Desperate for sleep

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Hi ladies

How are you all. I've not been on here much the last 2 weeks. I just wondered if anyone has got a way to get some sleep. I have no sleep a lot of nights and about 3 hours the others. I'm always shattered. It's know my mind I know. I do take zopiclone but doesn't work now. Desperate for something 😣

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I know where you're coming from I dont sleep well either . Some nights I just lay there for hours and hours and just get up in them end and like you shattered....... Monday evening was particularly bad, awake all flipping night , anxiety etc - feel like a zombie 😁

    • Posted

      Hi Lou

      Yes I lay there for hours and don't drop off so I then get up x

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle.

    Glad to be back to the rain!

    You must feel dreadful with so little sleep. I know I have in the past, always dozing during the day.

    I have been taking passionflower stress relief tablets from h and b for the past four weeks and the box carries a warning that may cause drowsiness so I take it in the evening. And I have been wearing the lady care magnet for a month. 

    I have been sleeping better, mainly because the night sweats have stopped for now. I'm sure they'll be back!

    I take magnesium too which I believe helps with sleep.

    I hope you can find something to help xx

    • Posted

      Hi maisie

      Sorry we didn't get to meet up. I probably sent my message to you too late. Landed at 3pm in Exeter and drove home in rain. My mum and dad came with us and they are interested in buying a holiday home in Majorca. I've tried everything for sleep but I think my mind has a mind of its own. It would have been great to meet up. Sending a hug xx

    • Posted

      Aww yes it's a shame we didn't get to meet but I guess we'll have other opportunities. I love being in Majorca. I feel so much calmer. I think we may have moved there, then the grandchildren started arriving and I love them to bits, would miss them too much. Are your children still at school? Hugs to you too xx

    • Posted

      Oh hope your daughter got the results she wanted. I feel old now, my daughters are 35 and 30! xx
    • Posted

      That's brilliant, well done to her.

      Ps, I'm pretty sure an RX is like our prescription from the doctor.

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. So sorry you are not sleeping at all well hun. Its very draining & hard to deal with anything if you cant get a decent night's sleep, particularly if its ongoing & not just an odd night. I must admit I take heed from Gailannie's sad post about her father & the associated problems/risks of sleeping aids/meds - I didnt know that. I only occasionally take lorazapem which is from the tranquilizer family rather than sleeping tablet & it helps me sleep when my brain is restless or i am over anxious/worrisome about something/things. i find half a tablet (0.5mg) is usually enough to make me drift off without groginess in the morning, or occasionally a whole one (1mg), but i only need it occasionally.  Maisie mentioned passionflower - you could maybe research that a bit & poss try it as at least its natural.  i know when I've had poor sleep or interrupted sleep then cant get back to sleep I've had to have a nap the next day, but i dont like doing this - i often feel groggy if i have a daytime nap when i wake up again.  On top of everything else with my ongoing bowel problems, & return of menstrual bleeding practically the whole of the last 4wks bar a few days break, i now have shingles, so was given some anti viral meds for a week & amitryptilline to take at night for the nerve pain - i took one last night at bed time & slept fab!!  Hope you find something to help you soon from these posts Michelle. Take care hun. xxx

    • Posted

      Oh looloo you've had such bad luck. Shingles is awful. I bet you feel fed up? I don't suppose you are even thinking of going back to work at the moment. Take care xx

    • Posted

      Tell me about it!!!! I & doc thinks its probably bad luck or because I've had a prolonged spell of illness - I feel so run down even though I'm off sick from work. i feel worse since the shingles pain started on sunday & accompanied by the awful headaches (which are apparently commonly associated with shingles - i thought it was hormonal headaches with the bleeding rreturning, maybe a combo of both. I'm not surprised I've got it really. the pain started with like a sunburnt stinging pain in my right shoulder & intense headache on sunday. yesterday i had a shingles type cluster of "spots" that were like a pin feeling when you touch them appear in the same area, so i went to docs yesterday afternoon, as i thought it could be shingles. the pain in my shoulder i have never had before - just like sunburn, yet I'm not - i don't go out in the sun as i don't like the heat & I'm fair skinned.  I am fed up, but ok I suppose because I'm not really surprised by it. It could be worse - I'm still alive. just feel like a walking disaster sometimes - my hubby could not believe it when i came back from doc's yesterday........ At least the x factor is back this weekend to cheer me up!!!! xx

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. This may seem a little airy fairy so bear with me. I've just been googling acupressure to find the pressure point for nausea and sickness to help another Michelle. My daughter used it when pregnant. It's on the inside of your wrist. Anyway, up popped acupressure for insomnia! So I of course thought of you. There are videos on you tube that show you how to apply pressure at certain points on your body. One that looked helpful was by yasuko kawamura. You said you'd tried all the over the counter meds so you've nothing to lose by giving this a go? 

    (I remember using it years ago for constipation, which is two fingers width below the tummy button and it worked!) I've got an old book on natural remedies so I've been looking through that for tips. I'll let you know if I find any more for insomnia.

    Love and hugs xx

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