Diabetic blood check/chiropodist
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I am type 2 Diabetic, but never 100% as to when you doctors surgery would require you to have routine fasting diabetic blood test or as to how often you should see a chiropodist.
last blood test was May 2013 & the chiropodist was 6 months ago, I only managed to see the chiropodist after asking my doctor for a referral otherwise I would never have seen the chiropodist.
I must add that Feb 2014 I had major surgery to the left ankle to save the foot due to poor circulation.
Any feedback would be much appreciated and would like to take this time to say thx
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derek76 mark357
mark357 derek76
Thx, for your reply. The only time when I have been called in by the doctors, is for a flu jab.
As you have read, I have just come out of hospital and even then I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, still I wait for treatment.
mark357 derek76
jim48819 mark357
derek76 jim48819
The bit that amuses me is when the nurse looks away to her computer and asks "Can you still raise a smile" I reply that I'm always game for a laugh:-)
mark357 jim48819
But like I said earlier, I have not had any routine diabetic checks done since May 2013.
My GP is that slow, that when I was in hospital having ankle surgery, the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham noticed that I was drinking less than what I was passing.
I have recently been told that I have an enlarged prostate, yet nothing has been done.
derek76 mark357
Find out how big your prostate is, how good your flow is and what if any obstruction you have. The meds they give you to reduce size and alpha blocker to improve flow have dastardly side effects. The TURP operation if needed is brutal. My prostate went from 35 grms in 1995 to 75grms before I could get my preferred green laser surgery in 2005. It grew back to 135gms by last year when I had Thulium laser surgery to take most the tissue away.
mark357 derek76
Thx for your feedback.
A few years ago I was diagnosed and treated with bladder cancer all went well and go each year for tests to see if everything is ok. At the last set of tests I was told that I have an enlarged prostate. I was told that I do need treatment, I am still waiting.
Bare in mind this diagnosis was at another hospital, but I was told by the hospital, due to the enlarged prostate, the bladder does not hold as much.
My main concern is any delayed treatment, how bad can it get? I have beaten cancer twice, so am I going to be told that I have prostate cancer next ???
derek76 mark357
A friend of ours has had bladder cancer treatments for many years. Laser treatment, Radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
mark357 derek76
I have had all treatment inc chemotherapy, they have taken measurements I have even been through a pointless bladder resection. My PSA went from 4.9 to 9.7 and I am only coming to my 50th year next year. But during the course of my life I have had a number of problems which includes;both knee replacements, all toes straightened and pinned along with the left ankle (I await for the right ankle to be done.), mouth cancer, arthritis of the neck/upper part of the spine and loss of up to 30% of muscle mass due to cmt (Charcot Marie Tooth Disease). What happens next, who knows.
mark357 derek76
With the list of problems I forgot to mention that I am also taking medication to block the neuropathic nerves in the brain because of the cmt and the lower lobes of my lungs are not working as they should. So from time to time I do tend to forget, for this I must apologies for any late reply.
derek76 mark357
jim48819 mark357
mark357 jim48819
Sorry to hear about all your recent problems. I have been going through a fair bit as well. Going through mouth cancer, then bladder cancer.
Now with the bladder cancer, I was treated at a different hospital, but I still go to the same hospital for the annual check-up and was told that I have an enlarged prostate and will need treatment. I am still waiting for the treatment and my concern is that I end up with prostate cancer. But I am aware that my kidneys are now affected. So what could I be facing next?.
jim48819 mark357
mark357 jim48819
They did say that a biopsy would be taken to determine the course of treatment, due to my past medical history. They was looking at the possibility of cancer. I will be seeing my doctor about this in the next week.
derek76 mark357
mark357 derek76
I am still waiting for the hospital so I am going to ask my gp for a federal to another hospital as I have been waiting since my treatment to start since March.
derek76 mark357
Some consultants are agin new fangled things like lasers and are unwilling to refer you to other areas. You are entitled to ask to be referred to where you want to go.
Someone I knew managed to get referred from Inverness to Kings College in London. The NHS even paid his travel expenses.
The one I had in Edinburgh eventually did refer me to Newcastle but in his lettter to me referred to 'Rose tinted spectacles'
mark357 derek76
Thing is I used to live in Stafford where I had my treatment and was quite happy. But When I moved to Birmingham, Stafford Hospital referred me to New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton which is a different NHS catchment area, but I only live 20 minutes away from the QE Hospital which is the main West Midlands Hospital with over 700 beds.
derek76 mark357
Surely as it is so near to you it must be the one your GP normally refers patients to.
As urology in Eastbourne said that they did not do or approve of PVP laser surgery I asked them to refer me The Royal Sussex in Brighton and a different Area Health Authority. The urologist there felt that I was coping well enough not to need surgery at that time.
I later found out probably from a Locum Registrar that one Eastbourne surgeon had been doing Thulium Laser prostate surgery for five years!!
Had an appointment with him and surgery arranged. He later said that my prostate was so big that it took him over three hours and the bending had ruined his back:-)
mark357 derek76
mark357 jim48819
I was just thinking in relation to eyes, for as many, many years I have not been able to produce tears and don't know why. Have you any suggestions? Or should I see my doctor or opticians?.
one more time is that again for many years I have been seeing spots and not sure as to who I should be seeing.
derek76 mark357
By spots do you mean floaters?
mark357 derek76
Regarding this eye condition, I have had this spots in front of my eyes for many years and can say long before I started any type of medication, but got worse over the past few months. I told the optician who said "lets see what the next retinopathy test show" which is due in the next few weeks.
derek76 mark357
mark357 derek76
But I have had this for at least 15+ years. But got more noticeable over the past few months.