Crying spell
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I can't take it anymore, there has not been one day I'm waking up with no pain. there's all kind of symptoms that come and go, but headaches are the worst. for last two days my anxiety is creeping back up and I just want to cry, this morning I woke up and I just broke down, bursted out crying. I feel so low, I feel my life has been taken over by hormones and nothing I can do. My period is due next week but my symptoms are all over the place, I don't see a pattern. I don't know what to do anymore, went to so many doctors, all tests, scans everything came back normal. Thank god for this forum, you ladies are wonderful, it helps to know Im not alone in this.
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HopefulTrina ampat1
I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. The symptoms seem to NEVER cease. My anxiety has been extremely high the past few days. I had to leave work early, felt like I was going to pass out and start hyperventilating. I'm experiencing bloating, belching, jittery, nausea, chills but my body temp is fine. Oh yeah frequent urination, vision problems, headaches . Ovulation is just a few days away...
This is HORRIBLE. My mind keeps telling me this can't be hormones...
claire38123 ampat1
Feel just the same my lovely had every symptom under the sun from thinking iam having a heart attack to full on anxiety and 8 wks off work i burst into tears the other night over cooking dinner and it took me 3 hrs to stop i was sobbing like a baby all because my 22 yr old got sick of waiting and ordered a takeaway pmsl it come and goes for no reason all part and parcel of this crap they call the menopause and iam still only peri big hugs to you xx
Guest ampat1
Ampat1, it sounds like you are probably going to get your period early!
I do know what you are going through. I have to believe that all the tests I went through would have showed something sinister, yours too, so we just have to calm down and realize that we are in the 20% that have severe symptoms because of hormone imbalances. Praying that we will all find relief one day. XO
claire38123 ampat1
i no longer have periods as i had hysterectomy 7 yrs ago but all these symptoms are hard to deal with the hot flushes for the past 6 years were a breeze to what iam going through now iv even been put on meds for high blood pressure its all going to pot i wish it would all end but iam only 46 and still in peri so god only knows but big hugs to you all and it helps so much talking to you ladies xx
susan39015 ampat1
I am so sorry and reading that is how i feel. I am in line waiting for my daughter to get out of school. Just before coming here i got on my knees by by bed sobbing praying to god to take it all away. I think i may have to bite the bullet and try the lexapro my dr prescribed but im so afraid. I already feel manic and so detached mentally i dont know what to do. I pray for better days for all of us and im so thankful i have here to come to for support. I see a lot of the same names i feel like i know you haha. Hugs and blessings to all of you:)
nanc00951 susan39015
This is sooo how I feel.
It is as if I wrote it.
I am probably older than some of you at 56.
I spotted a few months ago so my GYN realized a still have a way to go.
I told her how bad I am with anxiety and crying (and pretty much not wanting to do anything)
She suggested hrt (which I am not interested) or an antidepressant.
I tried my best to get through this without meds but I do not think it is possible.
I do the same as you said, Susan, go up to my room and ask why am I being tortured.
ampat1 susan39015
that's exactly what I did earlier today, cried and prayed, asked God to help me get through this painful process with courage if not taking all the pain away. I am 39, I have a 4 and 7 year olds, I wish , hope, pray this hormones craziness go away soon. I need my normal self back so I can be a better mom. right now I am just occupied with my own health issues I barely give them my time. I am also on the verge of starting Lexapro. thank you all for pouring in your support. you ladies are wonderful. hugs to you all.
Guest ampat1
Being you are 39, have you thought about going on birth control pills?
ampat1 Guest
I tried couple of different ones but it made my symptoms worse, I was on it for a few months finally discontinued.
lisa68384 ampat1
So sorry, you are not alone my friend. I am 37 and started this junk early st 35. I struggled with guilt and depression big time for not being able to parent my now 9 and 6 year old like I dreamed and wanted to because of peri. I had a huge stretch of time where all I could do was cuddle up with my kids and watch dvd's because my brain and body was too checked out to do anything else...and you know what, that's ok! My mom gave me the best advise. That my children will do just fine without many things, as long as I can still love them and be with them then that is what they need. once I accepted that i felt better. year 3 with relentless peri and on my worst days I just cuddle up with my kiddos and hug them tight. the best things we can give our kids is love 😊
christina81747 ampat1
i am same way actually crying now cant hold it anymore cant keep track of period all over the place my period is due in 9 days but i never know when its going to come its fustrating i have had pressure in my head for days anxiety upset stomach back hurts legs and armd feel weak think im dying and have a disease its so fustrating
lisa68384 christina81747
I get all of your symptoms also. 3 years now for me. we're not's just these blasted hormones. it sure does feel like death though. hugs!
You are definitely not alone. I have learned that much of the crazy symptoms I've experienced over time are just normal. Like you, these days I'm trying to remain patient as I am in pain every day. Headaches are constant. I try to have tea or some coffee and rest when possible. Still working and help watch grandkids a few days a week. Recently ordered some entry level yoga CD's to start stretching in Hope that the movement will help. Perhaps a visit to your doctor can offer some help with symptoms? Are you on any treatments?
I went to my ob/gyn and GP, they both offered antidepressants. I have been putting that off because of all the side effects. I take multivitamins, B12, Vit D and recently added Calms.
nanc00951 ampat1
I as well went to GYN and GP. GYN offered HRT or antidepressants (which I had to see my GP for) I went to GP, he prescribed the antidepressant. I began to take it and thought to myself "what am I doing" and stopped after just two doses.
I am at a loss as what to do, what I do not need is a medication affecting the way I feel because then I do not know what is going on (just something else to effect the way I feel)
I am talking to a therapist which helps when I am with her. She does give me ways to cope with the anxiety (and the issues I am having) But of course, after I leave her I am back to my old self.
I have upped my vitamin dosage (hopefully this will help).