Darkish Times

Posted , 14 users are following.

Hi ladies

Im not sure if its just me..or what..but ive really noticed in the last 3 months or so that things are particularly dark, heavy, like energy in the air..

with so much going on in the world between celebrities taking their lives, to the school shootings to the disgusting political things going on ..to right here next to where i live 15 yr old boy taking his life, to my brothers lifelong partner dying 3 day ago, i mean its just not stopping..like i cant stop hearing about one tragedy after another..

I know my hormones and low mood make everything much worse, and magnified because im even more sensitive. 

But im really feelin it theses days, its kind of like its a bit frightening.

I wake up scared, almost haunted (as ive posted before) with the cortisol levels high, or whatever the heck is going on. My dreams are almost always negative, trying to escape or resolve or get out of some mess or another.

I almost think that during this time we are in a heightened state of "meno consciousness" if you wiill. I know this sounds probably whack..but its my perception these days that its a heavier world.

We have to pull together to really keep the positive going, and like some ladies have mentioned praying..i think its due, i think that any sort of support we can throw out to eachother and others is desperately needed during these times. 

Just wanted to reach out there a bit of my take on things ...



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    Thank you sisters and yes i mean it. 

    I appreciate validation so much you have no idea. I have noone to really bounce things off of as ive no spouse, or true friends to speak of other than coworkers. My mom has dementia and is 92, my family has written us off because we moved out to where we are..Its me and my boys, and this forum has helped hugely. I feel really kind of abandoned in a way its weird. Before nothing i mean nothing would affect me like this, now im fragile. (on the outside you would not know it, its just on the inside)

    ive looked in the mirror sometimes (as Bev also did) and see my face so wierd looking and crazy..especially my eyes. I dont know what is up with that..

    Yes, dark ugly things impact me much more than ever before, and i dont even watch TV. Ive watched nature shows only and some funny shows-comedy. My boys even say " mom why are you watching these animal shows?" Thanks for being here ladies

    i will send out a prayer tonight for you all. 



  • Posted

    Agreed.  These are difficult times and seem even more so when viewed through the lens of peri.  I find myself making a greater effort to strengthen relationships as much as possible.  Sometimes, that is hard to do, but I keep trying.  I’m grateful for this forum and being able to reach out to each other.  🌸💕

  • Posted

    Oh my gosh I thought it was only me....the negative news is getting me down politics, killings, evil people.... the boys stuck underground in the cave in Thailand has added to my anxiety

    I'm finding it so hard to cope I try to avoid the news on the tv and listen to the radio more but they have news breaks too.... great news that 4 of the boys have been rescued and are out I am praying so hard for the others and their coach....what a nightmare for them and their families its like my body is absorbing, reacting and becoming stressed out. I have started meditating and will start swimming and doing pilates to hopefully strenghten my body and mind. when this extreme tiredness lifts I feel as though I have been battered my body feels so weak.


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      mine feels weak time to time but is getting lil better.  Keep positive thoughts!  even when hard, i tell myself nothing is permanent.  Bad follows good was my motto,honestly   horrible thing to think i dont wanna be happy because when bad things followed.  But good also follows bad!  Night comes after day etc.  

      get sick, then get well. I never thought that way until someone pointed out its a balance.   we cant be up and happy feelings ALL the time.  So i quit monitoring my moods.  I quit beating myself up for being human and realized there is nothing wrong w me.  if i wanna cry i cry.  i asked the dr once what do i do when i feel sad and just wanna sob ?  She said do it!   its an easy answer but i was lookin for a difficult one .  

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      My therapist told me the same thing. If you feel like crying, do it. She said a good cry never hurt anyone.
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      Hi Shawnalb very wise words I must remember them, thank you x
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      I do a lot of controlled sobbing but I need to cry and just let it all out without thinking I am being a wimpette, I will justtry and let go.

      Thank you x

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      You're not a wimpette(I did laugh a bit at that word). Sometimes I think we feel to cry is giving in or it's a weakness. It's not.

  • Posted

    I could have written yoru post!

    Since this peri hormonal imbalance started I notice a shift to myself and the way I realize the world, the society circumstances etc

    To begin with, where are you living? I am sking  because in my country, an adolescent boy of the same age was taking his life yesterday and it is in the spotlight today!!!!! What a coincidence! 

    Indeed we live in darkish difficult transitional times as humanity and as societies, we all know that...others especially the decision makers of the world call it "new age", according to religion "last days"...

    And in this confused environment my body is giving a similar battle to balance...I think hormones are like demons inside us as there are "demons" everywhere

    I have also noticed that I have developed  extreme intuition and metaphysical worries. I I do not just deal with the obvious aspect of things...I am searching for a deeper meaning..

    To be honest, sometimes I feel an awful unbearable loneliness, others I hate everyone around me...I feel imprisoned as creature and lost seeking for relief

    Biologically, I think that the low estrogen along with the lack of serotonin, the hormone of happiness is the culprit that reignite these thoughts and the tough conditions of our environment just magnify my feelings...

    In addition the last years, I have noticed that I am more sensitive during full moon! Maybe there is a correlation between moon and our menstrual cycle....28 days our cycle, 28 days to be full moon again...


    • Posted

      It sounds like you have ‘woken up’ I too woke up at 41 and started seeing things the way they really are . I became a big conspiracy theorist or ‘truth seeker’ and learned so much about how this world is really run not what you see on the news etc .

      I too hate everybody 🤣🤣🤣 but I think most people are like this nowadays that’s why  everybody has become obsessed with animals,  pets as the only true love we see is on the eyes of animals as humans are degrading !

    • Posted

      lori-  i too feel i have woken up in last 5 years.  i question everything and trust lil to nothing which makes me feel scared and unsafe .  idont even trust me anymore.  I dont know if im sad for the new version appearing of me physically or what it is.  Im a much better person inside so im glad at least alot of soul searching happened during this peri phase.  So something good is coming from it.  i wont allow all this suffering to be for nothing. !! we can do this ladies...
    • Posted

      Hi Evi

      My apologies for not getting back to you. I have been bit busy.

      Thank you for the response, and i entirely agree with you on the overall 'darkish transitional times' This whole experience has rocked my world.


       I also cant deal with the superficial things of life, i cant be bothered. I just pretend and go through the motions. digging deep here, longing for belonging actually, love acceptance, peace etc.

      everyone is so involved in the trivial..i could care less. I know its not right but i also know im transitioning big time myself, so i go into myself, and just focus on day to day, my boys and work. I have to consolidate my energy as i have nothing left for more. 

      so many of us going through the same thing..

      low estrogen isnt a good thing for me..it means low functioning at many physical and emotional levels. Coping, endurance, strength, happiness(big one) its almost mentally mind altering, that makes you think you are cookoo when its the hormones or lack of in my case.

      Id like to post something here in a minute or sometime later when i can about this one thing that im experimenting with. Its been 3 weeks now so i feel like id like to share about it. Mainly because i think it slowly helping me. (im almost 54 and postmeno x 16 months)

      Let keep talking. 



    • Posted

      People are just terrible. Even some of my friends(one in particular) are getting on my nerves. I have a sweet but mischievous kitty named Tinkerbelle. I talk to God and I talk to her. People give you terrible advice.

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