Day 6 post tkr

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Hey all

Well l have to praisw some of you and apologise for not listening how dient and much harder the knee replacement was comopaired to the hip replacement.

The pain was unvearable for 3 to 4 days but l am home now and its still really sore but getting there. I find it really hard sitting on a chair. The brusing is starting to come out now and lying on the couch is my comfortable place. Getting on and off the couch is the hard part. I can walk about the house without using my sticks now. But its still very sore and it was a lot worse than my hips. I get my staples out on tuesday and the wound looks clean and neat but itchy as anything. But its done now. And l am not rushing to get the other one done. Lol

But thanks for the advice you were right.


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    You are just starting your looooooong journey.  Hope this helps...


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      Thanks very informative the only is that l am allergic to NSAIDS and aspin.

      Post op deotession l know all about as l had it a lot with my hip recovery. It was like a rollercoaster but only you understand how you are feeling. I hated it 3 weeks after my op everyone thought l should be fine the op was fotgotten my own family were not that supportive that 3 week was nothing after a hip replacement. I cried a lot then l would have good weeks. I felt my husband was getting sick of me too l had been through 2 hip replacements and was now facing 2 knee's and my mum being sick as well and in the midst of all that my husband got sick l just did not know what was wrong with him if he had brain damage or something that was going to kill him until they found out it was a brain virus ans blasted him with superantibotics. It worked and thank god he is on the mend and back home looking after me and standing in for me when l cant for my mum as she starts her radiotherapy on monday and he is going with her and my dad. Its going to be a long road but l will get there.

      Laura x

  • Posted

    Hi Laura,

    I'm surprised at day 6 you're allowed to walk alone I wasn't and used crutches for nearly 3mths.  (but I did have a fall on day 8 which put me back in hospital)

    Itchy is usually a good sign that things are healing .. sounds amazing that you are walking on your own and itchy so early, lucky you smile

    Are you taking oxycontin/endone (narcs) for pain?

    Take care... Tracey

    • Posted

      I threw away the walker on day 3 but used a cane for at least a month.

      Itchy...  Sometimes people complain about "sensitivity" around the incision especially when rubbing against clothes or sheets.  Try wrapping the knee loosely with an ACE bandage or get a knee sleeve to keep it from rubbing against stuff.  Easy fix.

    • Posted

      Wow Chico .. I never had a walker but I don't think my fall at 8 days post op helped .. as I tore all the internal and external stitches below my knee was readmitted to hospital for 5 days and then sent home with steri strips and one of those battery operated suction bandages and had to be extra careful with the healing so I suppose that didn't help that I used the crutches for so long as I didn't start physio for 6mths.

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      OUCH!!!  I fell out of bed day 4, after ditching the walker, and my wife called a rehab facility...couldn't handle me (I'm a really bad patient ...).  Spent a week and couldn't stand it one second longer.  Thought I'd have the op and then do a gig with my band the following Saturday!  I was truly idea what TKR pain was like.

      You just had to heal after that fall.  Everyone goes through this differently.  I put a lot of my thoughts into the BIg post...above.

      "Ya gotta go through hell before you get to Heaven." - Steve Miller, Jet Airliner

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      l still try to use my sticks as l know l gbb cheating as l am.not distributing my weight evenly enough as l tend to limp on my good leg. But its laziness as l am just getting up to go for a drink from couch to fridgrrþý ñ don't see the point in grabbing them to take four steps when l.can walk them myself. But dont worry l know how important they are to my recovery. So.the sticks will be used a lot.

      Yeah on a fair few painkillers l am just trying to get the best mix at the moment. I have oxy and dihydrocodine b.and co codamol. I went into the hospital on oxy and cbo-codamol and tramadol. I only took 1 oxy per day at that point. But l.was 1 with dihydracodine, oxycodone and paracetamol. My kitchen bunker is like a chemist. Right now l am taking about 3 oxy a day and in the morning l have dihydricodine x2 and a tramadol and if l feel.l need any more during the day l will take one of something or a tramadol and a dihyracodine. Its just getting a happy medium without taking to much or not enouch. But l managed through 2 hip replacements so its just getting the pain under control. .

      Laura x

    • Posted

      Yeah l am on oxy and l feel like l am turning a corner ......the constant pain is easing now. . the only think its still affecting is my sleep.x
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      Try adding 10 mg of melatonin at bedtime. Its an over the counter non habit forming drug that affects the sleep mechanism of the brain. Its nothing like sleeping pills and produces no hang over
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    Forgot to mention I have hospital chair that I sit on and a hospital table also that I use for when I'm on my laptop .. at 10.5mths post op I still find it more comfy than sitting at my desk.  Plus we bought a recliner that has a nice height for me to get in and out of.

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      I am hoping to be back to work before xmas but wither it happens l am not sure at all just need to see how my recovery goes.

      Laura x

  • Posted

    Well l am nearly 3 weeks post op on tuesday. I am finding sleeping the hardest at the moment. I just want to sleep on my side but my knee won't allow. Other than that l am getting there. I go out daily walks just around my estate using my sticks and can move about no problem. I have had my staples removed on tuesday and my scar is looking neat and flat. My leg is getting easier to move not yet nearly as good as it was but l find it getting better. I tried driving my car just a small trip on my country road and its ok the only pain l get is from unerneath my knee. I would not drive if l felt a danger to myself or others. I managed to drive to my mums and home and l have done it twice now. But thats as far as l would go confidence is up.and the pain is less. But i have done it and l feel better for it. My rseal PT starts in 2 weeks amd l am looking forward to getting more movement in to my knee. N

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      Sorry pressed send before l finished my post. All l was going to say is l hope l continue to improve. Yes it was a lot sorer than my hlp replacements but l am coping fine. Hopefully in a few weeks my pain will be much less and my movement much more.

      Have took everyones advice plenty of ice and elevation.

      Laura x

    • Posted

      Sounds like everything is going GREAT! Always glad to hear when there is good progress!😊 Sleeping was a challenge for me until about 12 weeks in when I could get comfortable on my stomach. At nine weeks I was able to cross my right leg over and relieve sciatic pressure on my right side. That really helped the whole leg to feel better.

      Glad your staples are out! Healing can get going faster without worrying about those little buggers!😁

      Physical therapy was a HUGE help to me! The work I did there with strengthening and balance made everything better for me.

      Work hard and rest often!

      Keep in touch, OK?

  • Posted

    Hi Lors I too have just had a total knee replacement (27th of August 2016) and I can't believe how bad the pain is. It seems to get worse instead of better I just feel like sitting and crying. I keep taking my tablets but they don't really take away the pain just take the edge of it away. Can you give me any tips .Sandra

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