Diverticular Disease
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Hi can anyone help please I have been diagnosed with Diverticular Disease but I get a lot of pain in my right side' also at the bottom of my tummy it feels like I have pebbles rolling around. I have also had a gastric bypass 5 years ago so eating bran is something I cant do and to be honest don't need as I go too much as soon as I eat I am in the loo and I am so scared when I go out because I know if I get a little anxious I need the loo and I wont eat out because of the same reason. It feels my life revolves around the loo day and night and I am getting so drained and tried by it all. Can anybody help please my doc don't seem to know what to do
Thanks for reading x
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Diverticulitis is when small polyps form in the bowel if you eat wrong these sack bubbles fill up and infection or tenderness cause pain and distress to the bowel
With proper eating and drinking flare ups can be avoided with each distress you have takes about 5 days to settle this includes pain loose bowel moments possible neusea acid reflux
Stay away from gassy foods any fruit with pips no alcholhol
And caffeine invest in hot water bottle so when flare ups occur heat essays pain not medication
Ginger tea or peppermint tea better
Hope that helps if you need more info glad to help
Keep a diary is good but be careful you may think its one thing but can be a combo of foods or drinks if your in flare up stage drink boiled plain water as much as you can Yeep your being weeing a lot but that's good tomorrow cut out milk and processed meat
Hot water bottle and rest your body's exhausted take hot baths no bubbles no painkillers either or fizzy drinks
Keep in contact anytime day or night as iPhone web always on here
Your not alone
Good luck and hope you are feeling better very soon
Like Joan, I used to get awful diarrhea but now that I am getting older (78 on Friday) I seem to have gone the other way most of the time which makes me feel lethargic and unwell. It would appear that there is no magic answer for everyone with this problem. In "Casualty" on TV, Sunday evening, the elderly patient was diagnosed with Diverticular Disease and asked if there was any treatment for it, the doctor replied "definitely" I had to laugh.
There's no help girls were just have to get use to good days and bad my problems worse as I have ibs and intolerant to wheat and dairy so but harder for me so either in pain from diverticulitis or ibs attack or eat something that gives me food allergy still have bad days now from one or other but just got use to it nobody helps especially GPS have learnt over the years medicines only there to subside symtoms and iny case cause others so generally watch what I eat even got bad list and good list on fridge as having a family have to cook seperate as cant torment them for eating boring bland food but hay that's me just learnt to live with it no good worrying god forbid that makes it worse
Got to hot water bottles know its mad but got house one standard size and small one that goes down trouser band so I can go out especially when driving my god send don't go without oh and herbal teas
I saw that on casualty the other night and I was hoping he was going to tell him what to do but no he didn't..
I have got use to watching what I eat because of the gastric bypass I had and that's been hard but even with what I can eat with that it don't help with this problem.
I will try some herbal tea as I must admit one thing I do love is my tea but with milk.
Now time to take control Hun breath in to feel your diaphragm count to three exhale lets calm those senses down
Ok what you eaten today ??
How's the pain??
Hope you are feeling well today ? I am going to get a hot water bottle today and cuddle up to it.
Having hubbies at home 24/7 is stress to any women same here chris my husband made redundant last march and having him around is like having a baby lol
Glad ur ok eating in mornings always been a difficult stage for me but have learnt to eat small either few handfuls of crisps plain not to bad stops the dreaded gas building up
Instead of milk try rice milk ur still get the benifits but I changed as dairy intolerant that way ur still able to have ur cuppa in morning then I go peppermint tea till my last cuppa at 6 pm
Rice is better than potatoes start of by cooking chicken and add veg and stock cubes
Take a look at fodmap diet it's good to recognise good and bad food which they list on a chart
Don't eat and drink after 6 pm go water if thirsty I boil mine as cold irritates my gut
Yeep your afraid to eat as you know it's going to be tough and painful but if you don't it be even worse eat small no large plate today snack on handfuls every hour and drink water you got to get something in you for your bowels not to get empty
Later on try and invest in a soup maker I use mine on Sundays when I make up weekly soups putting ingredance I can have and freeze down for the week
Oh and the hot water bottle
I'm here and not going anywhere so keep in contact
its not so bad today iv not had the bad cramps so im keeping fingers crossed.
and I will keep in touch and thanks for your help it makes a big differents knowing your not on your own.
As for my hubby what is it about men and shedders lol all he seems to do lately ..
Glad your ok hopefully now your taking steps forward you be ok
Take care