drinker but enjoyed the occasional glass of red with friends. The taste of it now really turns me off. Even expensive champagne doesnt agree with me. Strange stuff indeed.
lori93950 teri76755
Azzumi lori93950
OMG YES.. It's like being a fragile egg somedays. That's the perfect way to describe this whole process..
Having a very average day and that made me smile.. 😁
gailannie teri76755
A huge change.
katyD211 teri76755
Yes, I've acquired the same issue. I used to enjoy 2 or 3 beers during a gathering, or 1 or 2 mixed drinks. But now if drink 2 I'm sick the next day with fuzzy head and a general feeling of no pep, tummy rumbles....which are a part of life now anyway....
CarolKelso teri76755
Hi Teri. I couldn't drink for about three years as it make my heart race and left like it was burning a hole in my tummy. I have also lost interest in drinking alcohol as I do not like how it makes me feel. Now I can only have a wee glass or wine or one gin as any more, I get depressed during the night.
But I think this is a good thing. Our bodies cannot process the alcohol so I just don't bother. I don't feel the need to drink and find life is better without it