Dizzy/ feeling a little faint?!!
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Hi ladies,
not been feeling well since Saturday!, started with a migrane which woke me up, took a Sumertription straight away, which did ease throught the day, which then my bony started to ache all over (like I had ran the marathon my body literally ached all over! This proceeded right through Sunday and this morning felt 100% worse?!.
not only my whole body ached another full blown migrane , neck ache and through the day I felt weak to the point I was going to pass out like going black and like a sinking in water feeling?.
i don't know if the HRT I'm on is not working for me? If I've picked a virus up? I've no idea?
shold I be concened at how I'm feeling? I feel a little silly going to see my GP !, has this happened to you?. Any advice of anyone?.
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r43318 Shelly0069
Not sure if this helps but just reading your post it's like I wrote it myself. I am not on HRT, going through peri and still having periods. However, I woke up on Thursday evening with a migraine followed by two days of nausea, vomiting and an unreal tiredness and light-headedness. Migraine went off and came back, accross back of the head and top of neck. From what I've found out it seems like it could be stomach flu. It's going round in the UK. Feel better soon x
notsure47790 Shelly0069
I am having a rough time myself. These few days I have been tired again. I started birth control pills about a week ago. My period went on for about 7 days this time. It is usually 3-4. Anyway, today my body aches and my pinkie toes went numb again out of nowhere. The symptoms come at such random times that I never know what causes them. The season is such that body aches and migrane could easily be a virus. I know my numbness does not come from a virus.
but bone and body aches... give it a few days, drink lots of fluids and rest. Could just be a virus.
2blessed2bstressed Shelly0069
Omg!!! How long does this have to continue??? I too woke up at 3 am Saturday morning with migraine! And if that wasn't bad enough, I fell asleep on the couch for like 5 minutes when chest pain woke me up, just to get another aura before another migraine, went to ER where thank God everything was fine, but honestly have felt like crap now for the past 3 days! Oh and did I mention the ear ringing, neck aching, hand tingling and arm pain??? Please dear God give us relief from this crap!! Sorry for the rant, but I am sooo feeling your pain right now!
notsure47790 2blessed2bstressed
Please keep ranting for me too. I want to rant but no energy to do so tonight. My pinkies numb again today. Body aches and sleepy! Anxiety rockets 🚀!
Sending good thoughts!
elaine1033 notsure47790
I'm in same boat but I haven't started any hrt as I want to see if I can do without it , night sweats are reall bad at min and the migraine headaches were so bad the doctor put me on beta blockers and thankfully they have helped , has anyone got any ideas of what to try other than hrt?
notsure47790 elaine1033
I started birth control a week ago. The doc said at 35 and regular periods this is what I need to try. I resisted but have given up
I don't know what else to try. I thought to give it a chance.
There seem to be lifestyle changes that help some women. Sugar free diet, excersise, vitamins. My symptoms are so broad and appear and dissapear so randomely, I have never been able to point a finger at what makes it worse or better. Sorry for long post
elaine1033 notsure47790
I had a hysterectomy nearly four years ago because of very painful periods it was the best thing I ever done , can't sleep at night with the sweats and during the day I'm constantly having hot flushes 😬 , joints are always sore and constant ringing in the ears 😳Oh it's great being a woman 😂. Do you think the birth control will help your headaches? ,x
Forgot to mention I'm 48 and in full blown menopause, do you think it's safe to take hrt? X
maisie05 elaine1033
Hope you find something to help you
elaine1033 maisie05
lynn64813 Shelly0069
migranes, headaches, body aching blah blah blah, etc etc, so many symptoms we have to go through.
Today I woke up fine BUT around 10am:
my headache returned, back started to ache to the point I'm currently sitting with a hot water bottle on my back!!!!!!
i don't think this is a virus?.
im thinking that the HRT I'm currently on is NOT agreeing with me?
this is the second different brand I'm trying!!!! That to set off bad heads and migranes BUT nothing like what I'm experiencing at the moment, I know I'm not stressing about anything, just been really off since Friday?
ive tried Nurophen plus for my back but the bad heads / migranes, aching body it's just the pits!!!!
im only 47!
metamorphed Shelly0069
hi shelly. Just saw this post now and wondering how you are now? I was so ill the last 5 days with EXACTLY the same symptoms as you. Migraine that kept coming back, neck ache, awful tiredness and dizziness and the list goes on... I stuck it out and eventually went to doctor and it is a virus. Plenty of rest now and lots of water and ibuprofen. It's so hard to know if it is symptoms of menopause or something else and we wait it out.... So wondering if it has eased for you, I doubt the HRT is causing this for you.
Shelly0069 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed,
thankyou for asking, YES I'm better now.
hrt had nothing to do with it?
I believe it was a virus I had, although I didn't go to see the doctor,
im certainly feeling myself again.
many thanks for asking, and glad you are feeling much better too.
metamorphed Shelly0069