dizziness, headaches, vision problems - help!
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This is my first post, I've never used a website like this before, I really feel like I need some help and advice. I have read a few discussions on here but would really like some feedback of my own.
For the past 8 months I have been suffering from dizziness, slow going at first and was manageable, but I am worried that it was a warning sign as things are getting worse.
When it first started I would get random dizzy attacks when moving my head (feel like the room around me was spinning or I was still moving when I wasnt) I went to the doctors and he explained it could be from my operation and my body getting over the anaesthetic, just a keyhole op to take appendix out. He recommended I wait and if it didn't improve within a month then to go back. I returned a month later as the symptoms hadn't improved and was put on some antibiotics to "relieve" the symptoms. When this didn't work I again returned only to be given a higher dose of them for a further month . I was then told to wait yet another month without them in the hope it would relieve the dizziness completely.
Then it started to get worse. My vision has changed and not become as clear almost a bit cloudy and I see flashing lights sometimes, I have had my eyes tested and even been to the hospital for a detailed eye examination -nothing. Then around 4 weeks ago I began getting migraines with aura and have had one a week since it started and the dizziness has become constant. I notice it really bad when I am still and concentrating and it feels as if everything around me is moving and also when I move then stand still a wave of dizziness comes over me and completely throws me off balance almost as if the ground is moving , I never fall but always feel like I am going to. I returned to the doctors last and have now been asked to get blood tests which are in 2 weeks ad have been referred to a neurologist which I have been told can take up to 8 weeks.
This week it has been extremely bad and has reduced me to tears a number of times as it really frightens me. I have had a constant headache sort of behind my eyes which feels dull and almost like there is pressure in my head, for the past 3 days and painkillers aren't helping. Every time I walk, move, or even am still the dizziness appears. It is affecting my work as I am unable to be at my computer a long time due to my vision. I was told to go back to the doctors should things get worse and plan to go tomorrow evening to out of hours. I really don't think that I can wait 8 weeks for a date to see the neurologist and feel it needs to be done sooner. I have been reading about my symptoms and have no clear steer on the possibility but I am really worried at the possibility of a brain tumor as a family member passed away of this last year.
I think it's important to note that I am 21, and generally eat well and exercise regularly (not as much as of late due to severe dizziness) At the end of last year I suffered from panic attacks, costochondritus and anxiety following the loss of a close family member. Once I went back to work January this year things improved hugely on that front. I understand that anxiety is often linked to dizziness but I am struggling to believe this has stemmed from that. I now only suffer anxiety of fear of these feelings returning.
If anyone could please shed some light on what they think this could be or if anyone is going through similar I would be so grateful.
1 like, 78 replies
zigla fairlove1
Was you also getting the headache and change in vision? Could this also be due to the bend in spine and neck? My posture when at work and seated all day is by no means great but something that didn't cross my mind.
zigla fairlove1
tammy1964 zigla
Hello...I have the same symtoms right now and the Dr.'s are haven't figured it out yet. Did you find out what was wrong yet?
Wendl fairlove1
crystal29909 fairlove1
crystal29909 fairlove1
anne05147 fairlove1
Please ensure your GP also refers you for an MRI to eliminate any physical cause. It will put your mind at rest whilst you explore other options.
DizzyDarren fairlove1
The only difference between me and you is that you are half my age, I haven't had any kind of operation and I haven't had costochondritus. Everything else you've described is exactly the same as me.
Panic attacks and anxiety does cause dizziness and dizziness does cause panic attacks and anxiety so round and round we go. I've learned that if I keep the anxiety at bay, I'm not so light headed.
Like you, I have suffered a close family berheavement, I think there is a definite link ! Have a word with your GP and see what they think.
Good luck with the ENT and take care in the mean time.
I went to the out of hours gp today as the headache just wasn't improving (day 4). Was given some sumatriptan as this gp was convinced it's all just a link to a migraine but he couldn't do much in the way of proving otherwise. Giving the tablets a go but not much improvement so far, both the headache and dizziness still there so I am not convinced this is the problem. Will ppersevere and finish the course.
Will still be going to my normal gp and will ask for an mri to put mind at rest and to hopefully speed this whole process up.
Thanks for the all of the advice on here and to anyone else suffering I wish you well, it is such a tough thing to deal with!
brenda71967 fairlove1
when I was reading your post, I was just shaking me head yes to everything you were saying. It was like I was posting it myself. I have all of those symptoms and the first thing I noticed when this first hit me, was ringing in both ears and my vision changed in my left eye immediately. Its blurry and sometimes I have double vision in it. I too have the spots and headaches everyday. I have been to the ENT, Neurologist, eye doctors, Emergency room, you name it I saw that Dr. too. I still have no answers and it has been exactly 1 year for me this month. MRI showed nothing. I can't move my head without getting dizzy and my eye won't focus and it makes me dizzier and I have tons of anxiety because of it. I am depressed top. It's miserable when you can't get any answers. there are days I don't want to live like this anymore and then I will have a so called "decent" day," but not a good day. The next few days will be horrific again. I notice that it has something to do with my vision. I have to wear a contact in my left eye now but sometimes I think it makes me dizzier. Who knows. Hang in there, we are all with you...I'm no doctor, but I feel sure you don't need to worry about a tumor or anything.. I thought the same thing and sometimes still do but the test show nothing. I'm sorry you feel like I do, it's not fun at all....Keep in touch,we will be waiting on your tests. Take care.....
fairlove1 brenda71967
Thanks for your message. It is so frustrating and worrying, like a vicious circle of anxiety to dizziness. This week I have felt better but by no means well, I am still getting headaches but they tend to come later in the day but I don't wake up with them and the dizziness is still therenjoy (no change). if I take a long walk I feel so nervous I am going to fall down when this dizziness begins that it brings out my anxiety again. I had my eyes re tested by orders of the doctor and my prescription is extremely different to what it was in June of this year, so this has probably had a part to play in the headaches due to wearing glasses with the wrong prescription in! Picked the new ones up today so fingers crossed on that side. Unfortunately I hadon't to stop taking sumatriptan as I was suffering with side effects. I have informed the gp surgery and am hoping that this will speed up the neuro app.
It is so stressful so thanks for your kind words. I am sorry that you have been suffering for so long now, is there nothing else they can do for you? I will let you know if I am suggested anything that you havent tried, I am determined not to leave the neuro without a solution or at the very least some kind of answer. I think my anxiety will cool down once serious conditions are (hopefully) ruled out. Best of luck to you
Thanks again
brenda71967 fairlove1
danshamrani fairlove1
Best wishes
Hamdan alshamrani