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Hello everyone, I am new here. I am 39 years old female. I came here because I feel so lonely and desperate because of all what I am going through.
In August 2014 I was tested for H.Pylori and it came positive. I had my treatment for this and after three weeks I was tested again and I was all clear no more pylori. However I have not been the same since then, I dont have sharp pain but I do keep burping a lot and this burning feeling in my stomach is terrible.
I went back to the doctor and they asked me to have an endoscopy done which I am waiting for the appointment to do it, in the mean time I have been taking Omeprazol. The doc suspects I may have an ulcer and all I do is worry, some days I am fine but then next minute Im so ill.
I am not the same I feel really down I have read a lot about ulcers what can I eat what cannot eat, I have followed all the rules and still not well. I thought ulcer heals around 4 to 8 weeks, well if that is true how comes I have been this bad for such a long time, it has been now 6 months. Can someone please help me and tell me if this is normal when you have an ulcer? is it possible that an ulcer could take this long to heal? Please, please I am so desperate, when you talk to doctors and ask all questions it is almost like they dont have time to explain to you properly about things.
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donclaudio yusel86821
I'll take some time...I'm no expert, nor have medical credentials but I am medically literate.
I will assume after tripple thearpy a delay of at least 12 weeks lapsed before being retested via UBT or similar? (very important)
How long have you been on PPI's? And what country are you located?
While reduction of acid secretion is prescribed for HPylori since antibiotics don't work well in an acid enviornment, once therapy is terminated, the PPI is "tapered"
and then discontinued. Reason, we have acids in our stomach for more than catabolization of foods. We need toxins destroyed by our gastric acids before they can get into our intestines.
An upper endoscopy should help evaluate your stomach's enviornment...Heliocobacter Pylori is nasty. I won't get into too much at this time since you've scheduled an upper endoscopy...let us know the results...will try to help...I've only 6 months of study on HP so once expert. In the meantime if you have access to vsl#3 probiotics, consider taking 3 daily along with a good organic yogurt or kifer..3 to 5 days ought to show improvement. take note: lactic acid bacteria acclerates gastric ulcers. Keep on a good low fat low oil diet, with out a lot of acid type foods or beverages. Since your dr suspects ulcer, when you experience pain, try a tablet of bismuth...not liquid...within 5 to 10 minutes..pain should resolve.Yo've studied ulcers, so you know pain develops post 1 to 3 hours after a meal..this is when the ph is lowered to 1.5 to 2.5PH and exposes an ulcer to this harshness. Food elevates the ph. Gastric ulcer may differ subject to location.
Lastly, all of this information mentioned is not my opinion but from primary sourced scientific studies..and or from Licensed Dietitians .I try to keep personal bias out of my posts. However, I do have One personal opinion, I would use probiotics during tripple therapy along with bismuth) And used this for my sister in law, Japanese with apparent success since 2008 ulcer/gastritis free..had insufficient HPylori knowledge at the time, but I was targeting peptic ulcer and attempting to supress bad bacteria) Claudio
donclaudio yusel86821
I saw a mistake...lactic acid acclerates "healing" of ulcers...without the word :"healing"...would appear that lactic acid is harmful...not so, the mere opposite...sorry for the error...claudio
GeoBeo yusel86821
donclaudio GeoBeo
There are several studies that demonstrated specific lactic acid bacteria (probiotics/lactobacillus/salivarius?) "supressing" not eradicating such study's "detail" did show a % of complete eradication..was not beyond 30 or so %..usualy if a trial outcome is not beyond a pre determined study end point estimate...its considered "lack" of evidence and further studies is the title to one of the studies...check it out on google scholar...claudio
Lactic acidmediated suppression of Helicobacter pylori by the oral administration ofLactobacillus salivarius as a probiotic in a gnotobiotic murine model
rex_44766 GeoBeo
I live in England, essex, UK but originally from Cuba. I am Pylori free but I havent been the same the treatment with the antibiotics did damage my stomach because while I was having the treatment I had diarreah and after the treatment was stomach was upside down. I have been taking Omeprazol for at least 4 months, I cant wait for the endoscopy to be done, I feel sad for my husband and son because emotionally I am not the same and it is not fair on them.
