Do these look like early arthiritis

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Hi folks

I am 33 and for the last few months my fingers on both hands are sore, tired and tingly or burning. Skin feels tight at times. I have gout since i was 25. Also have some psoriaisis.

I do worry a bit about my health and am googling any little symptom. I work as a software dev so use my hands quite a bit.

Just wondering if these pictures look normal or abnormal?


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi kfhealth18

    Is it in all your fingers or just thumb, forefinger and middle finger? may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which causes a tingling burny sensation. I had this many years ago when i was a Word Processor Operator. I had and op to release the trapped nerve in the carpal tunnel in wrist. Go to your doctor and arrange to see a Hand Specialist. It is easily resolved with an op.

  • Posted

    Well - since we dont have any images we can't say anything. This is not a forum for arthritis though - it is for an autoimmune vasculitis and our symptoms are a bit different plus we are all "just" patients. 

    If you have psoriasis and symptoms you think might be due to arthritis the person to ask is your GP as they could be linked.

  • Posted

    From our point of view at our ages they probably look perfectly normal hands! Yes, I do see your knuckles are enlarged and yes, that may be a sign of arthritis - but that doesn't change my advice: speak to your doctor. However - it is unusual for all joints to be affected at once in inflammatory arthritis and another cause of enlarged knuckles is osteoarthritis

    However - to some extent, it may simply be a sign of aging! I can't remember what my hands looked like at 23 or even 33 - but I do know there is no way I can get my wedding ring on now nor have I been able to for a long time, maybe 20-odd years and more, so before the age of 40. The reason? Because it won't go over the finger joint on my ring finger... When I look at my hands they are fairly even in size except for the distal joint on my right index finger which has very obvious Heberden's nodes. When they appear on the proximal joints they are called Bouchard's nodes.

    But in view of the tingling and soreness - check with your GP.

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