Could really use a drink but...

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Anyone else find that alcohol effects you differently post-meno? I was never a heavy drinker, but I could have a glass of wine or a beer - or two - without much impact. Now even one light beer will make my heart race. I have mild SVT and take metoprolol for it, but before meno alcohol was not a trigger. I’m wondering if it’s not SVT, but just meno related palpitations. It’s not a tragedy, people suffer much worse. Just curious if others have noticed this too? 

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I didn't drink before I hit I am a little wine But only in the evenings. I sure hope it never affects me badly because right now it is sometimes my saving grace.

  • Posted

    Hi Teri - I have always loved red wine and unfortunately I developed Rosacea during menopause so red wine really makes my Rosacea flare up.  I stopped drinking red wine & started to drink white wine which I don’t love as much & it has so much more sugar & I try to keep the sugar to a minimal.  Whenever I drink now, I can always count on a “humdinger” of a hot flash with heart palpitations around 4:00 am in the morning - not sure if it’s a blood sugar thing or a cortisol thing or whatever, but I do notice it mainly if I have had something to drink that night - someone told me our bodies just can’t process alcohol the same way as it did when we were younger - who knows? Weird, eh? 

    • Posted

      Exactly!! It happens to me sooner - in fact it’s happening to me right now. My husband and I went out for a drink a couple hours ago. I had one light beer. The palpitations will come and go for a solid 24 hours now. 
  • Posted

    Well i hav had a wild weeken an my anxiety kicked in an goin on 3 days i hav been having palpitations an acid since then. I actually had wine.

    Can u tell me wats SVT?

    • Posted

      Supra ventricular tachycardia. Occasional sensation of skipped beat or flutter. Usually brief, bit sometimes lasts quite a long time. Mine is benign, but it got so frequent with meno that I had to medicate. 

  • Posted

    Well i hav had a wild weeken an my anxiety kicked in an goin on 3 days i hav been having palpitations an acid since then. I actually had wine.

    Can u tell me wats SVT?

  • Posted

    Haven't had a drink for 20 months now. I can't drink at all now as I just can't handle how I feel even after one drink. I'm a little different to you. It gives me a terrible feeling of not having complete control of my mind and its awful. Last time I drank was 2 beers and I felt an awful uneasy feeling through my whole body and mind and I just wanted it to go away so i can safely say I won't drink again and I definitely don't miss it.

    • Posted

      I think I know what you mean. It’s not the pleasant ‘buzz’ kind of feeling. I get a weak sensation - not relaxed. It’s very much like losing control, even after a few sips. Nowhere near tipsy. 

    • Posted

      Right now I'm drinking lite beer to help with sleep. I'm not an alcoholic, but I know it's more than one should drink. If I could get back on Ativan I do believe things would be better. I'm sure it doesn't help the peri symptoms, but at this point I feel SO depressed about the way my body feels every damn day!

  • Posted

    Hi Teri

    I havent been able to have a drink for nearly two years. Was never a big drinker but enjoyed the occasional glass of red with friends. The taste of it now really turns me off. Even expensive champagne doesnt agree with me. Strange stuff indeed.

  • Posted

    Yes I have to really baby myself ... early nights .. minimum alcohol although I do have a drink every night . It’s really boring it’s like carrying an egg in your purse all day and night .... we can break at any time 
    • Posted

      OMG YES.. It's like being a fragile egg somedays. That's the perfect way to describe this whole process..

      Having a very average day and that made me smile.. 😁

  • Posted

    Absolutely alcohol became a problem after meno. 

    A huge change.  

  • Posted

    Yes, I've acquired the same issue. I used to enjoy 2 or 3 beers during a gathering, or 1 or 2 mixed drinks. But now if drink 2 I'm sick the next day with fuzzy head and a general feeling of no pep, tummy rumbles....which are a part of life now anyway....

  • Posted

    Hi Teri. I couldn't drink for about three years as it make my heart race and left like it was burning a hole in my tummy. I have also lost interest in drinking alcohol as I do not like how it makes me feel. Now I can only have a wee glass or wine or one gin as any more, I get depressed during the night.

    But I think this is a good thing. Our bodies cannot process the alcohol so I just don't bother. I don't feel the need to drink and find life is better without it smile CK

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