Depression and Severe Anxiety

Posted , 18 users are following.

Hi everyone. My depression and anxiety has been off the chain lately, in spite of being on Effexor and Klonopin. I'm so scared of everything. Is anyone else going through this? Please I need some advice.

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39 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, and the symptoms and nervouness that come with that scare of everything are so scary! I'm scare like this the whole day! I have no ideal how to handle or what to take! I can hardly function! 

  • Posted

    My depression and anxiety had tapered off. Now it's back, not as bad but.....

    I'm not tired, I just don't feel loke doing anything. My Trazodone helps and so does the Valium. Sometimes I can go days without the Valium, then sometimes I feel like I need it every day! Also, my hemmorhoids have flared up and that's not helping how I feel. I start thinking it's some dread disease. My mind just runs away. And work? It's only God that gets me out of bed.

  • Posted

    Yes, and I've been on numerous antidepressants with no relief. I suffer from social anxiety and depeession, doom and gloom which I've never experienced before. I've become somebody else!!

    • Posted

      Colleen... U took the words or feeling's out of my mouth.. I was just crying to my bf...when will I feel like myself again... Whatever that is also not apparent to me. These women issues are a waste of a good life.

  • Posted

    Hi yes I can relate to this but I don't take antidepressants as the doctor tried to give me. I feel depressed and anxious and cry a lot. I am trying St Johns Wort and theanine to see if that helps. Hang in there I know what it's like I felt like I was having a mental breakdown last week.

  • Posted

    I am experiencing the same thing past few days. your not alone. I also on antidepressant lexapro and an HRT. And past few days are horrible. I don't have much support at home. My husband doesn't understand. It's scary. There

    are good days though and I know they will come again. Keep you chin up and know it will get better 😀

    • Posted

      I'm from the US and on Medicaid so of course the newer meds not anyone using Vibryd or Trintellix on this forum and if so how are the results compared to say Setraline, Wellbutrin etc.. ?

  • Posted

    Hi Kathryn, was just reading your post and was wondering how you are doing with the depression and anxiety? I'm going through the same thing.

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