Dizziness, Brain Fog, Fatigue, and anxiety. Help much appreciated!

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Hello everyone, 

20 Y/O Male here. Long post but I really am lost and want to post as much information as possible.   

About 2 months ago I had 2 severe panic attacks (I don't know if this has any correlation just stating the facts, and yes I am aware of the anxiety forum but everyone there of corse thinks every symptom is anxiety related and I'm not too convinced, I think you guys can really help) 

The following days after I started getting spells of dizziness which sent my anxiety overboard. I've been a long time sufferer of anxiety but NEVER had any issues like this. I do want to note I take no medication. 

The dizzyness continued and happened more frequently and I started getting brain fog, derealization, Ringing in my ears, pressure in my head, and minor Ice Pick headaches that came and went. (I've never suffered from headaches)

All of this sent my anxiety overboard and I started googling symptoms which just made it worse. I went to an Urgent Care doctor who diagnosed me with an ear infection ( no pain in ears ever)

He gave me ear drops and anti vertigo medication. After taking them both for the reccomended amount of time they had NO change.

I do want to mention I didn't have vertigo (the room wasn't spinning) I felt as if I was walking on a boat, or I was unsteady kind of a whoozy feeling. My balance is fine as I skateboard and have tested it numerous times (placing feet together and closing eyes, eyes closed one leg tests, etc) I've never fallen over or lost my balance. This issue has severly affected my life. The constant worry keeps me from enjoying activites. The brain fog and dizzyness keeps me from working and enjoying life. It's awful. 

I went to the ER and had an EKG done, the Dr. said I didn;t even need that, did NO tests, and blew it off as anxiety and stress. 

I started googling symptoms more which gave me severe health anxiety and just put my stress overboard, I was convinced I was dying of some terminal illness. I started getting muscle spasms and twitches, brain zaps when trying to sleep, occasional tingles/pins and needles, rushes of electricity in my body. Visual snow, and Eye floaters most of which I attribute to anxiety and stress being through the roof but I'm not convinced ALL my issues are anxiety related. 

The dizziness and brain fog comes and goes. I'll have it for a week or two straight, get some days of relief (never relief from all symptoms just the dizzy/brain fog fatigue feelings) then it'll come back. 

I went to a PCP (Primary care physician) he was an MD. Ran a quick neuro test on me, and like 3 or 4 blood tests, all came back normal. He prescribed me Anti Anxiety meds and blew it off as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I really think there is something else wrong. Made sure I had no ear infection (which I didn't)

After continuing to feel like trash daily and being pretty much disabled and having NO motivation and constantly worrying. 

I went to the ER. This time I said NOTHING about anxiety just my symptoms. The ER Dr. ran a more extensive neuro test. More blood tests, Urine Tests, A Head/Neck CT Scan with and Without contrast to rule out bleeds, or masses growing in my head (IE a brain tumor). 

ALL came back normal. She reassured my worries about having brain cancer.

Now I'm about back to square one. I still have these awful dizzy, fatigue, brain fog symptoms as well as this worry of a brain tumor and it being missed by my CT scan because I've found stories of tumors being missed by CT scans that were picked up by an MRI. (however rare this may be) 

I live in a small town with not so great insurance and getting to a neurologist in the next month seems pretty much impossible.

Any insight, oppinions, things you've learned or tried, or ANYTHING to help would be GREATLY appreciated. I have another Dr appointment on the 16th but I'm worried not much will be done. I really feel like I need an MRI to help me with the thought of this brain tumor issue or to find out any other issues. 

I've read a few posts on here that seem somewhat relevent and would love your guys's help.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there anon!

    So I'll start off by saying I'm a 23 year old female. I have had problems with anxiety my entire life, so I know exactly what you're going through.

    A little over 5 months ago, out of NO WHERE, I started having severe brain fog and dizziness. My doctor said it was just a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics. It didn't get better. The brain fog and dizziness got worse, and I've had these debilitating symptoms for 5 months.

