Crashing Fatigue

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Sometimes during the month I experience extreme fatigue that will just hit me out of nowhere. I could be fine one minute and the next minute I can't keep my eyes open. It's like a heavy sleepiness just overtakes me. Does anyone else experience this?

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    I have exactly the same problem and it's taken me a long long time to realise what it is. High carbs in food. Bread is the worst thing for me also anything with sugar added. I if eat anything like that I go in to a sort of stuper and can't keep my eyes open. 

    I don't eat anything like toast, cereal or sugar in the day and I feel so much better. Just try it for a week. The best thing to eat for breakfast. Is eggs, cheese, meat, greek yogart or cottage cheese.

  • Posted

    I also suffer with this but it is always after a high carb meal, even a chunky sandwich will send me in to a stupor, as will red grapes and other sweet items.. I love them but know I would feel much more lively without them - funnily enough toast does not have the same affect on me!
    • Posted

      Hi. Your lucky you can have toast I do sometime but only in the evening miss most of the telly as nod off to sleep after.

      lots of people suffer with this problem but don't associate it with carbs. That is why some people are so tired around morning tea break as they have high carbs for breakfast. They then go and make it worst by having a cake or something sweet. It's a vicious circle. If you must have high carb food leave till the evening. Meat, chicken, cheese, greek yogurt, fish and eggs are the best things. Oh and no fruit juice.  

  • Posted

    Hi Sharcerv

    i cant say i have to this extreme, but when i was having the odd period in peri, a few days before i was very very tired, really noticed it, but before peri i was same before a normal period, i would be exceptionally tired for a few days.... food doesnt really affect me in anyway.. I love bread and have bread daily and thats never affected me... 

    Jay xx


    • Posted

      Yeah I really don't think it's bread either. I think it's either the surge or plunge in hormones that does it.
    • Posted

      Hi Sharcerv

      well it was hormonal in my case, as always happened certain times of month.. i cant love with out bread or carbs either, i eat what i like when i like and never had problems so lucky that way.. 

      other things that can cause excessive tiredness to name but a few are B12 deficiency and anemia which is related to B12 ... iron is a good one to take i also take iron every day... blood tests are best to see if any problems, if all okay then Jarrows B12 5000mcg are a good supplement to boost energy, I use to have these, but have B12 jabs now ... 

      Jay xx 

    • Posted

      Yeah I definitely feel it's the hormones because it does only hit me at certain times of the month. 

      Yes I am going to get some B12 tomorrow. I will let you know how it works. 

    • Posted

      Hi Sharcerv

      good luck hun, try not to worry about it all.. 😃 Jay xx

    • Posted

      I have actually been a lot more relaxed. When I feel a certain symptom I think, O boy here we go again!  😒
    • Posted

      What I'll never understand is how is it that we have this crashing fatigue during the day and insomnia at night. It's a conspiracy! Lol!
    • Posted

      Hello jayneejay, I got the vitb6 but comes in 50mg. Was wondering if I should take 2 a day one 1. Also took vitb6 injection yesterday. Is there a need to also add folic acid or just the two vitamins are okay. Thanks
    • Posted

      Hi cecilia

      i would take 2 x 50mg B6 a day in morning.. but 150mg is best for me..

      but you say you had a vit B6 injection aswell ? 

      folic acid you have to be careful with that... I have it but dont take mine..

      i also take Menapol Plus 2 x daily.

      Natecal.. ( Vit D & Calcium) for bones



      B6 x 150mg daily..

      B12 ... injection ( Optovite ) two weekly 

      iron every other day for my peri..

      Jay xx


    • Posted

      Okay so I will take 2 X 50mg daily then. Yes I took vitamin b12 injection yesterday and also taking osteo bi-flex with vitamin D glucosamine chondrite for joint care.
    • Posted

      Hi Celilia

      arrrrrrh it was a B12 injection tou took yestersay not B6 .. 😃

      if you feel you need more B6 get some 100mg B6 and take one of those with 1x 50mg then you get your 150mg daily..

      my B6 are from the farmacia in spain and are actually 300mg, but I split mine....

      Biovea web has 100mg B6 ... good site .. Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hello jayneejay, forgot to mention I have also been getting these hot and cold flushes but sometimes the chills are like in my bones and even though I live in Africa, I have to put on socks some days when the temperature is high
    • Posted

      Hi Cecilia

      I get the day flushes but all alot better now,

      Sometimes i felt a chill after, but not to ur extent,have you had your thyroid checked

      Jay xx  

    • Posted

      Yes I have had them checked and it's okay. My doc says it's hormonal but was wondering if you had it too. Have been in this state one year and keep experiencing different symptoms. All am told is, it shall all pass but When?
    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      R u qualified to advise or just working from your own experience?

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