Day 23of taking sertraline

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Today I feel very weak and tired, still very anxious and low mood, the sickness isn’t as bad just in a morning. No motivation everything is an effort. Are other people on this site feeling like this.

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    Im at 5wks now, but several of my main side effects were the tiredness and low mood, I’ve only just started experiencing better days this week... and last week I was about ready to throw the towel in!! It really is a hard slog... but were getting there, all of us together, once you get past half way... you’ll start to see the glimmers of hope to continue 🌹

    • Posted

      I agree with Rose. .. because of the glimmers last week I'm going to keep fighting. My problem is I usually feel fine as long as I can get out of bed and get dressed. It's the getting up which is the problem! Any tips for these de-motivating morning feelings? Grrrrrr x

    • Edited

      Hello Maria,

      I think because our side effects are so similar with low mood, I find its extremely easy to lie in bed, and shut ourselves away on those bad days... hell, I was even doing this as recent as last week!! lol

      But one thing I made sure to do from the very beginning was every morning, regardless of how I felt... was to get up, get washed, clean clothes (even if they were just fresh pyjamas or t.shirt and leggings) do my hair, teeth etc etc 

      And most importantly, I would get this out the way as EARLY as possible (within an hour of waking, as any later I would feel overwhelmed by the day and find it far too easy not to bother)  but powered through and forced myself to just get it done and over with... regardless if that meant I was just turning back round and going back to bed... it was done, it was dusted, it was out the way.

      I also made the habit of NOT actually getting back into bed once I was changed, but just lying on top... watching movies, reading sertraline journeys, or whatever we do to cope on those bad days. 

      And Ive personally found these simple little routines, as daft as they sound, have helped me to just feel that little bit more normal, functioning, and also a tad of achievement for getting them done 

      With the added bonus of if I did actually feel up to walk or anything later in the day, I didn’t have to feel overwhelmed again in having to drag myself out of bed and get ready as I already was... (not that I did very often, but the option was there lol)

      Hope this helps, well get there🌹

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Rose this is just what i needed to read. I'll read it again before I go to sleep and again in the morning. I felt ok last night, like so many other nights but when i woke up I made tea and roast and was in bed til nearly 4pm watching Netflix movies. This is the polar opposite of me before ~ usually up at 5.30am and busy showered dressed and makeup by 7.30am then an hour walk. It is very scary to be back here again living like this. I was diagnosed as bipolar in 2012 and I feel I am living a polar opposite to my previous life so it's a fitting title. I'm hanging in there and thank this forum so much for continued support 🌸

    • Posted

      Your welcome Maria... your advice has certainly helped me in those tough spots!!

      Strange how a little bit of support, advice, or just reading other people’s views and opinions can make all the difference going through. 

      And Ive also experienced those days where you go to bed feeling pretty good, planning what your going to do the next day only to wake up and think... what the hell happened??? lol

      But my motto is even on the bad days, no matter how small - if there is anything simple you can do and get done, get it done and out the way as soon as you can... dont allow yourself the opportunity to ponder, put off & become overwhelmed, as these little things are the things that really add up. 🌹

  • Edited

    Day 29 on sertraline 50mg. I got out of bed on day 24. Today, I felt great. I am hoping it lasts. The side effects were horrendous and I couldnt work. I am staying on them. I have not gone through all that for nothing.
  • Posted

    I’m so glad I found this feed... I’ve been seriously beating myself up as I’m struggleing, I have episodes of feeling completely normal and than NOT.  I’ve started having waves of panic I think as my arms feel all funny and tingle and  have bubbling in tummy and than this fear rises from no where.  I keep reading that the side effects are meant to be gone by now so I’ve been forcing myself to try and get on with things and I’m doing small things. To the outside I look normal but inside my head and the feeling in my stomach is meaning I’m withdrawing as it takes all my effort to focus through. 

    I’m day 23 and taking lansoprazol to help with acid as well. 

    I don’t know if I prefer to be panicky and active or drowsy and numb.  I have been questioning why am I on these?? And reading your post has made me decide to stay on them for a few more weeks.  

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