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Hi - I've just this morning taken my first dose of Coversyl, only 2mg, but will probably be increased in a couple of weeks and possibly another drug added. Now I feel like I'm just sitting here waiting for nasty side-effects to happen, and am quite frightened, so I wanted to see what experiences other people have had. My BP has been untreated, but very high for some years, and it is possible I have LVH (echo in 2 weeks to confirm). I have had these tablets nearly a month but put them away in a cupboard as I was too scared to take them. Am I the only person who has built up a huge psychological block about having to start medication that will continue for the rest of my life? I feel it might change me and my life, but I also know what the consequences of not lowering BP would be. Doesn't getting older suck?!
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I am in the same position as you, I have Atrial Eptopic Heart Beats ,it means i have extra Heart Beats single ,double and some triples a day,I have been given Atenolol, Verarapimil, both with only a small reduction in extra heart beats but both lowering my HeartBeat into the low 50s and Blood Pressure to 110/71 which is low.Now they want me to try Coversyl Perindopril which does Not seem to be used for irregular Heart Beats only Blood Pressure and Heart Attacks, so I have not even started taking them and I dont think I will unless someone on this site tells me they have been given this Drug for my condition, I suffer with Migrains so I dont want any more Headaches.
sorry I seem to be negative but I feel like I am being used in a test trial .
hope you get sorted out soon
Coversyl is reported to be a very good drug, and I dont doubt that, however, it doesnt seem to like me..
Col hope you have been given a better Drug, Here we are Jan 2008 and I am no futher to resolving my problem spent Boxing Eve in Hospital with Atrial Fibrilation and than a very slow irregular Heart Beat felt crap.
will be seeing Cardiologist again for the 3rd time end of Jan, have been on Propranolol, Verapimil,Metaprolol,all of which slow my Heart into the 40/50 per min [b:0c39f42884]I tell the Doctors Do they listen ,They do not [/b:0c39f42884] hope this time for a result most of the Day feel crap
Happy New Year to you all and hope you all get to live a near normal life.
I've had high blood pressure most of my adult life (it runs in the family) & suffered severe Atrial Fibrillation in 2000 which was misdiagnosed & then was a debiltating, horrible experience.
I've been on 4mg of Perindopril for probably 15yrs with no ill effects but it's not helped much in lowering my BP....beta blockers turned me into a constantly tired bear with a sore head so I'm happy to be on Perindopril as I get no side effects at all.
My advice would be to constantly monitor what your doctor says & (for me) beware of beta blockers.
I'm resonably fit but yes, growing old sucks!
Side effects noted:
After first tablet taken at night, heart racing all night and not much sleep. This settled down after a few nights.
Since then:
Often tiredness/fatigue/lethargy when not doing anything. Have to really motivate myself to do exercise, but once started seems fine.
Cold fingers/2 numb fingers in right hand when temperature below about 14 degrees C. (worse than before on tablet)
Blurred vision at times (particularly reading)
Some throbbing inside head.
Still have tinnitus.
Sexual function very much decreased, erections a rare thing at present (yes, I know, TMI!).
1 skin rash (1cm square on abdomen), itches about twice a day.
Plus side:
Headaches greatly reduced, which used to happen regularly.
Blood Pressure lowered by about 10 points on each.
Motions very regular and smoother! (TMI again).
After reading other people's experience on BP tablets, I can appreciate what my husband is going through. He has been taking Coversyl 10mg for less than a year now, he has also complaint about the side effects he's been experiencing (ie buzzing in the ears, blur vision...mood swings).
Most importantly is, it reduces his desire in having sex significantly, it makes both of us feeling depress towards this subject. As you may know, the more you feel frustrated and depress, the minimal the reaction. But we can't just simply stop taking the medication, whilst no doctor could precribe us with something better.
Therefore, I wish to hear what other people have experienced, and how you dealt/dealing with it, or perhaps other natural remedies.
... I was given this because of high blood pressure in the hospital emergency 4 days ago but was not really
properly diagnosed...i'd prefer trying change of diet,exercise etc....any suggestions.
I have been fighting wild Blood Pressure swings for about 10 months, from 225/153 to 72/48.
Lately I started taking my PB in the morning, eating breakfast and taking it about one hour later. I ascertained after a few weeks that eating made my BP drop, at times very drastically. It also caused by bowels to empty which really curtailed by life style.
