Dihydrocodeine addiction.
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One last thing I need to say and then I'm outta here. I'm reading a lot on here about dihydrocodeine addiction...it's as bad as heroin addiction. Drug addicts...etc etc. Well, here is the truth, absolute. If you take dihydrocodeine at a high therapeutic dose for say 3-4 weeks daily, then you are physically dependent on them. And you will continue to be physically dependent on them until you stop taking them. BUT YOU ARE NOT ADDICTED! Addiction is a chronic condition, framed in an obsessive compulsion to repeat the bahaviour, in this case drug taking, no matter what detrimental effects the behaviour may be having on your life. Addiction means you lie, steal, rob to take ever higher doses of a substance, progressing through the stages of harm with administration (ie. from snorting or smoking heroin to injecting it). Ultimately you spend ALL of your time looking for money or drugs to the exclusivity of everything else. Addiction is defined by a chronic, unstable lifestyle that is out of control. If you are going searching for more and more scripts, or money to buy DHC AND TAKING EVER GREATER DOSAGES then you are addicted to them. Otherwise, you are physically dependent. Nothing more and nothing less. Please, no more of these comments about how being on a DHC script is as bad as being a heroin addict. I was a heroin addict for 20 years and believe me, it is FAR worse than being dependent on a DHC script.
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Freedom1009 Guest
kellie37632 Guest
I totally agree with you ... I've been taking these for over 8 years now ... I have endimetriosis and chronic pelvic pain and was prescribed these when the normal codiene wasn't working anymore ... I wake on a morning and head straight to the cupboard to take 20 at once ... This is before I wake my children up for school , I get through the day like I'm superwoman if I've got them ... If I haven't I can't get up off the sofa I sweat I cry I shake I'm restless I'm just a mess without them .... I agree with you totally ...I am now prescribed 56 a week and have to pick my script up on a Friday and sign for it as I was ordering too many scripts and th docs got wise to it ... They are usually gone by Saturday .... I've sent friends to the doctors for me , I've been to the hospital when I haven't had any ... They are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep ... I am an addict !!!! Just because it's a prescribed painkiller does not make it any less dangerous or not as bad as coke or heroine ... I take them to feel "normal" I know I'm an addict , I don't want to stop taking them , I can't be me anymore without them , totally agree with you x
dee67296 kellie37632
saz1000 kellie37632
natasha_18570 Guest
rick59713 natasha_18570
Tasha, just read your comment. Please try and stabilise before you reduce anymore and maybe even stay on the 3 pills a day that you say you're on. I quit methadone a few yrs ago and it was very hard but doable. Dihydrocodeine doesn't have withdrawals anywhere near as bad as methadone so the worst is over. I hope alls well in the Orkneys
I'm across the water from you in Northern Ireland.
natasha_18570 rick59713
Thank you yeah it was hard just stopping off 30mls after 14 years left on it.but up here they don't do meth so while l was up here l run out of my weeks worth.could not get back to Cornwall.so ended up with no doctor helping me.so a&e gave me dff118s never thought they would hold me but they did but now feel werid my eyes flu not really been sleeping for like 4 weeks.mum of five well 3 with me oldest in the army where u live but me Brighton girl moved from there to get away from drugs never thought they would leave me on meth 14 years once l am sorted l wish l could do something to change the way doctors just throw that s**t at u joke no help done this on my own when really they should be keeping a eye on me l see it though just want my life back x
rick59713 natasha_18570
it sounds like the orkneys done you a favour now that you're off methadone and on 3 df's a day, definitely don't quit the df's if you don't have to. I was on methadone 13 yrs so know how hard long term methadone maintenance is to quit, i think methadone should be done away with and replaced with other treatments like diamorphine or with slow release oral morphine i read recently a study showed that morphine was as effective as methadone and had lower rates of depression and anxiety. Plus it doesn't have as bad withdrawals as methadone. Mind you I found benzo withdrawals the worst of all. But on a brighter note good luck to ya and watch out for the puffins up there.
natasha_18570 rick59713
Thank u but not staying up here going back to Cornwall kids don't like it and if am honest it's hard work up here no help nothing.do u think l am over the worse with coming off methodone.as it scares me as heard it can take up to 90 days don't no if it's the dff118s making me feel crap now.all l no is the health professionals need to stop giving people meth as it's not the answer not if u have been left on it for years not good.but will not stop untill l am clean x
rick59713 natasha_18570
natasha_18570 rick59713
Trying to be but yeah waking and my music helps me big time love my history so l go for mile walks and it helps but kids off school which is hard at min.but l will not give up no way came to far not interested in drugs just being clean and normal if there is such a word lol but yeah it's hard work not going to lie .just not to sure on these tablets as feel well werid the last few days mad feeling heart racing or slow feel hot and cold not sleeping great either l get there in the end thank u very much x
rick59713 natasha_18570
try lavender spray on your pillow it helps with sleep and it should get back to a more normal pattern the longer you are off methadone. The symptoms you describe sound like withdrawals especially re: hot and cold feelings , not sleeping well and feeling weird. Please take care, the most dangerous time for an opioid dependent person isn't when they are on a script or actively scoring and using gear it's when they detox because if they do give in to the sometimes overwhelming cravings there's a danger of accidental overdose because their tolerance is way , way lower than it ever was. I lost a friend last year who was my age, mid 40s, and he had quit opioid substitution treatment and detoxed, and then dabbled and tragically couldn't process the drugs he'd taken. Please make sure to look after yourself.
natasha_18570 rick59713
natasha_18570 rick59713
Hi can l ask u something l run out of my dff118s Monday someone l no posted me 50 tablets 40mg ever since l took these ones l am very unwell banging headaches eyes sore and red hurting not sleeping feel quite ill don't get it do u think the ones l have been sent are old or mixed they look the same not seeing no worker untill Thursday morning and if l am honest getting really sick of feeling like this my eyes look well bad this is not right as l was only on 60mg now on 120mg and it's worse thanks
rick59713 natasha_18570
If the tablets are making you feel unwell and you are having headaches and sore eyes I'd go see a doctor if I were you. I've had headaches of taking larger doses of df118 so it could be that but if you're eyes are red and sore you should go to a doctor you might have an eye infection or you could be allergic to whatever's in those pills if they were sourced online. Oh and to answer your previous question yeah you can overdose on dihydrocodeine if you take too much. Hope you get well soon.