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i had been on antidepressant meds for many many years, the last one being Prozac. on 15th Feb a psychiatrist stopped 20mg of Prozac and immediately started me on 15mg Mirtazapine . Took for 20 days. During this time my dear brother died. I hit the bottle to try and cope with my loss and I stopped the Mirtazapine at the same time worried about taking alcohol with these. I didnt go back on Mirtazapine at all. I have been without meds for around 3 months and I am experiencing very unpleasant withdrawal. I stopped the Mirtazapine cold turkey. Although I was only on Mirt for 20 days would one expect such withdrawal.

Any comment or view would be so appreciated. I FEEL SO ISOLATED. THANK YOU?


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18 Replies

  • Posted

    absolutely yes, ive been on them 3 times, the last time was on on them 8 days and had terrible withdrawal x

  • Posted

    whats your symptoms?

    • Posted

      Hello Lee

      Thank you for responding. I have anxiety, early morning waking, disassociation with friends and family, loss of appetite, upset stomach when I wake up, low mood, not wishing to do much. Sometimes I am now having good days with symptoms not too extreme but then the next day it hits me again. I must add this is nothing like depression and anxiety that I have suffered with in the past. Hope is well and happy in your life.


    • Posted

      Hey, this is quite common. I'm 7.5 months off and still having issues as you describe. It messes up many systems including histamine receptors, metabolism and so on. Hang on in there, the good days outweigh the bad days over time.

  • Posted

    hello, i dont think you are having withdrawal, i think you are relapsing, and need to see your pysc. normally, when you go from a ssri like prozac, to mirt, it means your condition has worsened. your brothers death and the drinking will have made you worse? you are in need of medication., not going through withdrawal. you only withdraw meds, if youve been in a good place for some time. you do need to see your pysc or dr asap.

    • Posted

      Thank you for comments. However, I never ever felt this bad on Prozac. Mirtazapine made me feel completely mad. I do believe this is withdrawal, it is so very, very from depression. I am now showing little signs of recovery. I really hope that you are wrong. The thought of going back on that poison fills me with fear.

      thanks again


    • Posted

      dee it absolutely is withdrawal, i know because ive been through it, i even set up my own group on facebook, and i got over it that well that i started reducing another med and currently in withdrawal from that one, hang in there, it does end x

    • Posted

      thanks Lee i dont wish my life in this hell you give me hope had a good day today cheers

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    • Posted

      no worries dee, just take it day by day, it comes in waves and windows, the windows are when we feel good and the waves are when we feel bad, its just the body trying to find its balance x

    • Posted

      its a good you can compare your current state with previous ones. you should be able to tell if you start slipping backwards. all the best.

  • Posted

    why did u stop the mitrazapine? was it working or not? I think u do need some professional help to help u with your recent bereavement. its a stuff thing to deal with and there is no stigma in taking a pill to make u fell well again. I tried and got so low i was suicidal. mitrazapine gave me back my life and got me to think straight again. it stopped the dark days. off it now as in a good place.

  • Posted

    i hope you are starting to feel better

    i have been off this drug over 4 months and i am still getting withdrawls from it. i also think i am relapsing as i feel awful again, suicidal thoughts, dissociation with family and partner and friends .

    mirtazipine was a pretty good drug tbh, i came off it because i gained over 2 stone and couldn't shift the weight no matter what i did,the weight has now gone thank goodness, she did prescribe me trazadone, but i read it gains you weight like the mirtazipine

    i am in between meds atm, and see my gp Thursday

    • Posted

      saw your post, re the weight gain, thought id mention this. i used to think weight gain could happen with any depressant, and that mirt wouldnt be any worse. most of them can cause it. supposedly its something to do with the meds interferring with seratonin, which generates feeling of satisfaction and fullness.. however had a low dose of mirt added to the high ven dose i take a couple of months ago, working extremely well. i did notice that appetite became stronger than before mirt. found some info about diet when on anti depressants. main advice was to make sure the first meal of the day was a complex carb, with no protien. this means we produce some seratonin shortly afterwards, which makes up feel satisfied. the prescense of protein with your first meal, inhibites this production, and means you dont feel satisfied. ive taken it to heart, first meal is always ready brek, and a have another 1 or 2 servings during the day. fit rest of food around it. it works a treat. i feel full and satisfied the whole day, yet ive lost weight. any complex carb will do, although needs to be cooked healthily. works a treat. a plain cold jacket spud would be a good snack, to manage the food cravings.

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