After going to the doc, she was puzzled and ordered tests which I am going through this week. In the meantime I have stopped both my diuretic and coversyl and am careful about what food I eat.
Much to my surprise all seems to be putting itself right. Have no idea why as everything was good for me for many years on this medication.
Each one of us is different and it is only by trying that we can keep our BP in the normal range, Too high is very bad.
c95017 Guest
Salt seems to be the enemy for me and causes my BP to spike. Would like to get off drugs completely.
terri82986 c95017
After testing by in the past my sodium was found to be low, even when my BP was in the high and very high (225/153) range. I am convinced that there is something else going on apart from sodium.
I have to add that I am still on Apohydro and that seems fine, except I have to be very careful to to be dehydrated, drink lots of water.
Marleneski Guest
SamyBoii Guest
Hi, i'm 41 and have been diagnosed with HBP (hereditary & life enduced stress) about 1.5 year ago, doctor started me off with 4mg, then bumped me up to 8mg.
Systolic 155 146 143 150 151 142 135 146
Diastolic 109 107 100 104 94 97 88 88
Pulse 98 88 92 119 110 96 109 109
At this point i have the hottest g/f but 3/4 of the time i loose my erections during intercourse, it's never happened to me before and i'm sure Coversyl is the cause
in addition, my sex drive has diminished severely to the point that she's wondering if i'm cheating on her or something 
Doctor told me all medication for HBP are more or less the same, that Coversyl is the best one. Still, i'm not ready to give up on my relationship because of HBP..any suggestions?
bobw1546 Guest
Hi all,
?i have only this moment come across this site it is Aug 2016 and i live in Australia, the stories all seem like i have written them at some stage over the last 5 years, my incident started the way as most,in denial and thought i could beat the HBP through diet or whatever.I have a high pressure job at times in the Construction industry as a site manager say no more. Dec 22 2011 building industry christmas shutdown known as breakup day,didn't even make it to work that day, thought i was having a heart attack,felt like some alien beast was trying to rip my heart out through my back,the only comfort i could find until the ambulance arrived was to arch my back and not move a millimetre,ambulance came did what all good paramedics do and made me comfortable and proceeded to take all the nessesary tests to determine the cause of the discomfort,my blood pressure at that point was 235/180 forget what my pulse was,tests showed i wasnt having a heart attack but something was seriously wrong,I live a long way from the hospital,the quickest trip ive ever done.
?Emergency dept took me in and examined and tested and tested some more to a point where they almost decided to send me home and see if things changed over a period of time,a young Dr suggested lets try a CT scan and see what that shows ill never know who he was but i owe him my life the CT scan revealed an Aortic Dissection running the full lenght of my Aorta from the arch down into my groin,so of course emergency surgery open heart the whole bit. five years later im still here to tell my tale, Coversyl, five years ive been on blood pressure medication and i would have to say its taken me the best part of four years to get my head into a place where i can function as a husband,father and work a full time job back in the building industry. coversyl 10 mg twice a day is where im at now with another drug called Zanidip,minipress and metoprolol these four drugs keep me alive and i must say again i has taken four years to accept the drugs. the lethargy,the dizziness, the lack of motivation,i have a constant heart rate of between 38 beats per minute to an absolute high of 60,at that level im peaking and it feels like im about to explode
?however sex was also an issue not being to get an erection to getting one and then losing interest half way through to not even thinking about it at all.slowly over time i accepted my situation and accepted that my body can funtion at a lower heart rate and i accepted that i may not have the best sex life,and i accepted that i was in control of my life and i wasnt going to die in the next week or so,suprisingly i sit here five years later writing this story, So Coversyl is a good drug, it takes time to get used to it, if you feel that you cannot cope with the drug please see your doctor and ask them if there is an alternative,again changing medications take time to adjust to,I dread the day i have to add or change my meds,its a long road to feeling normal again,my blood pressure these days is 145/90 when i get home from work down to 115/75 about one and a half hours after i medicate which i do twice a day im 58 years of age and im happy that i have drugs like coversyl ,its only years ago people died of complications that we now live with, thanks to pharmaceutical companies and brillliant doctors we have lot to be grateful for and taking pills for the rest of my life isn't too bad when i can still be part of my family and watch my children grow up and share the good times with my wife.