    Okay so I have severe brain fog. I literally cannot think or concentrate on anything. I have no short term memory anymore. I'm always dizzy and feel like there's a pulling sensation pulling me backwards or sideways. I feel like I'm always in a dream like state, like I'm not actually here. I have this horrible derealization feeling all the time. My head has been killing me lately. There's so much pressure inside my head and it feels clogged all the time. My eyes are always hurting and strained. I've been having bad visual symptoms such as unfocused vision, and it feels like my depth perception is off. Hinge just don't look "right" or normal. Like I'm not even here anymore, just going through the motions. My ears feel full all the time and they tingle and ring.

    I have been having severe anxiety from all this, and jeep having panic attacks. I've been to countless specialists and had countless tests done with no diagnosis. Some say vestibular neuritis, some say vestibular migraines, some say anxiety. From what you're describing and your symptoms, it sounds like you have vestibular neuritis! Especially because you stated some days it feels better, then it goes back.

    Look up vestibular neuritis. But first I would suggest getting your anxiety under control with some medication. Although I know your problem isn't anxiety, your anxiety is just making everything worse.

    Everything will be okay! schedule an appointment with an ent and neurologist if you can, and have caloric testing and a VNG done. I hope the best for you and hope you feel better soon! You can message me if you ever need to talk

  • Posted

    I would like to focus on the tinnitus, which is the only objective finding so far in all of this.

    When you mention ice-pick headaches, would you describe them as migraine episodes?

    Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, PhD, FEAN

    Clinical Neurophysiologist

    Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology

    • Posted

      I've never really had headaches or migraines so I'm not really sure what qualifies as a migraine. (I've tried looking it up but never really god a clear answer)

      They are short (1-3 seconds) of a sharp pain. On a scale of 1-10 of pain I've experinced in my life I'd say it's about a 4 or 5 for a few quick seconds. Nothing debilitating or distracting, just more worrysome since I've never felt headaches.

      They happen randomly throughout the day and have felt them in all different places in my head, but mainly on my right side in the front and back of my head. Some days i'll only have it happen once, some days not at all, some days it'll happen a bunch. 

      When I went to the ER and had my CT scans done I mentioned these to the Dr as one of my main concerns and she Dx'ed them as Cluster Headaches which my father has had his entire life. His are VERY BAD he said they are easily a 10/10 on the pain scale and they are tottally debilitating. 

      Also what do you mean by "the only objective finding" when it comes to the tinnitus? 

      We really appreciate having a Dr, especially a Neurophysiologist helping us! 

      Thank you!

    • Posted

      Also when it comes to the tinnitus it seems the worst when I wake up early in the mornings (if I hear a noise that awakes me or if I get too cold etc) It's pretty loud then, and also sometimes accomponied by this odd sensation of my brain/head bubbling, fizzing, or vibrating. The feeling usually goes away once I fall back asleep and wake up at my regular time. 

    • Posted

      Have you had an audiogram done?

      Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, PhD, FEAN

      Clinical Neurophysiologist

      Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology

    • Posted

      I have not. 

      Will mention this to my Dr. 

      Any other suggestions, tests, or routes you think I should take? 


    • Posted

      Lets do this first.  It should be simple to refer you to do this, and it will give us a lot of information.

      Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, PhD, FEAN

      Clinical Neurophysiologist

      Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology

    • Posted

      Hello again, 

      Seriously cannnot thank you enough for your time and help! 

      I got a sooner appt with a Dr. today. He had me reffered to a neurologist, and ENT (to do the audiogram test) , and an MRI W/O contrast to rule out a tumor (because I requested it). 

      Sadly I have bad insurance as I mentioned and this process could take quite some time.

      I asked if he could prescribe me something on the short term for the anxiety (Anything other than SSRI's) and he refused. 

      Do you have any reccomendation for the anxiety issues in the interim, Should I search out a psychiatrist? Would you reccomend I take the alprazolam I have on my desk from my old doctor to help with the anxiety and give my body some time to cool down, or could this have negative effects in the event a medical disorder is present? 

      Hope to hear back soon. 

      Thanks again Dr. Papathanasiou! 

    • Posted

      For economical reasons and if you had to choose, the audiogram is the more important to do now.  Taking whats on your desk (minimum dose) will not affect future treatment.

      Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, PhD, FEAN

      Clinical Neurophysiologist

      Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. 

      I'll post here once the audiogram is done and I have the results. 

