Dementia fears! Need reassurance.
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I hope you are all feeling ok today. My anxiety has reached new limits today and I'm in a tunnel of fears.
I'm 50 with irregular periods and many other peri symptoms for last few years including depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance (insomnia, sweats, nightmares, numbness, waking with a fright thinking there are noises when there aren't!), IBS, fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, mood swings. The mood swings have got worse the last few weeks - frequent crying, agitation, rage. I don't know whether I'm coming or going and neither do my family!
I've worried about dementia before but today I read about Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), apparently Robin Williams had it, and so many of my symptoms above can be early signs. I felt sick with fear when I read it. It doesn't help that the fatigue, dizziness and brain fog is really bad today. I'm just convincing myself that all these peri symptoms are adding up to something more serious. I'm sorry but I can't stop ruminating in anxiety and even that I'm interpreting as a sign of dementia or seriious mental disorder because I just can't seem to control my anxiety and emotions right now. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be greatly appreciated.
Thank goodness we all have each other to turn to, love and hugs to every one of you on this journey.
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karen71465 Ruthie49
karen x
Ruthie49 karen71465
pam1313 Ruthie49
I was adamant at start of menopause that I wouldn't take HRT.....but I've felt like I'm going insane for last two months and wouldn't wish the feelings on my worst enemy. That'll teach me!
I also google my symptoms......and when you feel as poorly and as strange as we do you can often convince yourself you've got every ailment under the sun! Only thing I was definite I hadn't got was being pregnant.......thank god! Take care.
Ruthie49 pam1313
That's interesting about the amitriptyline - I've been on a low dose for the last two weekS for IBS and chronic abdo and back pain. It's made me groggy and I think it's made the dreams worse but I'm sticking with it. Has it helped you?
Do you still get a bleed with your HRT patches? I would try HRT if I thought it would help but I think I'm scared it might make me feel worse as I hear mixed reviews.
pam1313 Ruthie49
Sex this rate I'm going to be a born again virgin lol!
didi0613 Ruthie49
Ruthie49 didi0613
ursulauc62 Ruthie49
I have a history of depression anyway, and still suffer from this, but not as badly as before. I do feel I'm past the worst. Honestlly - what you are feeling is most likely down to very significant hormonal changes, which will settle down soon.
didi0613 ursulauc62
Anyway thanks for your encouraging words. Hoping to get through all this crap soon. Although I think its only 2 years I've been in the peri phase, and this year was the worst ever.
Ruthie49 ursulauc62
sue976 ursulauc62
yiu have just made me feel so much better, my anxiety as been through the roof today, like Ruthie I google and I know it's the worst thing in the world to do, because all it's doing is feeding the anxiety, but when you start with all the problems it's hard not to.
Bit it's fantastic to hear that you have got better, it really as given me hope that this will not last forever, I have only been in peri about 18 months,so I know I've along way to go, it just perked me right up. thank you 😄😄😄
ursulauc62 Ruthie49
I was on HRT for a while, but was still getting the anxiety with it. I stopped it after a few months, because I was putting on weight and getting alot of acne, which can happen with HRT. I do take anti-depressants, which I started again in the Spring, - fluoxetine/prozac, 40mg a day. I also take vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin D and calcium, folic acid and Omega 3 fish oil tablets, and eat very healthily - which can be really boring at times, but I think it does help. I get hardly any hot flushes, which I'm quite suprised but very pleased about. I was getting them for the first half of this year quite badly. I dont drink alcohol, which I know is also boring, but I have had a drink problem, and I think it also minimises menopause symptoms not to drink.
ursulauc62 sue976
Ruthie49 ursulauc62
chelo ursulauc62
jackie95472 didi0613