Discrepancy in leg length after hip replacement

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I had a total ceramic hip replacement 3 weeks ago and I have been left with an inch difference in the length of my operated leg the physio has advised me to get an insert for my shoe she said they sold them in boots the chemist but I can't see anything was wondering if anyone else has the same problem

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106 Replies

  • Posted

    How soon did you notice the discrepency? I had the surgery on Wed and it is now Saturday. I feel like I am walking on a pogo stick and there is pain shooting down the front right side of my leg which i know is not a good sign. 
  • Posted

    Hi Annette

    Just been reading what you said and wondered how you are getting on.

    I broke my hip last September and I have a 2.5 leg discrepancy.

    I've had my shoes built up via my local Orthodics department and it was the best thing they did to help.

    Don't know if that helps you or anyone else reading this.


  • Posted

    Hi Annette,

    Im 7 months and 1 week after LHR and my operated hip is 1.3

    to 1,5 cm longer wchich I have LLD. I was not alowed put anything till after hydrotherapy after nearly 9 weeks. I put insole in my shoes to help me keep balance. Not to have sore back. One surgen say I have LLD and next

    blamed me not stending property. After 5 and 1/2 monts I was told and mesure yes I had LLD. It will be sort out hopefully one next hip will be

    done because is very bad and painful. After 6 weeks check up in was told my right hip need to be done as well. I cry and not believe him. But ex ray show bone on the bone and getting worse. I went work after 14 weeks

    weeks put the insole into my shoes. Work in Nursing home and the feet

    Whole day and try survive till my operation will be done hopefully soon.

    In paper is written adjust leg to be same. I have day when im OK and day when im ,impinge if I do to much. Have days when im down because LLD

    but some people are worse than me. Some time my op hip hurting get

    Fell like I have done something but than next few weeks is OK. 3 weeks is to early and your hip can still adjusted to normal lengs. Have patience

    Good luck and hug Madla💗 ps insole is not so bad do excersice and

    listen your Physo people. Cheer up. MADLA

  • Posted

    After my October anterior hip replacement, my leg was 2 1/2" longer than the other.  Now it is about 1 1/2" longer.  They injured my knee (previously had replacement andf revision) during the surgery.  Now I have unbearable pain in the lower back.  I have had numerous x-rays and MRI's, but they're not admitting any malpractice.  We are in the Eau Claire, WI area.  I notice you mentioned Wisconin, so I'm wondering if you know of a medical malpractice attorney in this area.  I don't want to put too much information in this post.  

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    I had RTHR anterior approach 4 wks ago. My operated leg is now 1.5 inches (38 mm) longer than my other leg. I now have to get my left shoe built up to level me out. I live in New Hampshire USA and we have 90 degree weather in July and snow and ice in January aND everything in between so the build up is necessary in 4 pairs of shoes/boots. This is an expensive turn of events!

    Good luck to you....I understand your situation.


  • Posted

    Hi Annette I also had full hip replacement 3 weeks ago and am absolutely convinced that the operated leg is longer. I was never told that this was a possibility and am devastated as walking with a limp is giving me excruciating back pain and lower limb pain. I have written to the surgeon to ask if he can see me earlier than my review appointment to discuss my options but am not optimistic.

    regards, Linda Turner

  • Posted

    Hi, I had my hip replaced 4 years ago and I found it was longer than the unoperated side.

    I was sent to the orthotist who gave me a 9mm heel lift but now

    I have had my legs measured again and I now have 3cm or just

    over an inch difference so have to visit him again.

    I am seeing a physio as I am having a lot of back pain.

    In the meantime I bought some heel lifts on amazon which have been

    very good but of course you can only wear them with certain shoes.

    I am hoping they just build up my existing shoes rather than have

    a special shoe made! Yuck

    I post the outcome at the end of July

  • Posted

    I responded earlier to your post but I have new information.  My 2 1/2" leg discrepancy is because my pelvis was tilted during the anterior hip replacement.  It has been 8 1/2 months of unbearable lower back pain, using a walker, sleeping in a recliner. I am going to have Radio Frequency Ablation on my back, but this won't correct the leg discrepancy.  I have included one of my x-rays.

  • Posted

    Have an 1 1/2 inch left leg shorter then right after having surgery pin put in first time two more surgeries after that which was 2009 the first one then 2013 when into have a real laminate came out with a toddler cheap replacement it is still painful now it seems like it pops up place sometimes painful I cannot find a lift to go in a sandal anyone know of anything that works thank you all so much
  • Posted

