Desperate for sleep
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Hi ladies
How are you all. I've not been on here much the last 2 weeks. I just wondered if anyone has got a way to get some sleep. I have no sleep a lot of nights and about 3 hours the others. I'm always shattered. It's know my mind I know. I do take zopiclone but doesn't work now. Desperate for something 😣
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Rhino2015 michelle46271
Hi Michelle - I use an over the counter sleep aid it is a type of antihistermine. Down to a quarter of a tab and no waking up groggy.
Give it a go sleep is our most needed thing during meno
Sochima822 Rhino2015
What's the name of it Rhino?
colleen90305 Sochima822
gailannie colleen90305
I am very sensitive to this issue, as I just finished four years of full time care for my dad. It is true that OTC sleep medication do work, and they all contain the same active ingredient as Benedryl. And yes, Benadryl will put out out. However, this may not be the best course of action.
Because my father had Alzheimer's disease, and as most people with his condition, he couldn't sleep soundly at night. His doctor warned me not to give him Benadryl, or any OTC sleep medication, as it would worsen his condition. I did some research and found that those products reduce achytocholine (sp) in our brains. Studies have shown that with regular use, they increase the incidence of Alzheimer's by 33%.
I was told that the only safe sleep medication is Trazadone, which is an RX from your physician. Please be careful with OTC sleep medications. Used infrequently they might be just fine, but on a regular basis they can cause problems.
looloo43 gailannie
Dear Gailannie, such a sad story.....Its very good of you to bring it up to warn all the ladies on here about sleep meds/aids. I had no idea either although i don't take anything regularly myself. i occasionally take a lorazapem half a tablet 0.5mg is usually enough to help me go to sleep when brain is restless, sometimes 1mg tablet. but i don't use it often, only if i am having trouble switching off or overworrying/anxious. x
Rhino2015 Sochima822
Hi so sorry for such a late response - I use Sleep Aid or Restavit both work wonderfully and totally safe I am told by my Dr and Pharmacist- so I am gutted to read a post below saying how dangerous these meds are without them I would be an absolute wreck. I will be looking into this immediately - can't see the diff between this and a hay fever tab to be honest?
Rhino2015 Sochima822
Hi 'Sleep Aid' and 'Restavit' are two of the many is Australia. I ask frequently as to the dangers in taking these type of medications and always told they are fine, just like a hayfever type tablet without the drying side effects.
I do not awaken in a groggy way either.
However I am horrified to read a post below stating they are dangerous, will try to get some further info?
Good luck - it is an awful thing not to sleep well. x
Rhino2015 gailannie
This is terrible to read and have informed my Drs,They are most keen to read this research as am I
gailannie Rhino2015
Rhino, (and everyone else who is interested)
I took care of my father for 4 years before his death from AD. It was in 2012 that his doctor warned me about not giving him any OTC sleep medication. Because of this, I started researching the reasons for this. But this was many years ago, and I don't have any of the studies printed to refer you to. But for any one who is interested, just google search this connection. Key words may be sleep medication effects, increased incidence of AD with regular use of OTC sleep medication, reduction of acetylcholine with sleeping medications. What you need to know is that the chemical used in every sleeping pill, reduces acetylcholine levels in our brain. Actylcholine is the one thing that people who develope AD are missing.
AGAIN, if you are using these things on an occassional basis, I'm sure it would be fine. But even the warning on the box tells you it should be used for occassional insomnia, not on a regular basis. So what I worry about is people who are taking these on a daily/regular basis because they believe it is safe. Heck, you can buy it in any drug store over the counter, so it must be safe right? WRONG! These things should not be taken everyday!
Sorry that I can't give you the specifics or research notes off the top of my head. What I do know is that anyone who has dealt with this disease knows you can't use these product with any person with AD, and that regualr use has shown significant increase of this disease process. Please just do a google search and you'll find it.
Sochima822 gailannie
Hi Gailannie, just recently more reports have come out that people who also take benzodiazepines and some ssri's also run this risk. It's good to do your research on these types of medications before taking them.
gailannie Sochima822
I agree. This information shocked me when Dad's doctor told me specifically that he couldn't have OTC sleeping pills or Benadryl. And the really shocking part was my RN sister who told me to give him Benadryl for sleep. So do your research everyone.
Sochima822 michelle46271
Hi Michelle, sorry to hear you're having trouble sleeping, I'm going through the same but I do sleep at least 6 hours straight. There are some natural teas you can try like passionflower or valerian teas. Valerian tea does promote sleep which I've tried. Some ladies here have mentioned in taking passionsflower. Magnesium also promotes sleep. Hope you get some rest. xo
colleen90305 michelle46271
michelle46271 colleen90305
colleen90305 michelle46271