Discrepancy in leg length after hip replacement

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I had a total ceramic hip replacement 3 weeks ago and I have been left with an inch difference in the length of my operated leg the physio has advised me to get an insert for my shoe she said they sold them in boots the chemist but I can't see anything was wondering if anyone else has the same problem

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    Hi Annette, I had my thr in October and had over an inch difference but went to the Chiropractor who said my pelvis was out so had a couple of treatments to put it right. However, my leg difference is still just under an inch so have a heel uplift from the optometrist on NHS.  I had a lot of thigh pain and when I went back for my 6 month check up the surgeon said the pain was from my knee and after xrays said I now need a replacement knee!!  My theory on the leg difference is that my other side hip and knee are worn so eventually when they are done I should be even.

    hope this helps, good luck, Valerie

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    I am a South African who has suffered with AVN for a while and finally getting my hips replaced.

    It has been 5 days since my left hip replacement and my left leg is definitely longer. I'm really concerned but l will be doing the other in 2 days and will only have a chance to chat with the surgeon about it tomorrow. I'm hoping that the second replacement will balance my pelvis out. It would be really disappointing if l still end up with a limp after all that l had been through then had procedures to rectify it. These people are professionals and this kind of concern should never have to be a factor. Having both done may be my saving grace but l'm still worried.

  • Posted

    Hi Annette,

    I have an inch difference in leg length following my hip replacement, you need to see an orthodist for a raised boot/shoe. They will raise shoes of your choice as long as they are suitable. My health auth allows three pairs. The orthodist also gave me an raised wedge to go in my wellies and walking boots. It can be difficult to find suitable footwear but it is important that you do as your posture will be affected and could cause other problems. I wish you well in your recovery.


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    Got 1 cm difference and I go for my last check appt this month after hip replacement a year ago, I was offered no real help on the 6th month appt as to lift needed in my shoe, would not even arrange a letter from them that a cobbler needs to highten my shoe. I bought lifts from C & S Footwear £18 for 2. but it's trial & error to find what's best for you.


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    I had a hip replacement done privately last year in July, and noticed almost straight away that my operated leg was about an inch longer. The surgeon said that it would even itself out. I was in a lot of pain (hip and back) and saw my own GP in January, who referred me to the physio. I bought a gel insole of 1.5 cm, which helped a lot with my back pain, but I can still only walk about 10 minutes before needing to rest. The physio measured me, and said it was at least 2 cm. out. She would refer me to a podiatrist. Finally I saw the podiatrist yesterday. He seemed to know nothing, did not measure anything, said there was nothing to worry about, and even put a raised piece under the wrong foot! I insisted that he would refer me further, as I had no confidence in him whatsoever.

    I only went private for the operation because the waiting list on the NHS was at least a year in Wales, and the Welsh NHS does not allow anyone to get treated in England on the NHS!

    So it has been a bit of a trial, and I don't know if it ever will get sorted out!

  • Posted

    Hi Annette 

    I have had both left and right complex total hip replacements and I'm now left with a 15 mm leg difference, to day I was given heel in soles for my shoe but I got them from the hospital. Maybe u should ask if your hospital can supply. 

  • Posted

    I had hip replacement and a femur implant 3 months ago due to an accident. The surgery made the operated leg 5cm longer than other leg which also tilts my pelvis. It seems that the implant was too long. This is just bizarre that the orthopedic can do this kind of crazy nonsense. You think there's a way to somehow stretch or exercise my way back to a level pelvis and even leg length without going through this convoluted surgery again.

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    I had mine done a 16 months ago and had a measuring scan to see how much longer my leg was. Hence still in severe pain and under investigations still. I went to the shoe repairs and had my shoe and trainers built up ,in the first place done the same as you boots but this did not help . I recommend you go and have it done a the shoe repairs . 

    Good luck 

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    Outrageous to have a 25mm difference in leg length.My surgeon said my 7mm difference was "acceptable". I agree with him....

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    anyone with more than a 2 cm LLD needs their shoe altering by the orthotics department. Shoe inserts simply wont be enough. I had my right hip replaced in may 15 and due to the narrow cavity in my femur, ended up with an LLD of an inch and a half. I had to have my left shoes raised to make up the difference as my back and knees were wrecked in 6 weeks. I also got a shoe lift off Amazon that velcros on to the bottom of a shoe to lift it. I used that with crocs in place of slippers in the house. Ive just had my left hip done and i feel normal for the first time in 18months. My back is a bit upset but its only been 2 weeks so it will adjust. 

    I guess my main message is dont just put up with it. You wont get used to it. It will lengthen your recovery time and will damage your posture and back. Get to your GP, get a referral to orthotics and get your shoes altered.

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      Thank you for the tip about the velcro aid as I didn't know about that. I went back swimming for the first time in 7 months last week and did manage it, despite the struggle.

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    I am now 12 months post op from second hip replacement.  I still have one leg shorter than the other.  It is annoying but there does not seem to be any help anywhere except to wear a gel cushion under the shorter leg heel in my shoes.

    I found them in the pharmacy made by dr Schol

  • Posted

    Hello Annette

    Had my left hip replaced 7 years ago. 1.9 cm. Almost an inch... this is a message to all who have a difference in lenght after this type of operation.

    When u go to see the person who will make the elevation for the leg that needs lenghtening. Make sure that the material used is the most rigid...DONT GET FOOLED HERE...i had to return and have my elevation added onto it every 2-3 months because they put in this SUPPOSEDLY softer material...forget softness..get the most firm material...now mine was red. The reason being, it squashed in size as you walk everyday with our weight..so all of a sudden the elevation is shrinking...and the longer leg starts hurting in the knee usually..for me anyway...this means i have to go back again and get it elevated millimeter by millimeter every so often...they know me very well and have sold me many elevations UNTIL some bright person finally explained this to me...GET THE HARDEST MATERIAL, anyway, they put a soft layer to cover the elevation anyway...its soft...

    Hope this helps some of u...SPREAD THIS INFO AROUND..ULL BE HELPING OTHERS...



  • Posted

    I also had a RTHR about 3 weeks ago...and one leg was longer than the other before surgery so i had a very significant limp that ruined my posture and caused back pain but my surgeon corrected that during surgery and evened my hips out...i also have a ceramic hip so that was a problem the surgeon should have addressed..but i know u were asking about the inserts which can be found at any medical supply store for examples the stores that sale walkers and canes and things like that
  • Posted

    Hi Annette. I had a total right hip replacement a year ago. After approximately 8 months I started noticing about a 1" difference in leg length. I just visited my surgeon for my first annual checkup and mentioned that I thought one leg might be longer than the other. He said "it might be. Let's check." He did a visual of my legs while I was lying down and said yes, one is longer than the other. Of course, he took no responsibility. I am trying inserts but they are not comfortable and I have worse back pain now than before my surgery. Good luck to you!

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