Desperate right now!!!
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Hi ladies
Im sure most of you know me ive been on these forums and in peri ten years.
Im currently one year no period. But went 13 months the ladt time and due to thyroid surgery got a period.
Im really scared right nowvmy anxiety is through the roof.
The symptom im having which i will try to explain is crippling me.
I used to call it an internal tremor which has come and gone over the years but its almost like im plugged into an electric current. Almost like my insides are buzzing/tingling constantly no let uo.
I cant relax i feel agitated and terrified.
Ive been through so much awful symptoms the last ten years i almost feel like my nerves just cannot deal with anything!!!
I feel like im about to crack up or collapse i just dont know.
Ive been in some very dark places last ten years with all this meno stuff i dont know if this is another real dip. I just dont know.
I feel like im moving when sitting still my insides feel like they are shaking but its not visible.
I have tegular thyroid checks all ok so far. Had tons of tests over last ten years all ok.
I have had severe stress with one of my daughters last couple weeks. She had to move back home with my grandaughter due to domestic abuse. Is that making my symptom worse. I dont know!!!!
I feel like its just got too much years of dealing with this no end in sight. Im not on any meds. I feel like i have something wrong but doctors find nothing. Im angry all the time!!!!
I know this is a strange symptom but just hoping and praying someone can shed some light .
Thankyou you all ladies
God bless
2 likes, 29 replies
lynda20916 michelle97919
Hi, Michelle. I think that you may be experiencing either a rush of adrenaline or cortisol, in response to the extreme stress that you're under....xx
Edell7329 michelle97919
I have had that vibrating feeling in my legs and feet. It comes and goes. I understand your desperation. I feel the same way. I don't believe the dr when they tell me it's nothing because I don't feel right and they can't tell me what it is. It is awful. I can't believe hormones can make us like this. I hate it! I pray we all feel better soon!
It truly is awful any little bit of stress triggers me into an emotional wreck these days.
Praying for better days for all of us x
debra16694 michelle97919
Hi Michelle - Would you also describe your “electric current” also like burning & your nerve endings sizzling? Does the electric current move around your body? I have been plagued with this daily for the last 6 months. In addition I am also dealing with a son who has just come home from a doctoral program from anxiety & another son who is newly married & I have not talked to for 8 months because of a disagreement with his wife & a husband who chooses not to deal with any of it. I feel like I am ready to crack up! This condition I now have, I am not sure if it’s low hormones or amped up anxiety, but it only starts at night or early morning & tends to taper off as day goes on - I am going nuts! Oh & I am 61 & 6 years post -
louellen39047 michelle97919
I am in the same boat with the internal (and even external) tremors as well as just feeling wretched all of the time with anxiety. I know how this feels.
I think that you're in line for some anti-anxiety meds to help calm you down and some counselling of some type. I am not perfect by any means now but, I do take an anti-anxiety med and I go for counselling as well. Both help some. If you can't get for counselling (it can be free or costly...depending on which is chosen...I chose "free" because I can't afford help...ask your family doctor for help) try getting a book on Cognitive Therapy. "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" can be ordered through Amazon, I believe. It teaches people how to think differently (with practise and work that is). But, I do think that you're going to need some sort of anti-anxiety med which your family doc can prescribe or, some form of Naturopathic measures...your choice. Even a good health food store can give you what you need but, you'd be best off to see a Naturopathic Doc if you want to go that route.
It's unclear what you're asking for (I haven't read down this thread yet but, will). The period after 13 months may be more indicative of the stress, your thyroid surgery or that you're getting more in balance and aren't really menopausal??? Loads of women go through more than a year and have another period. It's not uncommon to have happen. At least make a call to your doc and see what she/he has to say about it.
Hang in there. You're NOT alone in this anxiety! Trust me.
