Dizzy dizzy dizzy

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Ok so I’m trying to get used to the fatigue but this dizziness is debilitating !!! Can’t stand it anymore !!!

I still try to do my run but it’s tough and uncomfortable love to hear from anybody else going through menopause that has this and is suffering too !

I started on the bio identicals 2 weeks ago and wonder if it’s making things worse ????? Help!! 

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lori. I'm going through perimenopause and experiencing the same symptoms and more!

    Firstly, you are doing great. The fact that you're out running and trying to maintain your fitness is brilliant. I am struggling. 43 and have always been very active, fit and well.

    I loved running and going to the gym and walks. Made me feel great.

    Since perimenopause has struck, I have found it very debilitating and difficult to maintain any kind of health and fitness regime and normality.

    It's awful.

    I long to get back to my old self...

    How are you finding the bio identical hormones? I've read lots of rave reviews about them and was looking into trying them myself.

    • Posted

      Hi Dora 

      I honestly don’t know how I’m doing it ! Gosh this will certainly make us all stronger that’s for sure. 

      I’ve only been on them 2 weeks and haven’t noticed anything different yet ? 

      I’m at the point whereby I want to just quit all the bloody supplements I’m taking and the BHRT and just go through naturally as unsure if BHRT can make you more dizzy ?

      However I’m told and have read that  it’s the lack of Estrogen that causes the dizziness .... I’m so confused and we’re so uneducated . There should be a specialized hormone dr on every corner . I go to a Japanese one and she’s really nice but English not great so it’s annoying . 

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    I’m in the same boat.  I tried HRT for 5 weeks and had to quit as it made everything worse it seemed.  I feel for you.  The dizzy issue is life altering.  
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      Hi Nettie 

      What happened when you stopped ? Did the symptoms get better ? How did it make things worse ? 

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      The irritability got better but I developed horrible horrible daily headaches.  Dizzy got worse on HRT too.  Wish I would have never tried them... I’m now more anxious and dizzy than before trying the HRT.    I know they’ve been good for some ladies but certainly not for me.  I wake up dizzy and go to bed dizzy.  I’ve had every test under the sun and everything comes back normal.  Scans, blood tests and much more.   
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    Feels like my brain is swirling in my head 
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      Pam, would love to talk to you some time.  Sounds like our symptoms are exactly the same!
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      Yesss!!! Just going to the store is a task . I’m trying to learn to live with it but it’s so confusing and debilitating !! I want my mommy 😩😩😩

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    I get dizziness when pollen season starts. It gets worse when I take plant estrogens. 
  • Posted

    Hi Lori

    Im post menopause 6 yrs.  I’ve had dizziness for 3 yrs.  I don’t take any hormones never have.  I also had dizziness during Peru but this is much worse.  I have been diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo (MAV) it’s not like a classic migraine at all.  Instead you have vertigo and dizziness, and the headache is silent.  My symptoms are sensations through my body like rocking on a boat, bobbing, raft floating feeling, dropping feelings, falling feeling, nausea, neck pain, and it’s triggered by foods, stress, anxiety, overrun exertion, I havevsound and light sensitivity.  It’s 24/7 and can feel ok one minute and dizzy the next.  I don’t know if you have any of this.  Meds of any kind can make it worse 

    • Posted

      Hi patty 

      That’s exactly how I explain it ‘like being on a boat ‘.

      I’ve had proper vertigo before but this is different . It has everything to do with low estrogen !!!

      We can eliminate everything we think it may be due to but after all the research I’ve done it’s definitely down to hormones .

      I personally think if certain pills situations didn’t make you dizzy before then they shouldn’t now . Just my opinion in this maze of confusion ! 

    • Posted

      I have the same sensations. It was really bad for over 2 years, but it has been getting a little by little. I been trying to avoid triggers. What are your triggers, Patty?
    • Posted

      HI Olga:

      My triggers are stress, lack of sleep, walking in big stores and malls, anxiety, certain foods and def gluten.  This gave me extreme anxiety and I had to start anxiety meds which are helping with both.  I'm glad yours is getting better on its own.  I had it in 2010 and then it returned in 2015 with a vengeance. 

  • Posted

    I went to physical therapy for vertigo and dizziness. It really helped. Dry needling, eye exercises, stabilization exercises. Some of the same exercises are on YouTube but of course the dry needling requires several hours of education and training. No meds have ever helped and I’m not on HRT yet.  Good luck 🍀 

    • Posted

      I’ve had vertigo for periods of up to 6 weeks and that can be cured with Epley procedure.  vertigo isn’t really a constant dizzy feeling it’s more like ... if you look down turn over in bed etc. this type of dizziness is constant I can handle vertigo but this 🙄 driving me crazy 

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