Posted , 13 users are following.
I think i am loosing my mind to menopause! I have been so tearful today, depressed and cannot function! is HRT the answer when desparate!
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Posted , 13 users are following.
I think i am loosing my mind to menopause! I have been so tearful today, depressed and cannot function! is HRT the answer when desparate!
0 likes, 18 replies
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madcow1964 keepsmiling15
My mum has suggested HRT but my doctor, without being asked, told me it would be pointless while my periods are regular. Not sure I want to go down the HRT route when the time comes - I know you can be back to square 1 when you come off it again.
This forum is an excellent place to get help from so many ladies out there who are going through, or have gone through, the same symptoms as you and I. Hang in there - sending you a reassuring hug - though not too tight as my stomach is on fire through PMT so-called heart burn! x
meno keepsmiling15
I've reached desperation point in May. I could not believe how awful I felt psychologically and knew that I had to do something and do it quick before I lost my sanity. I looked up a private doctor in my county and got an appointment with her with 4 days. She was fantastic and unlike a GP had time to listen to me. She gave me a private prescription for bio identical estrogen . It has made an incredible difference . I use it on the 17th day after my period starts and then continually until day 2 of my period. It's available on the NHS. She write to my GP and he's happy to prescribe it for me. I spent nearly £300 seeing the specialist (which is a lot of money for me) but she was worth every penny.
Peri is hard and horrible , but getting real help,( not just a pat on the head and being sent home, ) makes life bearable .
Good luck.
K x
christine20477 keepsmiling15
When all seems just too much to deal with and you feel that things can't get any worse, it's very tempting to try anything that you think may help.
I started HRT when I was 39 and at 62 I now realise that it was probably just posponing the inevitable. I am just coming off HRT ready for surgery.
If I had to be 39 again and know what I know now I think I would still make the same choice to take HRT. Coping with what was happening at the time was just too much. Coping with withdrawl from HRT now is somehow easier, but I know that that is not the same for everyone.
There are no easy answers. It's what's right for you.
I really hope that you feel better soon. There is a light somewhere at the end of the tunnel .... Honestly.
mrs-magoo131 keepsmiling15
Stay connected to this forum as you will realise you are not alone...there is plenty of us tearful ladies around to pull you out of a blue period :-D
tina73315 keepsmiling15
fightingmadness tina73315
janelle99349 keepsmiling15
margaret04348 keepsmiling15
susan21149 keepsmiling15
I don't know if this is due to the HRTs or what
I have been feeling weak and just not myself
What am I suppose to do
loretta63638 keepsmiling15
I wish to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your replies. I would thank you all individually usually but i am just too unwell. My menopause was bought on by surgery and i also have fibroids. This is the worst time of my life and i always said to myself i will be strong when i do through this stage of my life. My mother suffered hell through her menopause and i fear i am heading the same way. I did not understand what my mother was going through at the time as i was young with a young family. I did not know how to help my mum or my Dad and eventinally my Mum was sectioned and put into a mental hospital for a while. She is better now but i am trying my best not to go down that route as i know it would have a huge impact on my family lives. I will never forget it ever and i do not blame my mum as it could not be helped as she completly lost control to know fault of her own. My doctor suggested sleeping tablets which i did take but they made me feel worse. She also mentioned anti depressants but said if you can cope without them it would be better. I came away confused and distressed. She did not offer HRT but i am not sure if i can have HRT due to the fibroid. I may well have to go on anti depressants but i am trying so hard not to go on them. I have looked into various herbal things and currently i think they are upsetting my stomach and bladder. I tried b vitamins and fish oil, but i only took them for a few days, i also tried sage for a little while. When i was getting inflammation and cramps i stopped taking them, perhaps i should of tried them for longer. This is all on top of surgery . I now think weather a hysterectomy would of been a better. WHo knows? But i thought a op to save the uterus would of been a better choice. I am at my wits end both physically and metally and basically falling into a huge black hole. But i again appreciate all you kind ladies for your advise. I am not sure what i am going to do? All i can say is peri/menopause is a such a trying time and i wish all you ladies health and happiness. I would rather give birth over and over again than go through this. Bless you all xxxx
meno keepsmiling15
Please go on the anti depressants. I work in mental health and would say to anyone, now we have modern antidepressants , if you need them.....take them. If you were would take meds to help. If you had high blood pressure. would take meds to help. You are no doubt, getting my drift. Anti depressants are not the end of the world, I belive they save lives.
I hear what your saying, and advice given to me earlier in the year was:- it's about your quality of life now! Take what's on offer and allow yourself to live the best life you can at the moment. Talk to you doctor and get everything that they can offer you.
K x
sarah63813 keepsmiling15
tina73315 keepsmiling15
norma54754 keepsmiling15