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goodmorning LADIES,
Iwoke up this morning with my head spinning !!
I got up to go to the bathroom and I had to grab onto things to make it there . I felt like I was falling off the toilet. I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep but I opened my eyes and the room was spinning it is really scaring me because I have to work but I'm afraid this will affectmy driving!!
has anyone has this happen?
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JReady64 grace50455
yep...today marks a year that this all started for me.. and it started with this dizziness. Unfortunately it does effect driving.. I have only driven a handful of times over the last year, and only close to home. I work 40 miles a way.. there is no way. I've had to have someone take me, pick me up, run errands..I hate it.
grace50455 JReady64
What did your Dr. prescribe for it?
Pra_Adoni grace50455
Hi Grace,
this unfortunately is quite common in the beginning of perimenopause / menopause. In the beginning i was scared and of course thought the worst was upon me. But it is quite normal. I have no good remedy for it, just that be aware before getting off bed that the dizziness may hit you and hold onto something.
it does pass during the day, but if it hits first thing in the morning, be careful and just wait for it to pass.
Drinking water before going to bed does help a little. Check also some good multi-vitamin tabs - they seem to help as well, but I think it is mostly individual.
Hang in there!
grace50455 Pra_Adoni
thank you, I am 52 and I have been dealing with other issues discussed on here like horrible joint pain.. I remember my Dad having the same symptoms years ago, The DR. said it was vertigo but I dont remember if he was given anything to treat it or if he just waited for it to pass.
JReady64 grace50455
I was already post menopause when mine started so it's not just a perimenopause thing or a menopause thing.. And while mine is more prevalent in the mornings, it goes on all day long. Not constantly but still all day long.
Keljo48 JReady64
JReady64 ,
I am also post menopause and have had this for a week now. It is worse right after I eat anything. Then goes back to the low level dizziness. Mine I notice when I wake and though it isn't constant, it is all day long. I have an appt with a nurse practitioner at my Dr's office in an hour. Seems my Dr. is too busy anymore to see in a reasonable amount of time. I feel I will either be better or dead before an appt with her. I will see what the NP has to say. I was diagnosed with BPPV 1.5 years ago. It was debilitating. I couldn't drive or function on even a basic level. It lasted about 3 weeks. My symptoms are not nearly as severe but I can't help but worry is it a symptom of something serious. I need to add I am very overweight. I can put on a pound for nothing but I cannot lose anything in this past year. It is very frustrating.
Post menopause is not symptom free as many women think.
Today is worse with dizziness/off kilter feeling. I am going to have to drive myself to my appt. Ugh!
JReady64 Keljo48
Unfortunately I think you're wasting your time going to the doctor. They're not gonna find anything.
I've been to multiple doctors over multiple areas with multiple tests and nothing has been found. That's why I truly believe it's menopause. Just can't see what else it could be.
I started the bio identical hormone replacement therapy a little over 2 weeks ago and my dizziness has actually been worse. I'm not sure if that's a coincidence or if it's making it worse before it makes it better. The OBGYN doesn't necessarily know of anyone else that has had dizziness that is menopausal but she also doesn't discount that it could happen.
I am also taking a vitamin B12 supplement because my level was really low and she said the feel good range is at the top of the range and I met the very bottom and there's a huge difference between the bottom and the top. And being too loud can cause dizziness...Unfortunately one of the side effects of taking B12.. guess what it is.. yep...dizziness.. unreal... So I'm hoping the hormones will kick in and I'll start feeling better and things will start straightening out. I am going to see and neutorogist ater this month to check for BPPV.
And that was supposed to say that... Not loud
Keljo48 JReady64
Well my NP was helpful and more a worrier than I am, if that is even possible. She is concerned about blockage. But at the same time found fluid in my ear canals and thinks that this is causing my dizziness. She said BPPV, though I don't know if it was more of a diagnosis or because I said what issues I had 1.5 years ago and my Dr diagnosed it as BPPV. She said she is going to talk to my Dr about getting a stress test. I have had one of those (I failed the recovery portion) and a subsequent heart cath, I have 20% plaque build up but my heart was fine. I am on lipitor for my cholesterol/plaque build up. I also take BP meds (one of which can raise cholesterol levels).
Anyway the NP prescribed me a steroid for my fluid, and meclazine for dizziness. She said for me to drink water and work on a healthy lifestyle and working out. I mentioned that I am fat 😃 I also had bloodwork done to test my cholesterol level and my glucose level. My blood sugar has been tested and it is fine but why not test it again.
She said if i don't have improvement by Monday I was to let her know.
I left feeling worse about myself and doubt about what is wrong with me.
Sigh, I just want give up.
rose61361 Keljo48
how did your appointment go?
Guest grace50455
Hi Grace, I have vestibular migraine aka migraine associated vertigo. It has been since peri 2 years ago, however, just diagnosed 2 months ago. It can come with or without migraine pain (I have chronic migraine). My dr said it is common in women around the time of any hormonal erratic hormone changes.. Mine is so bad, I had to close my business. Could not drive for months, as my eyes could not keep up, and my head would spin. I feel drunk and disequilibrium, fatigued, overall no sense of spatial awareness. I have visual vertigo. I got diagnosed finally by an
oto neurotologist. The are neuros that deal with the vestibular system. I am on nortriptyline for it. Look it up and see if this fits how you feel. Mine was 24/7 at it worst. I hope you do not have it!! However, Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Best of luck to you!
grace50455 Guest
thanks Lou, I noticed that it happens when I lay on my left side . I layed across the bed and could hardly get up because the room was spinning .this is really scary I think I'm going to make appt. today.
Guest grace50455
if it is positional...it may just be BPPV...that can be fixed! Epley manuever. good luck!
suzanne_0411 grace50455
My sister and I have both had vertigo. If it is specifically while lying on left side, I'd say it is BPPV. One way to tell is sit on edge of bed or couch, first lean all the way to the right and see if anything happens, then do the same with left. Mine was when I'd lay on my right side and also for a few seconds when I first laid on my back. We both did a maneuver by Dr. Carol Foster found on Youtube. It was not pleasant, but it worked. I'm not trying to diagnose you, just sharing my experience.
grace50455 suzanne_0411
OMG SUSAN!! I havent experinced any dizziness since I posted last week until a few minutes ago while I was brushing my teeth before bed. I tried what you suggested and it does only happen when I lean to my right side or lay flat on my back. I also feel pressure in my right ear. thanks for sharing.