Diazapam withdrawal help
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I was put on diazapam for anxiety disorder along with sertraline 50mg I am 4 weeks on sertraline but have been taking diazapam for approx 2-3 months max 6mg daily I dropped the dose to 2mg once daily around 3 weeks ago and 4 days ago stopped completely although my jelly legs and shakes are there I have been experiencing stomach pain bit like period pain but still wakes me I would like advise on how long these jelly legs and stomach aches will last as my anxiety is spiralling out of control thinking I have something serious wrong with me ive also had blurred vision and feeling sick thanks in advance
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sphrah95270 rstep04
1m s0rry ab0ut the 1's and 0's 1 am us1ng them t0 replace tw0 br0ken keys!!
F1rst 0ff w1thdrawel fr0m d1azepam at that level d0es n0t cause phys1cal effects. Y0u are 0n such a l0w d0se what y0u are exp1er1enc1ng 1s anx1ety n0 d0unt caused by the fuss surr0und1g d1azepam at the m0ment.
1 have taken up t0 0ver 100mgs 0nce 0r tw1ce a week fr ten years - 1 can g0 w1th0ut f0r up t0 tw0 weeks and 1 have n0 w1thdrawel sympt0ms whats0ever.
What usually happens, 1s pe0ple take D1azepam f0r anx1ety then they st0p and guess what the1r sympt0ms 0f anx1ety return and they th1nk 1ts 'w1thdrawels'. What y0u are exper1enc1ng 1s anx1ety.
T0 bec0me physcally dependent 0n D1azepam y0u need t0 take m0re than 5mgs x 180 p1lls w1th1n 28 days.
Y0ur sympt0ms w1ll g0 away when y0ur anx1ety d0es.
rstep04 sphrah95270
pat97152 sphrah95270
sphrah95270 rstep04
Th1nk 0f 1t l1ke th1s
- y0u have anx1ety
- Y0u take s0meth1ng that gets r1ds 0f the anx1ety
- Y0u feel better
-Y0u st0p tak1ng the med1cat10n that helped {d1azepam}
-Y0ur anx1ety sympt0ms return.
1ts n0t w1thdrawel - 1ts the 1llness y0u had 1n the f1rst place.
The Drug c0mpan1es want y0u 0n the stuff they make a l0t 0f pr0ft fr0m - the new ant1depressants. - the s1de effects 0f th0se are much w0rse - s0me0ne 1 kn0w l0st her v1s1s0n c0m1ng 0ff venaflax1ne!!
1 have never had the sl1ghtest tr0uble w1th d1azepam 1n 10 years.
All the best
D0nt w0rry th0se h0rr1ble feel1ngs are all 1n y0ur m1nd. N0th1ng 1s phys1cally happen1ng t0 y0u x try t0 take y0ur m1nd 0ff 1t - get 0ut and s0c1al1se even when y0u d0nt feel l1ke 1t and y0u w1ll f0rget 1ts there
Best w1shes t0 y0u
nicola10405 sphrah95270
I have to completley disagree with the information you are giving out and you must be careful. Unless your a doctor that is. These drugs effect every person differently and yes that's how it may of effected you. I stopped quickly and ended up in hospital having seziures 10-15min long lost my memory severe hallucinations and physical and mental sickness like ive never felt in my life. Not just inthe mind AT ALL. My whole body stopped working for a good 4 months.
Valium effects the central nervous system and I also was on them six6years and on hdoses. Central nervose system deppresion is a horrible withdrawal and part of valum withdrawal.
They could not stop my seziures so had to induce me into a coma. I spent 3 months in hospital all due to Valium.
I dont no where you are getting all your information from, yes give your experience but dont tell people what will and what wont happen as they are very vunerable at this stage and I think there would be hundreds of thousands of people round the world that would disagree with you in a heartbeat.
I wish it was as easy as your saying. I spent months going to neurologists, EEG's ECG's CT scans and the list goes on, all comes down to Benzo's on of which is Valium.
When this happened to me I was lucky i had someone with me as I did not no it happened Please be careful what you tell people as they may now think oh its ok just in my mind, when in fact they need to be in hospital like me, I nearly died.
sphrah95270 rstep04
pat97152 rstep04
rstep04 pat97152
rstep04 pat97152
rstep04 pat97152
pat97152 rstep04
rstep04 pat97152
sphrah95270 pat97152
What she 1s feel1ng 1s anx1ety
D0 me a fav0ur and l00k up w1thdrawel fr0m
any ant1 depressant y0u l1ke
1 used t0 w0rk at det0x centre
1ts very hard t0 type s0 1M very l1m1ted 0n what 1 can say
pat97152 sphrah95270
pat97152 sphrah95270
sphrah95270 pat97152
pat97152 sphrah95270
nicola10405 rstep04
Withdrawals i'm afraid to say can last all different time frames, from cpl months to years depending on your situation and your make up. It's not just a matter of how long will it last Pat is right, you should come off very slowly, slower the better and things can get worse before they get better. Pat was on them for 44 years and has helped many people on this site.
Unfortunatly you can and do become addicted by 4 weeks and thats at a very low dose of 2-4 mg. Stomach pains can mean your digestive system is not working and can also affect your monthly cycle to having them painfully a few times a month to going months without them. Go and see your doctor it's best to be safe than sorry. ll advis
nicola10405 pat97152
I was wondering have you been on Citalopram? if so did it help? you mention it and venal faxing can be horrendous. Could you tell me a little more as my doc now wants to put me on Citalopram. Thanks. Nicola