Could this be ppi related?

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I've been off ppis for just over a week as I've had a ph test. Over the past few days I've had cramping low down in my abdomen every time I eat, also loose stools. Anyone had anything similar? It's starting to worry me now. Thanks.

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18 Replies

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    There is a condition known as "rebound hypersecretion" which can occur following PPI use. Normally it presents with heartburn / reflux, but it is possible for stomach acid to cause irritation as it leaves the other end of the stomach.

    I would be very suprised if this was IBS, certianly an unusual presentation.

    Chron's would be possible, but if your colonoscopy biopsies came back negative then it's unlikely to be that.

    Colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) would be possible in combination of some inflamation at the top caused by your oesophagus getting used to the higher acid levels again.

    Was your colonoscopy before or after you started getting the bloody mucous?

    Do not be afraid to ask to see a different GP at the surgery or change surgeries if you feel your condition is not beign taken seriously.

    • Posted

      Hi Hurricane, I feel tons better today. Fingers crossed. The colonoscopy was before the mucus but I've had a barium enema since, just waiting to get an appointment with the consultant to discuss the results. I may ask for another colonoscopy if I'm not satisfied with his explanation. I've tried to call his secretary but it's always an answering machine. I'll try again tomorrow. Fingers crossed

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