Distraught over new LS diagnosis!!
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Hello. I have just been diagnosed with lichen sclerosis a few days ago. I am 25 years old and this is devastating to me. I am from Canada and I am currently living in London England. I had a vulvar biopsy about a month ago which has left a bump/scar. I am currently travelling around Europe for he summer and the heat is making my ls worse. I do not have any treatment creams because my biopsy results came back while I was still away. It took about 6 months for me to see a specialist in London. I currently have clitoral phimosis and my labia minora has almost disappeared. I am distraught about this. Will the steroid creams help with the phimosis? On top of this, I have just started dating a man in England who has no idea what I am going through. I don't know how to bring this up to him. I feel embarrassed about it. We have only been dating for three montha. I would really appreciate some advice on all of this. Also, I have been using biooil on my vulva while I have been travelling since I am unable to get any treatment until the end up august. Thanks.
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kathleen65757 nicole1990
You need to start treatment to get it under control.
A prescription is required as these are not over the counter ointments or creams.
I use Advantan fatty ointment as it is well absorbed and not the most potent of the treatments.
People will have a lot of advice on here for you but it is important you have a very good specialist looking after you or even a clinic that specialises in this which should be available in London.
I attend one in Melbourne at the Mercy hospital and it would be good if you could seek out something similar.
Because women vary so much in that area men do not notice the differences.
I worried about that with my husband of nearly 50 years and he did not even notice.
It does get easier to manage and take comfort in the fact that it is not life threatening just a dam nuisance!
As for the clitoral phimosis you need to see a very good surgeon who specialises in that to see your options.The issue with your labia minora will be handled by your specialist at the end of August who can also advise on the phimosis.
All the best and sorry once again for your struggle without expert help for six months.
nicole1990 kathleen65757
pui345 kathleen65757
I have Clitoral phimosis from my LS, I just dont know what to do? I don't get any sensation/pleasure from my clit or penetration
Is surgery the only way? Did you have any sensation from your clit prior to your surgery?
Cuppa_T nicole1990
I am so terribly sorry to hear diagnosis. However, do not despair, as there are very knowledgeable ladies on this site and you will get excellent advice here. In the meantime get yourself some organic coconut oil and 100% aloe vera gel. If you cannot find 100% then down to 97% gel will also do but not less. Apply those two lavishly whenever you can and especially when you go to bed at night. It helps tremendously with the itch.Wear cotton panties. If possible, also get yourself a small quantity of bicarb of soda and put 2 to 3 pinches in approx 100mls of boiled and then cooled down water. Put in a little spray bottle and spray on and pat dry whenever you use the loo. You can also use witch hazel instead of the bicarb, but witch hazel should not contain alcohol. I hope this will tide you over until end August when you get home. Most of us are using Clobetasol (Dermovate) so I am sure your Dr will prescribe that. Some ladies are also using manuka honey UMF 15+ strength (must be from NZ) with the coconut oil and aloe very gel and they say it works for them. I, unfortunately have not been able to try the honey, as I am from South Africa and honey is on our list of prohibited and restricted goods, so I cannot buy it online because it cannot come into our country without an import permit. Dont be embarrassed about your condition...it is not your fault. Once you know your man a bit better and it seems he's in for the long haul and has your trust, you might want to break it to him bit by bit, but test the waters first. You will need companionship and support from him more than anything else. I am 60, have been diagnosed in April of this year and luckily my husband understands that sex can be very painful, so is very supportive. I understand that in your case it is completely different, as you still have your whole young life ahead of you and I just feel so sad that you have to be saddled with this at age 25. Anyway, take heart, try not to stress as it makes the condition worse and know that you will get wonderful advice on this site. You will soon know what works for you (as we are all different and learn by trial and error) and get your condition under control. I KNOW you will! Please let us know how you are getting on. XXXX
nicole1990 Cuppa_T
norma54754 nicole1990
There's no doubt it knocks one back when newly diagnosed.
I am recently diagnosed myself and initially it is upsetting and worrying but accepting LS is part way to dealing with it.
Searching out forums like this one will help enormously.
Any worries or questions just voice them and the helpful ladies on here will do their best to support you, that way you will benefit and won't feel alone with your problem.
There are quite a few ladies on here with years of experience concerning how to deal with LS and many are happy to talk about their own experiences.
I am assuming your male friend is also quite young and may not know much about female problems or what is involved so if it is getting serious I thing it is good advice from Cuppa to break it to him gently.
Hope your situation improves for you.
nicole1990 norma54754
nicole1990 norma54754
norma54754 nicole1990
Let him start to make the advance first( and I mean start not when he has becomes single minded) that is your opportunity to approach the subject without the need to bring up the subject out of nowhere. Feed him bits of information and see how he reacts. If he wants to know more hopefully he will start to ask questions.
How he reacts depends on the charactor of the man but he is going to have to know something.
It's not only how you look, if you become intimate you don't want it to be a painful experience.
Hope things go well and you can work something out.
Jess1612 nicole1990
nicole1990 Jess1612
Morrell1951 nicole1990
Tricky to be trying to look after LS on the road and stress is the number one thing that makes it worse.
nicole1990 Morrell1951
sandra01720 nicole1990
nicole1990 sandra01720
suedm nicole1990
As to what to tell your new man - why not say you have an auto immune condition - like asthma or arthritis - ie not catching -but that it will mean that if you do end up in bed it would be nicer if he was gentle - ie not too enthusiastic. Beforehand YOU lather yourself in a moisturiser / barrier - esp if you are on the pill- If he is wearing a condom then you wont get his bodily fluids on you - As you will have read you would need a barrier from your body fluids too. I am sure by now if you are in a position to do so listen to Dr Goldstein's webinar- lots of reassuring information on there too. the advice you have been give is first class. Remember NO smellies - bland is best! You MAY be able to get a simple aqueous ointment from a pharmacy with which you can wash and it leaves a moistuising surface. Some while ago there was a post about using bleach free loo paper and sanitary towels, no biological washing powders or fabric softeners, talc is also a no no
Happy wandering Best wishes
sandra01720 nicole1990
nicole1990 suedm