Diarrhea for over a year and recurring hemorrhoids weekly

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I am a very active 25 year old male.... I am not sure why i left this unnoticed for so long but I did not thing nothing of my soft stools.  I have BM 3-5 times daily and are pencil like and thin mostly.  I have had constipation also and hemoroids recurring sometimes 2-3 times in a week.  This has been very stressful and made my anxiety level high.  After 2 months of taking Probiotics and diet changing and seeing no results I am now scheduled for a colonoscopy at the end of the month.  Can somebody tell me what they think this may be?  I have only had blood in stool 1 time in the last year but symtpoms have been stomach pains sometimes after eating, diarrhea, and hemorroids.

Thanks to whomever can give advice

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57 Replies

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    roday i have done endoscopy its clear but doctor take sample from my stomach for hpylori 
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      I've been dealing with terrible abdominal pain and neausea for the past 1 1/2 years. Has change my entire life. Nothing ever showed up in blood test or x-rays, ct scans or any of the numerous tests. Last week I had another endoscopy and have been diagnosed with H PYLORI. nothing showed in the firs endoscopy 1 year ago. So yesterday I started the treatment for H Pylori. It's miserable taking these antibiotics and other pills , but I am determined to do this. So tired of doctors , tests and feeling like I'm on my last breath every day. So many meds , I have to set alarms to spread the pills out a little. So that interferes with sleep. But at least I finally have an answer. Just pray that it's the right answer.
    • Posted

      hi portacrean so sad today i have an appointment with a doctor and i am thinking may be i have h pylori positive but its negative--------i discuss with a doctor and he said i have acid reflux and i also discuss abut my on and off loose and soft stool he say me i am young 30 years having no big problem--doc ask few questions from me that you pass blood in stool i say no----thats why he give me one month probiotic and nexium 20 mg---he said just use it after that if you want colonscopy i will do it for you then-----endoscopy didnot show any thing now my concern is loose and soft stool----step by step i will go forward for the treatment--i have chest discomfort i think because of anxiety bcoz i feel mostly gastric problem----my food is not as good i eat fried burgers etc may be thats why i don,t have anyprogress in my condition now using vegetables--let see what happens next-------but for next i will go for colonscopy as my  echo,ECg,endoscopy didnot show any thing i have to go for colonscopy hope that will be clear to-----but i don,t know why doctor give me nexium only i have a friend facing same problem with me doctor will give him omeprazole and gastric syrup for 3 months now he is fine i insist on doctor for syrup of gastric but he didnot give me he give me probiotic and nexium 20 mg once a day sad dinot figure out my problem yet
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    hi Portacrean sad to hear about it,i am facing the same problem like you,most of the times i feel like that i am on the way to die its because of anxiety-----over a year ago i have problem i feel my heart escape a beat after going to cardiologist physcian no one figure it but then suddenly its finished and have another problem passing different colour stool some time fine some time loose stool almost done all tests of blood etc and stool all of that come back normal---but till now i have on and off loose stool------i have mucus in my salvia which i discuss before with a doctor he say i have allery and i knew it i have allergy but i google it and show me esophagus cancer-----so i take an appointment with a doctor and inisist for endoscopy and colonscopy the doctor say ist we will do endoscopy then if we need colonscopy we will do it to-----yesterday finally my endoscopy is done and my japanese doctor is so cool so kind he is so happy and say i have good stomach and esophagus almost nothing wrong with it,,,,,but doctor take sample from my stomach for test of possible h pylori------i have blood test one year before for h pylori and its positive take a course for one week then i never test it again now let see but i discuss before with my cousin doctor he say h pylori will cause to much panic attacks and as well as stool problems-----any ways i am waiting for next saturday for the test of h pylori hope this will figure out my problem-----got tensed i feel to bad when i am travelling in plane i have terrible anxiety attack and feel my heart stop beating when the plane is on 40000 feet ooh God-------i understand my fear i mostly watch the movies of air plane crash and such a stupid movies which give me lot of fear i am tired of it any more wanna figure it out why?lets hope we find some magical medicine by use of which we become fine i will up date here if i find some thing which will help me
  • Posted

    today i visit again to the doctor as he take biopsy simples from my stomach for possible h pylori he say the test is negative -------i ask a question from him why i have hurps and upset stomach having lots of gastric problem he say its because of acid reflux i say him i want colonscopy because i have an upset stomach-----some time fine some time soft stool some time thin stool some time loose and having cramps having no abidominal pain my doctor say that my case is not as serious but i insist him i wanna do colonscopy as my endoscopy is clear he give me probiotic and nexium 20 mg tablet for one month he say that we will look ist if you need colonscopy or not------to be very honest i am fine then before having no blood ever  in my stool and my stool is normal and having one bowel movement a day but i have gas------as i don,t have gall bladder now my burps problem is little bit solve i didnot burps as i do before---------before i search on google and show me stomach cancer as my endoscopy is clear my mind is clear about stomach now colon----i have to use my medicine for one month after that i have to go to the doctor again and try for colonscopy to see----i don,t feel pain in my stomach having  soft stools don,t know but wanna clear my mind with colonscopy if there is some thing wrong or not-----since from when i know i pass soft stool hard stool very rare-------------nick update me when your colonscopy is done dude---hope every thing will be fine
  • Posted

    any answers found in colonoscopy or other test?

    How are you going now after colonoscopy?

    I find it always very valuable, if posted questions have a follow up by the poster so we can all learn from that experience.

    • Posted

      sanya i don,t know why nick is not replying his colonscopy was on june 29 and today is 5 july------i don,t know what happened to him hope every thing will be fine with him i think his colonscopy is normal thats why he forget to update his blog---------sanya i am suffering from upset stomach don,t know what to do with it---some time loose stool some time soft some time normal no thing works for me day after yesterday i eat water melon and yesterday my stool is little bit red its not look like blood its hard but i am afraid and after that i feel pin in my stomach today morning no redness is stool but its soft today i do holiday from work to discuss that with a doctor such a bad feeling------my doctor give me medicine till july 23 but its not helpful thats why today i will visit to the doctor------i will update here 
    • Posted

      Yes, he might want to wait for the biopsie results and doc visit till updating us.

      As for to you, you seem to suffer indigestion, as to why, I have no idea.

      Red water melon pulp does pass through undigested at times though, red food dye often seen. That's normal. (I love to eat beetroot...)

      You would need a food diary and write symptoms/stool down too, to see, if there was a connection of certain foods triggering loose stools (malabsorbtions?)

      Your stool has been tested for parasites/pathogens, right?

      That would be the first thing to do.

      Then watching if any triggers existed, trying different diets even and watch out what happened. Unfortunately it's a bit of an effort, elemination diets are going on for days, not just one day and jump to the next food....quite annoying to do, but you shall get answers and if the answer is: stool/discomfort not influenced by diet. That's an answer as well and a valuable info to doc.


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      PS: you better print out free forms otherwise food diary/ bowel reaction writing can get quite messy/unclear.

      Just search internet for 'diary food stool' images and you get a template, which you like. You want a combined one, for time and which food and if symptoms (stomach) and when and which bowel movement. Or you create your own, but I highly recommend to have a form, lines. A 'diary' alone is very confusing, you need charts on one form to just fill in systematically.

      Good luck!

    • Posted

      thanks alot i have stool test which didnot show any perasites,,,,,,,,,,let me see i visit to my doctor before and i discuss with him about colonscopy but he ay we don,t have it here you need to go to big hospital for now he give me 10 day medicine for ibs let see if its good then its fine other wise go to big hospital for colonscopy

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