Depression after bilateral knee replacement. Help!

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I just found this forum. Three more days and it will be three weeks since my BILATERAL knee replacement. So many challenges. Blood loss, four transfusions, short rehab (had to get out and get home) 76 years old and on home PT and nursing now. I am ready for a crying jag now. I have depression/anxiety with bipolar elements...all my life, so maybe that is helping me recognize that this round has a basis in the obvious. Never lost my appetite before but in rehab, it went out the window. I ate to eat to heal. Still doing that. Put on 20 pounds of edema with both legs done at once. Last night was second night without wearing the heavy immobilizers and my first good night of sleep. I am taking 1 to 2 tramadol a day. Last night though I slept finally about 10 hours with four trips to commode. I knew this would be tough but couldn't face the idea of doing it twice in a row. Now it's done. I have a significant other who is "here" for me, a great psychiatrist and therapist and I try to reach out...I am taking one day at a time, but evenings are very tough. Hope I sleep again tonight.

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14 Replies

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    I have my right knee replaced about 4 years ago. The pain had gotten so bad all I could do was cry at night. The replacement actually helped the pain I was in before the surgery; however, it was still difficult with painful rehab. I just cannot imagine bilateral!

    Now, about 1-1/2 years ago I have my ankle reconstructed. Had surgery in November, 2018 and a second surgery April, 2019 to remove some hardware and clean infection. That ankle still hasn't fully healed or fused. Just waiting for the best. But, then my leg started aching and become painful to even touch. Went back to the ortho surgeon, had xrays and discovered I had broken the tibia bone in that leg. Was in a boot recently for 7 weeks - broke got worse, so now in a cast. However, now the cast is slipping so back to the doc tomorrow for exam. During all of this my left knee has gone out and I am waiting for everything in the right leg to heal so they can replace my left knee.

    I have suffered from depression/bi-polar my entire life. Had colon cancer at age 31, 6 months later liver cancer, then 5 years and lung cancer. My kids are now grown and I survived all that but a divorce happened after 30 years of marriage - he just couldn't handle the cancer bit along with all the bills. I have now been divorced for 17 years and am married to a wonderful woman for the last 3 years. Amazing the changes life brings. I am more content (retirement may have been a factor also), less depressed (although bouts of that still happen), and happy other than my poor body falling apart!

    Hang in there - it has to get better. I lost my appetite with my first knee surgery and lost about 20 pounds. Later tall that sure came back! Hoping for better days ahead for you!

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      Sorry for all your added complications! I am just taking a day at a time. They did push my in rehab only one week out of my double knee. Put two pound weights on each leg and gave me 100 reps of 5 leg exercises. That's when I knew I had to get out and get to home that is going better and the my outside PT eval with my great PT April 25. The immobilizers were pretty gruesome for two weeks but now I can find a sleep position . Last night only 6 hours but took tramadol before bedtime and had a pretty much achy but pain free night again.

      I have lots of hobblies and tv shows! Want to get my meds sorted out today so talk with my psychiatrist will help.

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      I also met someone a little over two years ago and now have a wonderful life partner. He is also suffering from depression right now, pretty bad. He had a triple lumbar fusion in September. He still works 3 days a week. Hard when we are both in a place where neither has a lot to offer to the other. But we are together, love each other and are doing our best! He is 67 and I am 76.

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      So happy to hear your positive take on life. We just never know what we will be faced with next! Best of luck to both of you!

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      Wow, what a way to begin rehab. Glad you went to home PT. Having both knees done at the same time takes courage and strength. You are a hero!

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      Before I was just scared but certain I didn't want to go through it all twice. Last three weeks have been horrible but, like most pain that we have in life, once it passes, the memories of it fade. I am just glad that I did two and done.

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    Hi! Congratulations on your surgery. So brave to doi both at the same time. Everything will improve. It will take a long time but slowly it will all come together you will see. Taking it one day at a time is the best thing you can do. DON'T worry about sleeping at night if you are awake do something to entertain yourself till sleep returns. Your schedule won't be normal for awhile. I found it relaxed me more knowing its not the end of the world if I can't sleep at night like everyone else. Read or watch TV just be ok with how you are now knowing and believing this will pass.

    Glad you found this forum. It's a lifesaver ~ so many good people.

    Wishing you well and know the best is yet to come.

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      That's what I have been telling myself about loss of sleep. My job now is doing my ADLs every day, my PT, my icing, resting, eating good food even if I am not hungry. Getting well is my job.All else is on hold.

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    Hi Therese, Aww you are so brave having two at once, well done. I had mine in November and kept telling myself okay it's done. I suffered at lot of pain walking before it was done. It wasent easy after the op and i cried too and felt so alone. I had friends take me to appointments but it seems depression is a common thing after this operation which is major! and you did x two! I am four months on now and am feeling so much better and know i did the right thing having it done. I had a fantastic surgeon and my PT never pushed me. Do what you can but rest is so important too, i found if i haden't slept at night i would drop off druing the day watching TV, pain medication really helped along with icing. I have cut my pain meds. in half and am back driving, gardening and line dancing BUT! i pace myself and dont overdo things. I tend to treat myself to a lazy day most weeks to give myself a break, finding the right balance i suppose which is hard when you are an active person. Dont be too hard on yourself, you have got through the operation, it is tough but hang in there hun. This forum helped me too, as only people who have had it done know what you are going through, for me it has and is getting better, although i still have a long way to go. Hope it gets better for you too, like you say "take one day at a time" which i think helped me, i also took up a lot of sitting down hobbies to take my mind off things, knitting squares for a blanket ha! got loads now, bead making, mosaic making, i planted a load of seeds for the garden ,do anything you are interested in, it helps, even a good movie. Hope you feeling a little bit better soon.

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      Great to hear all of this. I have been sober for close to 29 years so my AA work has helped me so much. The acronyms and sayings are really a plan to live by. Thanks!!

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    I've had a lot of surgeries. 4 on my knee. I think it's normal to have a bit of depression. I did for about a week. Then all of the sudden it went away. our bodies go through a lot during surgery. Its a tough recovery. Knee surgery that is. Painful. Im still going through pain and having a bunch of test to find out why. It's been 2 years since my 4th knee surgery. I know most surgeries are a complete success as Im sure yours will be. Just hang in there and all will be well. Lots of prayer. God will help you through it.😀

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      Thanks. You too! Knee so much worse than hip surgery. I took only tylenol with that replacement and was driving in three weeks. Bilateral knee a whole different ball game. I do get stronger each day that I get some sleep. Last night I awoke with pain and instead of lying there in pain, I took a tramadol. I only take one to two a day and tomorrow is three weeks since surgery.

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    Wow, 4 surgeries on one knee. Sounds like my sister-in-law. She had her knee replaced, infection, removal of device, new device placed, then discovered a nickel allergy so replacement again. I felt so bad for her about going through the rehab!

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      yeah rehab is painful but we have to push on through it. It's definitely not easy. I hope they can finally find out what is wrong with my knee.

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