Dizziness, headaches, foggy, pressure in head & plugged ears
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It's happening again, everyday it's the same thing and I don't know how to calm myself down. I think when ever I get these feeling I am going to pass out and die instantly. The dizziness gets so bad I have to hold my head and close my eyes I don't understand it. I always think I'm having a heart attack, stroke, blood clot in my head or cancer all the time because doctors still don't know why I get these symptoms. I get anxiety so bad because of the pain I get and I keep thinking the worse things. I keep thinking that i am getting the wrong diagnosis from the doctors and if I ignore the pain it is actually something serious then it's too late to do anything about it.
Tests that I got done in the last 3 years were: xray of my head and neck, mri of head, numerous blood work. I have done physio, chiro, acupuncture and massage therapy. Only thing that kind of helps is massage therapy which is what I am still doing now.
I am getting no answers and just worrying everyday. I just want these symptoms to go away I want my life back I don't feel like the same person anymore.
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ben99468 salsagirl20
18MAY15 @ 9:45pm East USA time
Please try to calm down and get into a "safe" position where things don't upset you so much. Where the symptoms subside somewhat, then stay there for a while until you can think a little more clearly. For me it's lieing down on my Left side, head up on a large pillow. Then, tell yourself what ever is wrong, it can't be so serious as those things, your imagination is running things.
Next, try to think about the different types of things that you mentioned and try to eliminate them one by one. For example, if you think it has something to do with your heart, try to measure your heart rate. Check your blood pressure. Try to do the same thing with those other things too.
Try to think logically. You surely don't have cancer or a stroke, because they would have seen it in the scans or blood work. Try to do this type of thinking with the other ideas too. Eventually you may be able to calm yourself to the point where you arn't thinking about those terrible possibilities, because logically they have no merit.
Dizziness and foggy head are not life threatening symptoms in your case because the doctors have been looking directly at the life threatening causes of those things. My symptoms were dizziness and foggy head, and I also had a full feeling in my ears. Those are normal symptoms for Vestibualr neuritis and Labyrinthitis. They can be controlled somewhat with decongestants even if it means steriodal anti inflamitory drugs. If over the counter stuff isn't working, there are stronger ones the doc can prescribe.
Remember the doctors run all those tests and diagnostics to eliminate possibilities one by one. You must get a hold of yourself and believe that they know what they are doing and that you don't have one of the dreaded things you mentioned.
If you can, focus your thaughts on those things that are not so serious, like the dizziness is coming from BPPV, or Vestubular inflamation. Something that can be overcome without serious operations.
For a moral booster, when you do get calmed down, try to go to the web site where Dr. Carol Foster of Univ. Colorado, tells about her bout with Menieres' and how she had to have the nerve cut, (that's a very serious plan of attack) only then she was hit with BPPV,. Read how she felt, what she did in her studies, and how she devised a self-help maneuver to stop that menace. I ask you to read her account because it might give you the courage to believe, and try to get into see someone that will help this time.
I hope you can get in to see a doctor even if you have to get someone to take you and go to an emergency room. Your situation sounds like you really need to get professional help soon. You need to stop some of the things that are bothering you like the fullness in your ears and the headaches, so you arn't so overwhelmed with everything all at once.
One last thing, You might consider keeping a diary or daily log of how you feel, and of each episode, and the doctor visits. That way you can go back and relive the previous "attacks" and read what the doctors have said about them and the tests and the test results. This should give you a logical way to see if you are over reacting and clear up some of the mystery as to whether or not some things are for sure not there.
Salsagirl, I sincerely feel for you, your insecurity is normal for someone who is dealing with dizziness for the first few times, especially if you are young. Try to believe you will get help and relief if you can just keep on trying. I wish you well asap.
salsagirl20 ben99468
I have been writting in a diary. I am hoping since I am seeing my doctor again that she can send me to a specialist and I can show them how I have been tracking my episodes.
Yes I have gone to the emergency 3 times in the past year. I had a panic attack once and thought I was having a heart attack. They checked my blood and did an xray of my lungs and found nothing. They said it was anxiety. I know for a fact my dizziness is not anxiety, or the pressure in my ears or headaches. I understand the heart racing, sweatyness and over thinking is my anxiety though.
