Could really use a drink but...
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Anyone else find that alcohol effects you differently post-meno? I was never a heavy drinker, but I could have a glass of wine or a beer - or two - without much impact. Now even one light beer will make my heart race. I have mild SVT and take metoprolol for it, but before meno alcohol was not a trigger. I’m wondering if it’s not SVT, but just meno related palpitations. It’s not a tragedy, people suffer much worse. Just curious if others have noticed this too?
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andrea05399 teri76755
Gypsy014 teri76755
Yes can't do any drinking at all anymore! In fact that's how my Peri for the most part started, or at least my symptoms reved up big time... After a night of social drinking and card playing the next day was a Sunday morning I thought I was having a stroke or something.. Which looking back on I now know it was causing migraine aura with the light flashing and the zig zag vision on the sides of my vision, and the starting of walking sideways off balance feeling and the numb feeling on one side of my face.. You can see why I thought stroke! Then all passed for most part that day and I think it was the next weekend or two, and I tried a glass of red wine, and BAM !!! same exact bunch of symptoms only worse, with the red face and sweaty palms and feet, I thought what the hell... And it wasn't just the alcohol I was a smokernot heavy smoker but enough , for years especially when I drank socially I would have to smoke it just went hand and hand together! at home on my porch after house cleaning or during a glass of wine, never in my home or car though, I was athletic in a sense I'd wear my yoga.wear and how I dressed and never liked the comments of oh smoking is bad for you so I was a closet smoker for years, but never the less I was, and after them episodes with the drinking same exact thing happened if I smoked, it was so weird! And it was awful as you all know how bad these scary menopause symptoms can be! Well its been 2 1/2 years since I touched a cigarette or a drink , I just physically couldn't my body would not process it anymore, same with certain foods and many other triggers! The giving up many things was so hard especially the smoking I went through the withdrawlss the headaches and the anxiety at first was off the charts, but slowly got better with that, and in the end I don't miss the smoking at all and feel so so much better that I quit.. The drinking a glass of wine I do miss terriably, and may try that somewhere down the road , but the smoking I will never go back to, so one good thing came out of those awful perimenopause symptoms for me.. And I guess this is why they call this time of our lives the change! It really does change you mentally and physically! You do not have a choice because your SMACKED, super hard with all these crazy symptoms, and if you don't change and go with the flow you will feel like your dying, and who wants to feel that way!!!