Debilitating Fatigue

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Hi ladies! Hope all is well. I was wondering have any of you had fatigue really bad; I mean so bad that you feel like you could just drop? When I ovulated two weeks ago, I was so tired and now I am actually on my period and I have been so tired. I also had joint pain in the socket of my left hip, so annoying. Do any of you get pain in the hip and groin area during your period? I have had it with these symptoms! I feel like a zombie! I've been walking around achy and stiff. I feel like I'm twenty years older than my actual age. Sorry to groan just needed to vent.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    I used to get hip pain right side just before period almost every month. Now post meno so get none of that.

    re tiredness, go to gp get bloods done, if you are a heavy bleeder you could be anaemic or needing something like evening primrose

  • Posted

    I have had the join pain in hip, i had it on and off for a while and dont seem to get it now. At the moment i have pain in my hand around thumb area it keeps aching! I did have the crashing fatigue some time ago around the time of my period, thankfully now it doesnt seem as bad but i get the odd day where i could have a nap in the day! X
  • Posted

    Yes i have had fatigue bad to where i am going to fall over and trouble sleeping at night at times to where i am up half the night. Then the ball of my foot on the left foot wchich has the plate eight screws and a pin has been hurting and the heal spur on my right foot has been hurting to where i can not stand on my feet because of the pain and i work as an usher and my feet are really hurting i can hardly walk with how bad they hurt and nobody knows what is going on or how to help my feet 

    Then i get hot then cold then hot then cold to where i wear long sleeve then when i am hot have to wear short sleeves. 

    Then my left side hurts like crazy at times to where i am groaning and moaning 

    I feel like i am falling apart 

  • Posted

    Yes I get the debilitating fatigue. Been in perimenopause eight years. Periods all over the place. I am aneamic

    Found out eight weeks ago. Very heavy periods. I was getting breathless and palpitations. Im on iron tablets now and it has helped sime but they take a while to get into the system. So yes definitely get bloods checked. Saying that I had severe tiredness come over me today at work. I literally felt like I could drop on the floor. Also aches and pains. Depression and anxiety the list goes on but I wont bore you any further. Take it easy. God bless xx

  • Posted

    Hi, I am 46 years old. I feel exactly the same. Feeling very tired, worned out, ovaries are very sore&painful. I struggle getting up from the bed every morning. Good luck
    • Posted

      No, you are certainly not alone. It is so horrible to feel this way. I am still not convinced that all of this is caused by menopause! What else could be causing all this!!?
    • Posted

      Believe it or not, I strongly feel it is all caused by menopause. I've heard from many women on this forum and from my sisters both of whom are older than me and are going through it. They describe having the same symptoms as we all have been describing. Besides, I've gone to the doctor and had bloods drawn and everything is always normal so menopause for me is the common denominator in this equation.
    • Posted

      I agree. Other than being aneamic all other tests I have come bck normal including heart monitor because of palpitations. But I have to say ive developed health anxiety in perimenopause and some days I feel do ill I start to think there must be something seriously wrong with. Ive been in this horrid nightmare eight years now in 48. No one really tells you how awful these hormones can makes you feel. I just keep telling myself that im not ill its just hormones and this too shall pass. We are sll in this together ladies xc
    • Posted

      Yes you're absolutely right this has been a nightmare. I woke up this morning feeling relatively okay and then out of nowhere I started feeling nauseous and lightheaded and like I had to use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom hoping that that would make me feel better but occasionally I still feel the nausea and upset stomach sensation. It's so weird.
    • Posted

      Yep its weird how one minute ur ok the next ur not. Ive had my fair share of nausea its horrid! !!! I pray every day I get over this whole peri nonsense. But its been eight years so far. Cant be much longer can it? Lol

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