I don't want to take meds because I don't want to be addicted. I already feel dizzy so I don't want the after effects of getting more dizzy after taking meds.
I am seeing my doctor tomorrow. I will keep you updated and let you guys know what she says.
Thank you for your response. You did calm me down a bit which helped.
pdzang58 salsagirl20
I was dizzy two weeks ago. I couldn't sit or stand. I felt that the world was going to end. I ended in the hospital for 4 days. Had cat scan, MRI and blood work. All was negative. I've been out of the hospital since Monday and still dizzy when I stand up. Sitting and laying down is no issue now, but standing and walking still
Is. It's not as bad, but it's still there and it suxs.
I was diagnosed with BPPV - vertigo. I do the head exercise plus you will find some videos on you tube that can help you. I haven't worked in the past two weeks, but going to try to go back Wednesday. Don't think the worst. You might have the same. I suffer from panic attacks but I knew it wasn't that! There's a lot of info out there about vertigo! 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻
Prinnie47 ben99468
Hi Ben,
This is the best response that I've read so far. I have been experiencing the same symptoms as Salsagirl for over 7 years now. It started with an extreme episode of vertigo, and ever since that time, I've had dizziness, fuzziness, and fullness in my head, sometimes accompanied by pressure in my ears, and a clogged feeling of bubbles in my throat. I have seen every doctor under the sun (cardiologist, neurologist, opthamologist, dentist, 4 ENTs, gastroenterologist, periodontist, etc.), and none seem to be able to figure out what is wrong with me. I am fearful of driving sometimes because I have had 2 episodes of vertigo while driving. But those episodes are so few and far between that I can't stop driving altogether. I am going to try some OTC meds, and maybe keep a food diary as well. The only thing that keeps me sane is that now I can usually tell when an episode is going to occur because I cough up, or blow out, discolored mucus (sorry for being gross).
LolaTheBunny16 Prinnie47
I agree & only read his response yesterday.
I googled the Dr he mentioned and watched her exercise video.
I did the exercises yesterday and can honestly say I have felt an improvement in my head already! It's only been 5 weeks for me ... So I am happy that I have found it already!
I would highly recommend trying it!
Prinnie47 LolaTheBunny16
Hi LolatheBunny16.
I will watch the video and give the exercises a try. At this point, it can't hurt, right?!
LolaTheBunny16 Prinnie47
Just in casers, I have also taken a Nurofen Plus & sprayed Nasonex to stop any perspective head pressure, & I feel almost 90% my normal self!
I have been feeling TERRIBLE & not worked the last 5 weeks ... So this is incredible!
I am in Australia so not sure if those medications are the same where you are.
Cstanley salsagirl20
Swhat LolaTheBunny16
Swhat LolaTheBunny16
LolaTheBunny16 Swhat
I don't know what it is called, but if you go to the top of the responses to Salsagirl, there is a long response from Ben (I think) .. He mentions a Dr who had similar symptoms & I googled her & found a YouTube video exercise.
I ended up having an MRI to rule out any nasty stuff, & after a week of no sleep & stress waiting for the results, was diagnosed with a chronic migraine. Thank God!!
Stematil has helped with the dizziness, & although the Neurologist gave me other tablets, I haven't really needed them.
I think it is just a severe reaction to stress for me.
D4n1 Prinnie47
How are you feeling now, any better?
Pawstruck salsagirl20
salsagirl20 Pawstruck
paula59 salsagirl20
salsagirl20 paula59
vadyso salsagirl20
veronica20125 salsagirl20
Did you get diagnosed?
If so can you share you diagnoses ?
I was given the diagnosis of Menieres but when I'm having head pressure, ear pressure, tingling and vibration feeling from the top of my head to mid body, fatigued the ENT says it's not Menieres.
I've seen numberous doctors from California to Texas. Vestibular migraines. I haven't found the right medication. Insurance ran out before Botox couldn't be given
veronica20125 salsagirl20
I have all the same symptoms you do.
How do you manage to work
I haven't worked in a year