    Hi Annette,

    I have the same problem. I don't know the length of the discrepancy, but I can't go without shoes with an insert. The very last question i asked was if there could be be leg longer than the other. He replied that there was nothing to worry about. Ha! The insert helps a great deal but I didn't go in with one and didn't expect to need one afterwards. He also said when things settled down, it would back to normal. I'm afraid I don't believe it. I'm seven months along and could do more before the surgery, I just had to be careful and know what to expect. My meniscus was also torn so I have a swollen and painful knee. I am extremely expressed and don't know what to do except hope and pray. I have been so active all my life. I was told nothing about what could go wrong, blood loss, torn muscles, etc. I lost half my blood and they didn't notice it until I tried to stand later in the afternoon.  It didn't work.  I went right back down--out cold.  That's when they found out my hemoglobin was 5. Two units of blood later, I felt a log better but didn't want the blood. My leg is so stiff it's hard to go up stair without a lot of pain and I can't come anywhere near squatting.  In all that, I still feel like my mobility is better.  I could bear weight right after surgery (when I could stand) and had no pain until later. I'll keep trudging along and hope this horrible depression subsides. I think it's worse than the surgery. Keep going. You're so early on that nothing could feel "normal," but I'm betting you do. In the mean time, you might try an insold.  Mine's farily high and I'm taking P.T. again. You'll get there.  Don't get discouraged.  Best wishes and good luck! Dana

  • Posted

    Hi, I had a THR 4 years ago and had a difference of 9mm but I have had

    a lot of back pain recently and went to the physio who said I had 3cm

    difference so sent me to the orthotist who measured me and said it is

    18mm difference and has taken a two left shoes and putting 18mm

    soles on them. I then went to Timpsons shoe repairers and asked them

    if they could put a rubbersole on my court shoes but they put an 18mm

    sole and heel on them for £8.50 each. He said that physios don't

    measure correctly so it would be worth asking your doctor if you can see

    the orthotist.

    Hope this helps

  • Posted

    Hi.  I had a thr last April.  My surgeon tells me that after surgery my legs were even but last September I was in so much pain I went back to see him.  He re xrayed my hip and said my prosthesis must have subsided into the bone as he thought I now had a discrepancy of around 1.5cm.  He sent me to the orthotist who measured it as 3cm discrepancy.  They raised one boot by this amount but it was agony to walk as my foot couldn’t flex with such a thick sole raise.  I went back and he took boot down to 2cm but it is still painful to walk in them.  I’m now using a heel raiser in shoes but need to walk with a stick as I get uncomfortable and tired.  My other hip doesn’t need replacing.  Any suggestions would be welcomed as I don’t want to have to have the surgery repeated which I’ve been told maybe the only option.  Fingers crossed for some alternative suggestions
  • Posted

    Hello Annette,

    I had both hips replaced 8 weeks ago and like you noted he left leg being almost an inch too long. The doctor/staff acted as if it was no concern. The 6 week visit with the actual doctor led me to a CT scan as he had realized the length issue in person.  My left leg is determined to be 3/4 of an inch longer than the right from the scan. The doctor presented me with an option of removing a section of my longer left leg bone above the knee which requires 12 weeks of no weight recovery. Not for me. The second option is to have the right hip replaced in the next 2 weeks to lengthen the leg by a 1/2 inch. I am concerned with removing the 9 to 10 week old hip without fracturing the bone and knee issues that have plagued me on the left leg from it being longer.

    Did you have similar issues your procedure(s) and how are you now doing 4 years later?

  • Posted

    I am 10 day post op and since the first time I stood on my two feet in the hospital, I immediately noted that my surgery leg is longer than the other one!  Enough to really make me feel off balance.  In fact, when I put my other foot flat on the floor, my surgery leg is slightly bent at the knee.  I told my surgeon when he made rounds and he said it takes a while to "work it all out".  I can see a leg having to stretch out, but I'm not sure how you make it shorter.  Has anyone had this specific issue?  They do not do measurements until six months post op I am told to allow time.  

    • Posted

      Hi yes it’s a huge and major surgery,your body has gone though a lot. Much movement you’re spine pelvis rotates. 

      Do the physio as much as you can,once muscle is lost it’s hard to get back to your former self physically and the THR will never feel as strong as it could. The little exercises you feel ‘why’, but these are specific movements you do not do naturally in walking/daily activity and are working essential muscle groups which you need to be at your optimum self.  Believe me, you do not want to end up with ‘dropped foot’!

      Once you are stronger, consider the chiropractic route of not even both sides. Gonstead Clinic got me off of walking sticks, other NHS specialists said I would always need to walk with them. GC are world renowned and work mathematically in their relieving adjustments to get you straight and posture correct. More comfortable, less swelling. But you must work with them, exercise and ice packs. You will see and feel a massive difference if you do all the above. 

      Don’t accept orthotics (shoe insole build up) solutions with what will most likely be a shorter operated leg, when this is something I no longer need to use with the above treatment. It changed my life, my pain due to other injuries sustained will never be gone, but this certainly makes things more manageable. 

      Your pelvis/spine and neck aligning could be the answer to your true leg length then being clear and most comfortable...

      Good luck 

    • Posted

      Thanks,Emma, for all of this information.  There are a lot of things to consider for sure.  I know that my body has been "off" so to speak for months now, compensating for pain, etc.  So it has to learn how to walk with the new hip.  I know the muscles have to be retrained as well.  I will be as diligent as I can with my exercises.  I had 4 visits in home to start with and then next week I start going out to the PT a couple of times a week, probably for the next 6-8 weeks.   

      Hope you continue to do well.

      Best Regards,


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