Daily Spotting on Peri Menopause
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I’m getting myself into a right anxious state. I’ve always been anxious anyway.
I’ve had a few consultations with my GP and it’s likely that a Gynaecologist will perform a biopsy at some stage to find the cause of the bleeding.
I am spotting daily on peri
menopause. I’m 57 and just starting peri I think. Prior to 6 months ago I had regular periods.
I’ve researched this and know that a general anaesthetic is the right way for me to go. I know you are not always offered one but I’ll pay if I have to.
Has anybody had this? How was it and how did you feel when you come round? I’ve never been to hospital before and feel very scared. More so I’m scared what they could find.
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jo4848 Cillablack
I've had this done with just local and a few ibuprofens and it hardly hurt, just felt like a very mild cramp for a few seconds. They also tried to remove a polyp which is blamed for my spotting but couldn't get to it. Biopsy came back fine but still had to go back for the polyp removal and again, he doesn't think he managed to get all of it because of where it is and my inverted cervix. My next option is general but I'm really scared of it so he said I can have spinal. He sent the second attempt as another biopsy sample so fingers crossed.
I hope you are ok with it but honestly, I am such a wuss and I didn't find it too bad. A smear is worse for me
Good luck x
Cillablack jo4848
Cillablack jo4848
I wish I could have this for a biopsy x
beth12460 Cillablack
Firstly, for a biopsy I doubt if they let you have a general. But don't know for sure. Perhaps a tranqulizer pill to calm you.
I don't mean to be nosey but I am very curious about starting peri later than average.
So you had no interruptions of periods until age 56-57? You are later than most for peri. Average is early 50's. Do you think there is anything you have done differently in your life? Children? No children? Had them when younger or older? Was your mother or sisters later than average?
I am very interested in what prolongs fertility.
Thank you,
Cillablack beth12460
I started my periods at 16 years old
My periods were as regular as clockwork up until 6 months ago. I am 57 in January.
I have one child whom I had via C Section at age 38.
I am already taking Citalopram anti depressants. Been on them 10 years and was diagnosed as a born worrier at age 18. I’ve always had anxiety issues since a child, this runs in my mums side of the family.
My Mum sailed through the menopause, unlike me obviously. I don’t have siblings.
Just thinking about this biopsy gets my heart racing, sweating and panic attacks. Something needs to be done to help me at the time. I will pay for an anethestic.
beth12460 Cillablack
Anxiety runs in my family too on my mom's side. I was in Kuwait during the occupation and ended up with PTSD. The anxiety in my family probably pushed me towards PTSD. I was treated with anti depressants and xanax. I don't think the antidepressants did a thing. It was the xanax. It helped calm down enough to get my head around it. I did not have panic attacks for years. Like 10-15 years. I recently had some trouble with neighbors. Big mess. Panic attacks came back. Tried to get my head around it on my own. Did not work so I started taking xanax again. It helped and then I really didn't need much and now I rarely take it. I know all about anxiety. If i feel anxious.. ah... this anxiety well I know what will happen in a panic attack. I get nervous, it peaks and then I calm down. Actually sometimes I can stop them before they start. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is genetic and deals with brain chemicals. So certain risky situations I just avoid. Ever tried xanax?
But anxiety comes with peri. I think they can do something for you. Out patient procedures might have discomfort but nothing major.
On the issue of fertility Yes, you did start late by today's standards. But in the 19th century they did not start until 16-18. And I know in Iran girls start very early. So that has to be genetic. But I have a friend who told me her granddaughter started just before her 10th birthday. And I think that is growth hormones in meat and milk. Did your mom hit peri before 57? I noticed among friends those who had kids particularly early started peri early.
Now there is ovarian rejuvenation. If you google it you can read how they are restarting periods. They do not know if ovaries can make new eggs or if they always have a reserve. Women in the 70's are doing it to prevent aging. Younger women who have ovarian failure at an early age are doing it with success. The oldest woman to conceive naturally (at 59) is a British woman Dawn Brooks. But she was post menopausal. So either her ovaries started again or still had at least one viable egg. Her child is perfectly normal.
Cillablack beth12460
Anxiety is a terrible illness and I lie awake sweating thinking about this procedure. I do research with my job and that’s why I’ve read a lot about the Biopsy. It’s traumatic for many who just thought it was routine. What chance have I got when smears have always been so painful. I can see me paying for pain relief but then again money is no good if you are not well xx
LouiseScotland Cillablack
Hi Cillablack.
I see you say you've not been to hospital yet and have, so far, only seen your GP?
I think you will probably see a gynaecologist in order to find out what investigations he or she recommends, and you will have a chance to ask questions or to express your concerns.
I had some minor spotting and saw my GP around a year ago. At that time I was almost 54, and 2 years since my last period. I have 2 grown up children.
I was initially sent for an ultrasound scan, and had to have a transvaginal scan done (at the risk of sounding weird, it was the most relaxing thing I've had done in ages, haha!).
I was then referred to a gynaecologist, due to thickening of the endometrium, who did an internal examination and also took several biopsies. It was over in a minute or two, was mildly uncomfortable, and I had a little spotting afterwards. It honestly was nothing, and I wouldn't say that if I didn't think it to be true.
I was told at the time that, although everything looked normal, I was to have a hysteroscopy (which allows the uterus to be seen in detail and more biopsies to be taken).
When I received the hysteroscopy appointment I was told that it is an outpatient procedure and that I should take 400mg of Ibuprofen an hour before, which I did.
The hysteroscopy took around 10-15 minutes from start to finish, I was able to see everything on a screen (which seems to help), and I was told I could ask to stop at any time. I found it intensely painful for perhaps about 15-20 seconds a couple of times, but the rest of the time it was bearable if a little uncomfortable. Deep breathing helps a lot, and 12 biopsies were taken.
Afterwards, I was 100% fine, with just a tiny amount of spotting for about 24 hours, and I went a shopping trip right after leaving the hospital. The only recommendations I would make is to use stronger painkillers beforehand (I would take a couple of prescription strength co-codamol in addition to the ibuprofen), and to take your own pad in case of spotting...the NHS seem to delight in providing huge maternity style pads!
I was fine and I'm sure you will be too, but don't worry about biopsies...in my opinion you don't need a general anaesthetic and any discomfort is over very, very quickly. Good luck!
maria76995 Cillablack
Cillablack maria76995
pinkcatfairy Cillablack
In peri I had Constant spotting with only a few days of nothing, after tests were clear I just put it down to another peri symptom, it did make me anxious as before that I was always regular.
Cillablack pinkcatfairy
That is reassuring
Was this picked up on your ultrasound or did you have the biopsy as well. I’m dreading these tests xx
pinkcatfairy Cillablack
Cillablack pinkcatfairy
jo4848 Cillablack
Please try not to worry! I've said this before, I was mortified and it was barely uncomfortable. Felt a few mild cramps for a few seconds and it was all done. Plus, you can always ask them to stop if it starts to hurt too much.
Keep us posted.