crazy in the head????

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hi ladies, sorry for another post and im sure i asked this before but its so unreal to me and scares me. do any of you ladies feel your literally crazy? like your brain is on some kind of drug your waiting and begging to wear off? idk how much longer i can take this feeling. im no longer living a life i am just getting thru the day. it makes me angry and cry that im losing valuable time with my kids. please God tell me im not alone and my mind, myself will soon return. im having a bad day and had prob one of worst anxiety attacks i ever had sad for those taking hrt, is it suppose to help with mental stuff? im going on 4 weeks and no change.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Get off the sugar completely for a few weeks, and my worst was chocolate.  Just one chocolate chip could send me into a three day stint of looney tunes.  The thoughts were horrible, I scared myself with them.

    Cutting sugar and chocolate will make a huge difference.  I can eat both now, but had to clean out for a few months first and these days I am much more careful about it

    • Posted

      ok i will do. but just sweets not bread and stuff like that right? like sandwich
  • Posted

    What is helping me with all the awful anxiety is definitely cutting out sugar, and also caffeine and processed foods with all the fake unpronouncable ingredients (who knows what those do to our hormone levels and body chemistry) and artificial sugar. I use stevia. I also am finding that a balanced, lowER carb diet helps me feel more energized and stable. Not low carb, which makes me feel shaky. Stretching and gentle yoga feels wonderful and calming. Be kind to yourself and try to minimize stress. It's best to say no to things to preserve our calm. The anxiety is not our fault. Our bodies are producing hormones and natural chemicals, much like being injected with a powerful medication. 

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