Desperate right now!!!
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Hi ladies
Im sure most of you know me ive been on these forums and in peri ten years.
Im currently one year no period. But went 13 months the ladt time and due to thyroid surgery got a period.
Im really scared right nowvmy anxiety is through the roof.
The symptom im having which i will try to explain is crippling me.
I used to call it an internal tremor which has come and gone over the years but its almost like im plugged into an electric current. Almost like my insides are buzzing/tingling constantly no let uo.
I cant relax i feel agitated and terrified.
Ive been through so much awful symptoms the last ten years i almost feel like my nerves just cannot deal with anything!!!
I feel like im about to crack up or collapse i just dont know.
Ive been in some very dark places last ten years with all this meno stuff i dont know if this is another real dip. I just dont know.
I feel like im moving when sitting still my insides feel like they are shaking but its not visible.
I have tegular thyroid checks all ok so far. Had tons of tests over last ten years all ok.
I have had severe stress with one of my daughters last couple weeks. She had to move back home with my grandaughter due to domestic abuse. Is that making my symptom worse. I dont know!!!!
I feel like its just got too much years of dealing with this no end in sight. Im not on any meds. I feel like i have something wrong but doctors find nothing. Im angry all the time!!!!
I know this is a strange symptom but just hoping and praying someone can shed some light .
Thankyou you all ladies
God bless
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Clare1971 michelle97919
I call this my nervous energy when it happens to me. It’s a rise in your cortisol level and it normally happens when your stressed and worse so if you have thyroid trouble . Try camomile tea , rescue remedy spray , pastels or even CBD oil the legal stuff . One at a time and time on your own if you can for a few hours . Stress and worry can make people very ill and especially us menopause ladies 💕
michelle97919 Clare1971
I have had half my thyroid removed a year ago but up until now all my regular thyroid blood tests have been normal.
Im due another one next week so we shall see.
But to be totally honest i had this prior to thyroid surgery and tests were normal back then.
I am under extreme stress right now and that on top of my 10 year peri its not a good combination.
I will try the rescue remedy before going back on mirtazapine which is an anti anxiety med.
I was on it for a year couple years back.
Had a long talk with my mum today we went for coffee. I do feel a little calmer than last week.
I will be officially one year with no period on 3rd August. But have been here before went 13 months period free prior to thyroid surgery.
Thank you for taking time to reply.
I appreciate you and all the lovely ladies on here.
Oh yeah forgot to mention the hot flushes are debilitating at the moment!!!
God bless
jo67532 michelle97919
I’ve had something similar. It feels as though my body needs to shiver, but has nothing to do with being cold. I think it has something to do with anxiety. I notice that i begin to feel this coming on when I’m thinking or worried about something... i worry and obsess about things so much sometimes it sends me into the verge of panic to where i feel like something is going to happen like collapsing or just something bad. I was prescribed alprazolam .25mg for panic and it did help. I’ve only had to take 10 since June 17th. Sometimes just knowing i have them in case of an emergency helps calm me down. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering so long. I’m 48 and the past few months have been the worst. I hope it will get better soon<3
louellen39047 jo67532
Gypsy014 michelle97919
Hi Michelle, so sorry your feeling bad again/ still... And sorry to hear about your daughter and granddaughter going through her domestic abuse! That's a good thing that your thyroid is testing all good... It sounds like anxiety, which as you know any little thing can trigger an attack, and helping your daughter through her stressful situation could have definitely triggered something.. That internal vibration that's definitely an anxiety symptom on list of anxiety, I've had it but probably not to the degree your suffering.. But all these anxiety symptoms can get really bad during Peri and eventually do calm down on their own.. If your not afraid to take meds maybe get some volume or Xanax for the days its really bad just to calm you and get you through, and you can always cut into halves or quarters to give a much less dose, and of course meditation and breathing, yoga, walks all the calming stuff, hope your feeling better soon...???
Gypsy014 michelle97919
Also forgot to mention that when I get the buzzing / tingling really bad certain things will trigger mine like walking into a store the lighting above makes my brain / body buzz and tingle and then the auras and migraines come, along with the anxiety of being in the store as well as the feeling very weird, makes my anxiety go through the roof then my legs get weak , its all so scary I know, but try and be calm and keep telling yourself you've been checked out and all tests are good and the stress of anxiety is trying to take over and be calm... Feel better soon😊
jo67532 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 jo67532
Yes really sends me into an anxiety attack, and some stores are worse than others.. I believe only by what ive read is it could be MAV, but I've only read this and this all started for me right at the same time Peri started .. Do you get dizzy and migraines off balance with the lighting too? I don't always get the migraine or headache right away but I definitely get the head pressure the buzzing tingling shaky weak legs and then just feel weird and trembly all over, I have to get out of there quickly..
jo67532 Gypsy014
It's worse in large stores with the big bright fluorescent lights. I don't have headaches, but I do get the strange brain fog type feeling and pressure. I also get the buzzing and tingling. I'm actually dealing with tingling today mostly in my left leg/thigh. I keep reminding myself that I've been given a clean bill of health and that I need to stay focused on other things and not the tingling. I think I actually make it worse thinking about it. I also get shaky and tremble as if I'm about to shiver and I'm not really even cold. It's all very odd. My doctor seems to think the trembling is anxiety driven.
louellen39047 Gypsy014
Gypsy014...I hear ya. I'm in the same boat...the lights, noise, perfumes/fragrances etc. all make me anxious, give me migraines and feel horrible. About the only thing that has helped me through it was to (wait for this one) wear SUNGLASSES in a store or mall (still can't quite deal with indoor malls yet thoroughly though). I take Advil (or whatever you'd normally take for headaches) and I wear my sunglasses in a store because of the lighting. And, to think that I worked in stores for most of my teenaged years. LOL. Don't know how I did it.
Gypsy014 louellen39047
Gypsy014 louellen39047
lynda20916 Gypsy014
Gypsy, it's not just the light--it's the vibrations coming from the lights themselves--and maybe even the alarm system, if there is one tha,t are causing your headaches. And with stores economizing, the fluorescent lights they buy are cheaper and the vibrations are worse.
For me, alarm systems seemed to emit a high pitched "eeeeeeeee" sound that drove me crazy. So I couldn't go into them. Was too much to bear.
High levels of EMF, electro magnetic frequencies, are tied to all kinds of phenomena. So, if you're next to an area with a lot of electrical current passing through, junction boxes, etc. that will cause headaches as well. xx
Gypsy014 lynda20916
Lynda, so weird that you mention this I would have never thought, until the other night around 3am I woke up to use washroom and my entire house was out of power, so I stumbled through the house and opened my front door to see was my neighbors generator going he has a whole house generator that's really loud and that's how I can tell if its just me or everyone in neighborhood, so it was going.. I made my way back to bed and that high pitch generator was so intense I couldn't stand it.. Geeze I had pillows over my head my fingers in my ears it was awful, and was never bothered before that I noticed so yes have to agree with you on this its awful.. Do the lights bother you do they make you dizzy give you migraines and have you tried sunglasses do they help??
lynda20916 Gypsy014
Well, it's not the lights, it's the high electromagnetic frequency. High EMF's can not only cause migraines, they can cause people to hallucinate, etc.
Look up effects of high electromagnetic frequencies on the web. It's all there. xx