Dizzy nearly all the time
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Hello Ladies,
I have recently reached a year period free, which is great however i am now feeling dizzy most days ? I have had it before on and off over the peri meno years . . . but now it seems worse ? I also feel like i have been run over by a steam roller with no energy and general aches and pains . . .
I am beginning to think it must be something more serious . . . maybe MS ? The symptoms are similar. I had an MRI scan years ago because i felt like this, thankfully it was clear !
Anyone else have this or similar, i feel like my head isn't on straight . . . thats the only way i can describe it.
Deb x
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Gypsy014 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I get dizzy all the time too right before my monthly migraines strike! Do you have migraines as well? Or auras do off balance or fuzzy vision, lots of this is migraines painful or else silent with no pain just all the awfulness that comes along with the migraines..I was also worried about ms I had an MRI a couple months ago no dye though ,so it came back clear, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking what if they missed something because I couldn't have the dye.. Also I wonder if symptoms get worse before they get better because youve gone a year no periods now...well I hope you start to feel much better now that you are post meno... Take care❤
sunaina1983 debbie12340
Hellooo dear
Me in Peri and most scary symptom is Dizziness and off balance. Other symptoms come ans go but from last year this is constant.
Head pressure is worst .
This make me home bound
My Life fully change in peri .
Left my job ..home bound ..no enthu for life 😭😭
Hang is there
sunaina1983 debbie12340
Hellooo dear
Me in Peri and most scary symptom is Dizziness and off balance. Other symptoms come ans go but from last year this is constant.
Head pressure is worst .
This make me home bound
My Life fully change in peri .
Left my job ..home bound ..no enthu for life 😭😭
Hang is there
debbie12340 sunaina1983
oh no 😦 its's just awful isn't it ? It was slightly better yesterday but back again today ? I hate it, makes life so difficult . . .
Thank you for replying, i hope we get better soon xx
sunaina1983 debbie12340
I have drunk feeling every day.without drinking🙄😂.
Worst symptom for me .
Donot know when this end
Hoping for good days.
debbie12340 sunaina1983
Yes that's exactly it ! A drunk feeling xx
pamela2016 debbie12340
im right there with all you ladies 4 years of it for me praying for us all for this symptom to leave us all alone
debbie12340 pamela2016
Thank's Pamela 😃 We are all suffering the same horrendous symptom xx