Dementia fears! Need reassurance.
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I hope you are all feeling ok today. My anxiety has reached new limits today and I'm in a tunnel of fears.
I'm 50 with irregular periods and many other peri symptoms for last few years including depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance (insomnia, sweats, nightmares, numbness, waking with a fright thinking there are noises when there aren't!), IBS, fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, mood swings. The mood swings have got worse the last few weeks - frequent crying, agitation, rage. I don't know whether I'm coming or going and neither do my family!
I've worried about dementia before but today I read about Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), apparently Robin Williams had it, and so many of my symptoms above can be early signs. I felt sick with fear when I read it. It doesn't help that the fatigue, dizziness and brain fog is really bad today. I'm just convincing myself that all these peri symptoms are adding up to something more serious. I'm sorry but I can't stop ruminating in anxiety and even that I'm interpreting as a sign of dementia or seriious mental disorder because I just can't seem to control my anxiety and emotions right now. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be greatly appreciated.
Thank goodness we all have each other to turn to, love and hugs to every one of you on this journey.
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susan21149 Ruthie49
All that you mentioned is what i am going through. Depressed moods, anxieties, not sleeping well, stomach issues can't look at food at times don't know what to eat, then i to have crying spells, agitation, and rage to where i take it out on my boyfriend at times. Then i get tired and just want to sleep then there are times i can't sleep then there are times i do get dizzy and brain fog sometimes its hard to say what i want to say but i do get it out then there are times i forget things
Its just been really hard on my and i wish this would go away. Then there is a cyst on my ovary and the ultra sound person thought he noticed something i go tomorrow to talk to my OBGYN to see what he wants to do i pray it is not large but when the guy who did my ultra sound saw something he told me it up to my OBGYN as to what he wants to do
I just want to cry more and just cry but i want to be on the safe side and make sure that this cyst is not cancerous thats what i am afraid of
Ruthie49 susan21149
Take a deep breath and go along to your OBGYN. Cysts are nearly always benign and harmless just troublesome. I can understand your fear but your thoughts are just thoughts, they don't make your fears real. I wish I could take my own advice!! Let us know how you get on.
susan21149 Ruthie49
Ruthie49 susan21149
ellen20088 Ruthie49
I am so sorry that you are going through the braing fog, that has to be depressing as well as scary. Our brain is what we make it - I have read research on that you have to do fun things to make the brain develop happy cells. One example is taking up a dance class and dance as much as you can. Another one is to a card game to get your brain to developing strategies. I go to the casino when I am down and once I leave I am better. these are just suggestions not a replacement for medical advice.
Ruthie49 ellen20088
chelo Ruthie49
Be well
Ruthie49 chelo
MrsMerm Ruthie49
The problems and symptoms associated with peri/menopause could turn you into a hypochondriac overnight.
at one point I felt like I may be developing MS
I also had allergies causing my head to ache I thought I was going mad last summer
The aches and pains, I've also had hiatus acid reflux and nausea
sometime last year I even thought I was pregnant, bloating, boobs swollen
However, like you, my most recent and ongoing problem is anxiety
nearly on the ceiling the past two days, shouting, hysteria, and crying LIKE A MANIAC 
Oh Ruthie stop thinking all these things hun, it's THE CHANGE and it's naff because the medical profession does not take this seriously and we are left to try and find out what we can ourselves.
chelo MrsMerm
Ruthie49 MrsMerm
MrsMerm Ruthie49
honestly I have seen several GP's and feel that they haven't got a clue what they are dealing with
Maybe I should write to one of the reputable medics magazines, an essay or something
Nite Girls
keep smiling XXX and love yourselves
chelo MrsMerm
jackie95472 MrsMerm