Diagnoed with PR 3 days ago...
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I noticed this spot on my right thigh a couple weeks ago. Wasn't sure if it was ringworm or an ingrown pimple. I was going to go to the derm but I decided not to. Then I noticed this spot on my collarbone, I thought maybe I scratched myself. Then I noticed multiple spots all over me and decided I needed to go to a doctor ASAP. I was diagnosed with PR and was prescribed some steroid cream. I used the cream 2-3 times but I stopped using it.
ANYWAY... I have some questions because I've read a lot of different things.
Right now my spots don't itch at all THANK GOD. But they're all over me, including my face which I heard is rare. My spots aren't peeling or flaking. They're just red circles of different sizes all over me. What is better that I do.. dry them out or moisturize them? I'm not going to tan because I don't like to tan. I've been bathing in epsum salt and oatmeal. Washing with dandruff shampoo and tea tree oil body wash. I lightly put myrrh oil on the spots (which takes forever cuz there's so many of them and I need to be precise- I'm not going to put the oil all over my body or else I'd run out so quickly). I just bought a sulfate cream and a zinc oxide cream. I also have coconut oil and was thinking of using that but if I want to dry the spots out wouldn't this be counterproductive? Idk what to do because my spots aren't going away and I'm not sure what's the best approach. My skin isn't dry. I'm not flaking. There's no signs of improvement and every day this week I've been developing more spots. Help ?!
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I heard sulfate and zinc oxide is good for drying out skin. Which is why I bought them.. hoping to dry out the spots so they can shrivel up and go away ?? I don't know..
Update even though it's only been a few hours... I'm starting to itch! Wonderful! I also now have 20+ spots on my face.
To add: I've been dieting very healthy this week and have been taking sooo many things to boost my immune system. I'm not going to use the sulfur and zinc oxide creams. I'm washing with a sulfur bar of soap which has a fragrance in it (I hope the fragrance doesn't irritate the rash) and head and shoulders, and I'm put coconut oil with myrrh essential oil all over my body. Is there a difference between oil and essential oil?
Something interesting... I think I might have two herald spots. I first had a big spot on my thigh, a week later a big spot on my neck and a week later now I have 100+ spots. But the spots on my thigh and neck are both the largest and both the same size. Is it possible to have two herald spots??? And maybe because the second herald spot is on my neck that's why it spread all over my face? This is awful.
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stazstaz Guest
It cost what????? I found it on eBay and it was 19 dollars for the small size, which was an ounce, and 60 for the one pond size, which was the biggest/most expensive they had. 4ml is like a dot, isn't it? Hope it works for you!!!!
Guest stazstaz
stazstaz Guest
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I am so sorry you have PR! But you can only be sure it is PR once they do a biopsy. My daughter had the same as you, red round patches and not itchy and it started to spread towards her face too. We did so many things, including oral steroids and nothing worked. She has suffered with this since last November. The spots have nearly gone now. We started with a very potent steroid cream called Dermovate for 7 days, once a day, and then another week using another steroid cream not so potent and we are going to alternate days with this cream next week and then 4 weeks using it twice a week! All her rashes have gone and only a couple of them have a slight shadow. I will let you know if we manage to get rid of them and they do not return. After my daughter showers we use Cetaphil lotion, and then the steroid cream, nothing else! I am giving her lots of Vitamin C and a good diet! I suggest you go back to your dermatologist. Perhaps the steroid cream you were given was not potent enough. This is not easy as it affects your self stern! My daughter is only 16 and is very self counciois and I feel for anyone going through this as this impacts you not only physically but also emotionally! Good luck and get back to us to let us know how you are!
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Thank you for responding!
It's definitely PR. I'm not using the steroid cream because I don't think it will do anything besides alleviate the itch?
Did you find that drying the spots out or moisturizing them worked better?
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stazstaz Guest
I believe Michael is correct. Steroids do not cure anything, they are simply an antinflamatory. They do not "cure" anything.They just mask the effects until your body gets rid of whatever it is, some people are on long term steroids, and they can do damage to the body. Some people get nasty side effects from them.
I am so glad that they helped her rash, at least temporarily. Many doctors prescribe steroids as a stop gap if they have no clue. I agree, if there is no biopsy it is very difficult to figure out what you have. They did a scrape biopsy on mine. Most doctors just prescribe a steroid and say "come back in a couple of months if it has not resolved".... Most rashes go away by themselves in that amount of time, so they are usually pretty safe with that line.
Guest stazstaz
catherine53124 Guest
I ordered preeze but I don't know if you can apply it on a seven years old. My daughter is really picky and now she is used to the aveeno oatmeal moisturizering cream. Where is preeze made? Have a good day!
I'm just a little nervous applying something new. I did not get the cream yet. I live in New York City and bought it on amazon.
catherine53124 Guest
Thank you for your advices. I really appreciate. I will ask the dermatologist and see what he will say. She seems to be improving although suddenly she has an unbearable itch and then I apply as soon as possible the prescribed lotion. I apply every night the aveeno moisturizering cream. I might stick to Aveeno for now and only when it's really itching apply the prescribed lotion. Through this forum, I am learning a lot about PR and I thought it very helpful. Have a good day!
catherine53124 Guest
Good evening Michael,
I hope that you will get Preeze cream very soon and that it will help you.
When I met the dermatologist for my daughter who is 7 years old for the first time, I mentioned to him Preeze but he had never heard about the cream. Although I ordered it through Amazon, I am not feeling confident to use it and to be honest I'm a little bit nervous using it on her and also since I have been given her Aveeno oatmeal bath every night, I have seen major improvement in a sense that her skin seems more calm that the spots are more light pink and now her chest is healing. We still need some healing on her legs but overall I am feeling hopeful. The week of January 22nd and the week after that, was very unsettling for me when it spread out but now a month later hopefully we are on the path of recovery. I am using the steroid cream prescribed by the dermatologist only on the spot where her itch is unbearable but otherwise at night time, the oatmeal bath then the aveeno oatmeal moisterizer.
Good luck with preeze! Let us know how it worked on you. I hope that you will heal soon so PR will be a memory of the past. I did not get it myself but I witness it on my daughter so I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed and wanting to find something to soothe and help. Have a good evening!
I just wished the dermatologist would have advised me to give her oatmeal bath after the first visit. It is through this forum that I have heard about oatmeal bath and I found it very helpful.
catherine53124 stazstaz