Diarrhea for over a year and recurring hemorrhoids weekly
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I am a very active 25 year old male.... I am not sure why i left this unnoticed for so long but I did not thing nothing of my soft stools. I have BM 3-5 times daily and are pencil like and thin mostly. I have had constipation also and hemoroids recurring sometimes 2-3 times in a week. This has been very stressful and made my anxiety level high. After 2 months of taking Probiotics and diet changing and seeing no results I am now scheduled for a colonoscopy at the end of the month. Can somebody tell me what they think this may be? I have only had blood in stool 1 time in the last year but symtpoms have been stomach pains sometimes after eating, diarrhea, and hemorroids.
Thanks to whomever can give advice
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sanya11314 nick05045
but have you try a diet to see
if you had some malabsorbtion (lactose, fructose)
or react on artificial sweetner (sorbitol) -
-there are breath tests to check that out and biopsies at colonoscopy can test different sugar enzyme levels, too- ,
biopsie at colonoscopy will be checked for celiac (gluten intolerance),
which is far more accurate than a blood antibody test. (except genetic testing),
your stool tested for pathological bacteria and parasites, too?
nick05045 sanya11314
Thanks for your reply....
My colorectal surgeon said to remind him when colonoscopy is performed to have him get a sample of stool to send out. Nothing else was really stated about what you mentioned regarding the sorbitol. I tried going without lactose but didn;t see any major changes.
sanya11314 nick05045
Portacrean nick05045
nick05045 Portacrean
Thanks for the message and I am not trying to guess just am overconcerned and need to be patient.
Laura3333 nick05045
3-5 times daily is also normal for me, the only problem is if you have a tendency to have heammarroids you can get quite sore because of the frequency, and sometimes bleed.
Try not to worry, it may be just the way your body works, it's not abnormal.
My colonoscopy showed absolutely nothing.
I'm trying to slow down the rate food goes through me, unsuccessfully!
it's just the way I am.
nick05045 Laura3333
I hope that this is just the way my body works and there is no other issues. When I iniitally went to see a colo rectal surgeon I was worried about the recurring hemorroids. The hemorroids turned out to not be the concern and the Diarrhea was the concern. That is what caused me to be nervous because of the long period of time and pencil like stools.
Laura3333 nick05045
I eat a lot of fibre and wholemeal bread, very few refined carbs, as this makes me bloated.
Hemmorroids would make your stools narrow due to the swelling if they are impeding the bowel action.
Maybe like me you're having a complete bowel movement a day, but in several separate toilet trips.
I've been like this for around five years, Dr thinks it could be IBS, but I've just got used to it, for me constipation is much worse.
philippa61759 nick05045
nick05045 philippa61759
I am hoping that this may just be IBS and nothing else that would be rather alarming. I know that as of right now I am only scheduled for the Colonoscopy and no ultrasound/ct/endoscopy.
I have never tried the Fodmap diet but would be willing to do so! As for blood fissures i haven't ever had any besides one time a while back ago.
philippa61759 nick05045
haider43332 nick05045
i have on and off abdominal problem-----i am 30 year male-----2 months ago i have a bowel movement my stool is thin not like a pencil but like a cigar type i was worried it goe on like that for few day but then i have normal bowel movemnet after that few times i pass thin stool like a cigar but then after that i pass normal stool most of the times my stool is soft but not having pencil thin-----thats very good that you are going for colonscopy ibsis one of the biggest cause of thin stool------don,t think to much one time blood in a stool i know that kind of people who has blood in stool for weeks but they do treatment and now they are fine buddy u r still young there will be nothing serious issue they will treat you for an ibs in last guranttee just cheer up man we all are facing the problem and i have an endscopy on saturday jun 18------we are facing a problem we need to find out whats the problem we can not change whats inside our body but we will do a propore treatment to become fine------its not easy for any one i know not even for me i am super afraid but as i say before we are facing a problem we need to find out whats the cause-------hope so we will fine one day in last i will say one thing stress and depression will trigger the symptoms of ibs very high my suggestion is that don,t look at your stool then just see how u feel and soon it will become finee not eay hahahahahaha as i see every time my stool to keep updating nick
nick05045 haider43332
Thanks for your reply and I apprecaite all of the feedback. I hope this is just a case of IBS and I agree that it has been stressful and depression whcih may have caused the sypmtoms to become worse. I do look at my stools all the time to check and I havent had a normal stool in 5 days now. I usually get 1 normal stool out of 20 or 30 stools. I will just need to be positive.
philippa61759 nick05045