    • Posted

      Hello Dr. Papathanasiou, 

      So I had an audiogram today and the ENT said I had next to perfect hearing and there was NO hearing loss, attributed my tinnitus to anxiety and being hyper sensitive as my health anxiety has really flared throughout this process. (which I agree with)  

      I also had an MRI which came back completely normal. It was done without contrast but all doctors have reassured me that any tumor or life thretening issues with my brain causing the symptoms would have been found. 

      I am awaiting to see a neurologist just to rule anything else out. 

      Since my MRI has come back normal, and my stress has died down I have been feeling quite a lot better and haven't had many issues.(hoping not to jinx it) 

      The ENT and new Dr. ran a much more in depth neurological exam and balance test and said I passed with flying colors. 

      My doctor found I had "off the charts low" vitamin D levels and has prescribed me a high dose Vit. D supplement. She said it was the lowest she has ever seen. So hopefully this will help. 

      As of now I'm either suspecting it was the Vit, D levels, anxiety or stress, or possible silent vestibular migraines as I'm now on a migraine diet. 

      If you have any other suggestions or comments I'd highly appreciate them! Let me know what you think of all this. 

      Thanks again for your time, we really appreciate it! 


    • Posted

      The normal audiogram is good.  No Meniere's disease.  The normal MRI is also good.  Your earlier physician mentioned an ear infection, which may have caused the tinnitus earlier on.  I expect that the tinnitus should go away, and fixing the Vitamin D may also help.

      Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, PhD, FEAN

      Clinical Neurophysiologist

      Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology

  • Edited

    Hello! I'm an 18 year old female who is suffering from very similar symptoms. About 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and type 1 diabetes. I have no idea if the symptoms are in any way related to these illnesses. To be honest, I don't think so. A few months after I got diagnosed, I went on a plane (about 9 hours) and when I got off, I felt like I was still on the plane, or some boat and just felt very unbalanced. This lasted for a few days and I went to an ENT specialist where they gave me some medication. I'm not sure whether the medication helped or not, but these symptoms got better. Then, after I got off the plane back, I got the same symptoms that lasted a few days too. This also got better. But then after another few months, I suddenly started to have difficulty concentrating, and I figured out that it was brain fog. I developed anxiety because of this, and for 5 years, 24/7, the brain fog is always here with me. It is getting worse and worse and recently I have been having major meltdowns as I also have health anxiety, and I am convinced that I have some rare type of neurological disorder or dementia. All my conversation with friends and family are now that I have dementia and I think I'm dying. They all think it's stress and anxiety but I really don't think so. By the way, I have taken 3 MRI scans (all showed up as normal), had epilepsy tests, tested for meniere's, and also have been to a psychologist where they gave me anti-anxiety medication (fluvoxamine). I was on fluvoxamine for about 2 years but all it did was make everything even more blurry to the point where I was too bothered to think about anything. I have also been experiencing derealization/depersonalization recently, and I have very bad mental fatigue. I could fall asleep any minute of the day and every minute that I am awake, I am battling this fatigue as my brain feels like it just wants to shut down.

    I have noticed that you posted this message 3 years ago, and I was curious about whether you found something close to a diagnosis/if you're coping okay/if your symptoms have improved etc. Sorry for the ling reply. I hope to hear from you soon. 😃

    • Edited

      Same ... are you good now? What happened? update? I legitimately have all of the same symptoms, down to the health anxiety. I'm in my teens and terrified my life will continue this way. Maybe it's a hormonal thing or anemia but if you dealt with it for 5 years ... *panics*. I've got the derealization as well; this is uncannily similar to my current situation.

  • Posted

    Not sure how much this will help, but i def. know how it feels to not have any clues!

    I read through your post here, and your replies back and forth with the Dr. I did all the exact tests you have, same conclusion on all (with the exception of my vitamin D being low, i supplement that and B vitamins) MY symptoms started back in September, it got so bad to where my heart was being affected, i've been since placed on Beta blockers- and they have really seemed to help significantly, as well as getting a psychiatrist for my anxiety and panic (I've always dealt with depression and anxiety quite severely) As hard as this sounds- trust me i know because i was in the same boat- It's SUPER important to try and do things, no matter how small, that lift your spirits, i.e: Video games, movies, board games, drawing, reading...etc. Anything that you enjoy, it's very important during these bleak moments of feeling like everything sucks.

    29 y/o Male btw.

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