HUGS, prayers and good vibes being sent your way!
audra86673 michelle97919
Hi Michelle. I'm sorry to hear of your horrible symptom. I am by no means and expert on thyroid but have been trying to learn as much as I can about thyroid issues as my 19 yr old daughter has recently been diagnosed as hypothyroid and just started treatment with levothyroxine. You mentioned you had part of your thyroid removed and that you've had testing done and your thyroid levels are all ok. The one thing I've found when dealing with dr's and the thyroid is that most dr will tell you you're all good and levels are fine when they are within lab range. Problem is within lab range is not optimal range. I have found through my research that the internal vibration sensations you are feeling can be a symptom of a thyroid issue. My daughter doesn't suffer with the vibrations but I have seen this symptom mentioned when doing my research on thyroid issues. Maybe you have already looked further into the thyroid test results and they may be optimal and this might be something else causing your symptom but if you haven't, maybe get a copy of your test results and make sure they are optimal and not just ok in range. Again, I'm no expert on the thyroid but have done considerable reading in the process of trying to help my daughter figure out what was wrong with her health.
debra16694 audra86673
Hi. Audra - just curious if your daughter suffered from any other physical symptoms with her thyroid, and if she does, would you mind saying what they are. My friend suggested that I may be suffering from hypothyroidism, my numbers check out, but I have gained so much weight & have symptoms such have fatigue, nerve issues like burning skin, brain fog etc. I now have a real issue to heat & I sweat like crazy when overheated. Not sure if it’s just menopause or?
audra86673 debra16694
Hi Debra - my daughters main symptoms were debilitating fatigue, constipation and sensitivity to the cold. Those symptoms were pretty severe and she also had other symptoms such as dizziness, nauseous and feeling out of body at times. I knew something was going on when she was unable to go for daily runs anymore. She had just graduated from high school and was more tired than I was at my age of 50! I had her thyroid and vitamins and iron panel run privately. Her thyroid levels came back the first time high but in range. All her vitamins and iron came out pretty close to optimal, so I ruled out iron or vitamin deficiencies. She plodded along trying to eat better, sleep more and reduce stress. She was only getting worse. I had the thyroid panel run again and this time she was "officially" hypothyroid with high TSH and low FT4. We took these labs to our GP. He ran his own battery of thyroid tests and they were very high in lab range. He has started her on levothyroxine based on the numbers and symptoms. We're fortunate that he has agreed to treat her as many dr will not treat for hypothyroid unless lab numbers are out of control. My mom is hypothyroid but her dr will not treat her. She is 2/100 of a point off of being out of normal lab range but her foolish dr tells her she isn't hypo despite her symptoms. She lives in a different city which is small and her insurance only allows her to stay within a particular practice. It's sad but it's like her hands are tied. So until she goes extremely hypo she will suffer with obvious hypo symptoms. My moms symptoms sound very much like yours. . I you have not already done so, I'd get an iron and vitamin panel run to rule out vitamin or iron deficiency. Also, most Dr will only test TSH to test thyroid function. You need more than that to tell true thyroid function. You need to have TSH, FT4, FT3 and antibodies tested. Dr will almost never run all these tests ( particularly if your TSH is anywhere in lab range) but you can get them done privately like I had to for my daughter. Good luck! I know it's hard when you're trying to figure out what's wrong and what's at the root of our symptoms.
debra16694 audra86673
Thank you Audra - Thank you for explaining this to me - I have a fairly decent relationship with my GP & if I throw a tizzy, she will generally request that I be tested for additional tests. It is so wonderful that you were “on it” for your daughter, can you imagine how she would be if this went untreated. Thank you for all the info - 👍
Cass63 michelle97919
Hello Ladies,
I am so thankful for this forum 😇 I cannot count the times I have been going through a crazy symptom and log in here and find someone else is experiencing the same thing. I too have experienced everything and I do mean everything and a whole lot more that has been spoken of here. I too have been on this menopause journey around 10 years and I often wonder if it will ever be completely over. I have found through the years of experiencing all of this craziness, if something happens out of my normal routine and I get really stressed, symptoms are 100 times worse. So I personally think anxiety plays a big role in what we are all encountering. Prayer and my faith in JESUS are my sustaining grace. I know without this I would have gone under long ago. Prayers going up for all of you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 GOD Bless
Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than.
michelle97919 Cass63
If it wasnt for God and my faith i dont know where i would be
So thankful for every one of you x
Sooooo a little bit stressed with that aswell lol
But just found out im having a third grandchild a little girl
I have one of each already so im excited about that
Just trying to concentrate on the positives right now x
Gypsy014 michelle97919
Congratulations Michelle!!! You have a lot of positives going on in your life at the moment... Good for you.. The grandbabies bring so much joy 😂
Great news about the church ..
God Bless🙏🙏🙏
michelle97919 Gypsy014