The strange thing is I have never had any sharp pain as people experience when they have ulcer I do belch a lot and have this burning feelings and all these strange noises in my stomach. I changed all my diet completely, I ve never smoked in my life, I dont drink, I dont drink coffee, I am eating bland diet, rice, pasta nothing fried, fish made in the oven and chicken. I have banana, melon, mango. I have no sweets at all. I heard cabbage juice is good so I wil start this to see if it works also as you mentioned the Olea Vera juice I will give it a go too.
Honestly I will do whatever it takes to get better because It is destroying my life and I feel I need to sit down next to someone who has experienced this and cry and cry.
You guys really cheered me a lot I was so down. I have another question I have heard ulcer could take in some cases years to heal. is this true?
I will let you know about the results of my endoscopy.
donclaudio yusel86821
Cubans often use plantain to remediate these kind of issues.I know some work quite well for non medication caused problems.
My wife suffered as you. I chose to be I'm sure your husband is as well.
If you have an ulcer and that’s a big if, once the underlying cause Is removed, healing takes but a few weeks.
You should consider following what Geo and I suggested as quicklya s you can. I will add DGL before meals..only one tab. Stop if it doesn't help after a 3 meal trial.Its a good product to keep in your med cabinet.
Based only of what you describe, you may have small intestinal bacteria overgrowth
This can take from 1 to 6 months to overcome...however if your disciplined with diet, can be resolved much more quickly. ...the suggestions we made work for sibo as well, but quality probiotics along with either yogurt/kefir together may be more potent against these bacteria. Claudio
donclaudio yusel86821
while my reply is yet not posted...I'll reply to your question...IF you have an ulcer, once the underlying cause is resolved, a few weeks to heal but a good safe diet for another several weeks is good insurance. Claudiio
yusel86821 donclaudio
donclaudio yusel86821
plantain is used for similar problems in cuba as well as in all south and central america and some parts of africa.
There are specific prep's for specific disorders and I recall they demonstrated good results.
I haven't adequate personal experience with saba or offer, but some one in the cuban community?
yusel86821 donclaudio
donclaudio yusel86821
good that you've a "heads up" on lack of experiences are related to preperation/s...some are raw..some are cooked..some are cooked whole while yet green...others are left to turn black...and yet others must be "fermented" to be effective.... they may work in different ways and while we are not all "identical twins"...what works for one may not work for another. But the process is simple enough, and by no means as troublesome as synthetics like drugs...a simple one person trial with notepad. And how are you feeling this week thus far? claudio
yusel86821 donclaudio
This week has not been too bad I havent have this burning feeling but still feeling bloated, the good thing is at least I can still work, I cant wait to have my endoscopy done but I havent heard anything yet.
Thank you so much for asking, I really appreciate all the good advice you all have given me
donclaudio yusel86821
problems. I study a few hours daily about this bacteria or more if there is new or developing informations. I would strongly suggest you continue with fermented dairy, fruits, and vegetables.
wife too had this bloating sensation after HP but we don't know exactly what removed the bloating other than yogurt but we did more than yogurts...and...No processed foods, meaning nothing in a can, jar, box etc...everything fresh.
I see where the Japanese patented yogurt "drink" has finallly been tested in several scientific studies with excellent results. I don't know if you have access...I've used them in China, Thailand, and a similar product in so Korea...they come in small plastic bottles, sometimes in a 6 or 4 pack if I mention the product's name this entire post is delayed....I just spoke with my cuz Irene and husband Eloy, they have some ideas that I'll share with you tomorrow....Claudio
shabz69 yusel86821
Hi there...I know exactly what you are going through. I myself had a perforated duedenal Ulcer in february of last year. I had no idea that i even had an ulcer as i didnt have any effects that are common if you have one. The only thing i had was bloatedness but i was extremely down for months up untill it perforated...I just didn't feel myself. After having emergency surgery which was successful thank god I was tested for H Pylori which was positive and had to have anti biotics and ppi's. A few months later i had a endescope and it came back that my ulcer was still healing and that the H pylori was negative. I have changed my eating habits altho i sometimes do have foods i shouldn't. I am now on lanzoprazole for long term (i wish i didnt have to). I am still quite miserable and i dont know if this has anything to do with mentally what happened with me or that my body is still healing. There are loads of my own personal advice i can give but cannot speak for other peoples experiences..I hope it gets resolved soon for you because i know its not pleasant.
yusel86821 shabz69
That's how I feel one minute I am bright and positive next minute I am all down and with no energies at all.
Hoping all this go away one day because it changes you completely.